Vcsn  2.3a
Be Rational
vcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool > Member List

This is the complete list of members for vcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >, including all inherited members.

dstvcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >
get_label() const vcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >inline
get_weight() const vcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >inline
label_t typedefvcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >
possibly_labeled_transition_tuple(State s, State d, label_t l)vcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >inline
set_label(label_t &l)vcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >inline
set_weight(weight_t &k) ATTRIBUTE_PUREvcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >inline
srcvcsn::possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, Label >
super_t typedefvcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >
transition_tuple(State s, State d, Label l, weight_t)vcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >inline
weight_t typedefvcsn::transition_tuple< State, Label, bool >