$\newcommand\ldivide{\setminus}$ Compute the left quotient of two automata, i.e. the automaton recognizing the language of words $v$ such that there exists a word $u$ recognized by lhs with $uv$ recognized by rhs.
In other words, it is the automata equivalent of languages left quotient, denoted by the operator $\ldivide$ or by a $-1$ exposant on the left-hand side, and defined by:
$$K \ldivide L = K^{-1}L = \bigcup\limits_{u \in K} u^{-1}L$$where $u^{-1}L$ is the (left) quotient of L by the word u, defined like this:
$$u^{-1}L = \bigcup\limits_{v \in L}u^{-1}v = \{w \mid uw \in L\}$$See also:
For two automata $\mathcal{A}_1, \mathcal{A}_2$ with respective state set $Q_1, Q_2$, the algorithm works as follows:
For every state pair $(q_1, q_2) \in Q_1 \times Q_2$, set $q_2$ as initial if the following conditions are respected:
$(q_1, q_2)$ is accessible in $\mathcal{A}_1 \times \mathcal{A}_2$
$q_1$ is final
Let $i_n$ and $f_n$ denote an initial and a final state of $\mathcal{A}_n$. The first condition ensures that, for any path $i_2 \xrightarrow{u} q2 \xrightarrow{v} f_2$, there is a path $(i_1, i_2) \xrightarrow{u} (q_1, q2)$ in $\mathcal{A}_1 \times \mathcal{A}_2$, and therefore a path $i_1 \xrightarrow{u} q_1$ in $\mathcal{A}_1$. The second condition ensures that $u$ is recognized by $\mathcal{A}_1$.
In the weighted case, the algorithm is similar to the conjunction between $\mathcal{A}_1$ and $\mathcal{A}_2$ except for three things:
import vcsn
ctx = vcsn.context('lan_char, b')
aut = lambda e: ctx.expression(e).automaton()
The quotient can be seen as a prefix-remover operator, such that the identity $u\backslash (uv) = v$ is respected for any word $u$ and $v$.
a1 = aut('ab').ldivide(aut('abcd'))
On this example, $u = ab$ and $v = cd$. The suppression of the original initial transitions (on state 0 in this example) will often lead to non-accessible states, which we may want to remove with the automaton.trim method:
The quotient of a language by a word is the union of word quotients for all words of the language:
aut('a').ldivide(aut('ab + ac + bc'))
Since "a" is not a prefix of "bc", it is not taken into account in the resulting automaton.
The quotient of two languages is the union of the quotient of the right-hand side by words of the left-hand side:
aut('a+b').ldivide(aut('ab + ac + bd + be'))
ldivide also works on weighted automata:
wctx = vcsn.context('lan_char, q')
waut = lambda e: wctx.expression(e).automaton()
The right quotient of a language by a word is defined similarly as the left quotient:
$L / v = \bigcup\limits_{u \in L}u / v = \{w \mid wv \in L\}$
Which naturaly leads to the right quotient of two languages:
$K / L = \bigcup\limits_{v \in L} K / v$
The right quotient can be expressed using the left quotient and the transpose operator:
$K / L = (L^t \ldivide K^t)^t$
def rdivide(a1, a2):
return (a2.transpose().ldivide(a1.transpose())).transpose()
rdivide(aut('abc'), aut('c'))