mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > Member List

This is the complete list of members for mln::labeled_image_base< I, E >, including all inherited members.
bbox(const typename I::value &label) const mln::labeled_image_base< I, E >
bbox_t typedefmln::labeled_image_base< I, E >
bboxes() const mln::labeled_image_base< I, E >
bkd_piter typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
category typedefmln::Image< E >
data_mln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E > [protected]
delegatee typedefmln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
delegatee_() constmln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
delegatee_()mln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
destroy()mln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
domain() constmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
domain_t typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
exact_t typedefmln::Object< E >
fwd_piter typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
has(const typename const I::psite &p) constmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >::has(const psite &p) constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
hook_data_() constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
id_() constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
Image()mln::Image< E > [inline, protected]
image_base(const image_base &rhs)mln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
image_base()mln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E > [protected]
image_fastest_()mln::internal::check::image_fastest_< E, mln::metal::equal< mln_trait_image_speed(E), trait::image::speed::fastest >::eval > [protected]
image_identity()mln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E > [protected]
image_morpher()mln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E > [protected]
index_of_point(const P &p) constmln::internal::check::image_fastest_< E, mln::metal::equal< mln_trait_image_speed(E), trait::image::speed::fastest >::eval >
init_update_data_()mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
is_valid() constmln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
labeled_image_base()mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [inline]
lvalue typedefmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
nlabels() const mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [inline]
nsites() constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
Object()mln::Object< E > [inline, protected]
operator()(const typename I::domain_t::psite &p) constmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
operator()(const typename I::domain_t::psite &p)mln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
operator=(const image_base &rhs)mln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
mln::internal::image_checked_::operator=(const J &rhs)mln::Image< E > [inline]
piter typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
prepare_update_data_(const typename I::value &lbl, const typename I::value &new_lbl)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
psite typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
relabel(const Function_v2v< F > &f)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [inline]
relabel(const Function_v2b< F > &f)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [inline]
relabel_(const Function_v2v< F > &f)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
relabel_(const Function_v2b< F > &f)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
rvalue typedefmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
rw()mln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
site typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
subdomain(const typename I::value &label) const mln::labeled_image_base< I, E >
super_ typedefmln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [private]
t_eligible_values_set typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
t_values_space typedefmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
unmorph typedefmln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
unmorph_()mln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
unmorph_() constmln::internal::image_morpher< const I, const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
update_data(const fun::i2v::array< typename I::value > &relabel_fun)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
update_data_(const fun::i2v::array< typename I::value > &relabel_fun)mln::labeled_image_base< I, E > [protected]
value typedefmln::internal::image_identity< const I, I::domain_t, E >
values_eligible() constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >
values_space() constmln::internal::image_base< const I::value, I::domain_t, E >