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Bug List

Member FreeMonoid ()
FIXME: this interface should not exist (freemonoid is not defined without an alphabet)

Member alphabet ()
FIXME: this interface should not exist (s.e. are const once instantiated)

Member SetSlotAttribute (const S &other)
For a number of reasons (see the mailing list), this constructor creates a fresh copy on the heap which is never deallocated.

Class SupportIterator
is not STL compliant yet.

FIXME: This should be defined differently.

Member op_contains (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &m)
FIXME Operators in krat.hxx are of the form:

Member op_in_mul (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &dst, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &arg)
FIXME: Add the following transformation in a separated function.

Member op_in_mul (const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const W &semiring, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &ret, const oTw &w)
FIXME: Add the following transformation in a separated function.

Member op_mul (const W &semiring, const algebra::Series< W, M > &s, const oTw &w, const rat::exp< Tm, Tw > &b)
FIXME: Add the following transformation in a separated function.

Member do_backward_closure_here (const AutomataBase< A_ > &, Auto &a)
FIXME: This converters should be removed

Member do_determinize (const AutomataBase< A > &a_set, output_t &output, const input_t &input, std::map< hstate_t, std::set< hstate_t > > &m)
FIXME: for the moment, it uses subset_construction and trim but it must be rewritten to do the twice at the same time more efficiently.

Member do_forward_closure_here (const AutomataBase< A_ > &, Auto &a)
FIXME: This converters should be removed

Member standardize (Element< A, T > &a)
Not implemented yed

Generated on Thu Dec 18 14:14:22 2003 for Vaucanson by doxygen 1.3.4