Window Member List

This is the complete list of members for Window, including all inherited members.

begin() const Window
begin_Window [protected]
compute_size()Window [protected]
end() const Window
end_Window [protected]
eof() const Window
eol() const Window
eol_Window [protected]
eol_value() const Window
iterator_t typedefWindow
length() const Window
length_Window [protected]
length_t typedefWindow
letter_t typedefWindow
moveto(length_t offset)Window
moveto(iterator_t position)Window
offset() const Window
operator[](length_t i) const Window
print(std::ostream &ostr) const Window
shift(unsigned int n)Window
size() const Window
size_Window [protected]
stream() const Window
stream_Window [protected]
string_t typedefWindow
Window(const iterator_t &stream, const iterator_t &eof, letter_t eol, length_t length)Window
window() const Window

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