2 Clonification

Given this wonderful standalone Common Lisp application, how do I know if it uses Clon for handing the command-line? Perhaps the simplest way to know is to type

program --clon-help

and see what happens. If you get an error, then you are out of luck. Otherwise, you will get a list of Clon-specific options. Every clonified application has these options built-in, and they are all called --clon-something. We will describe most of them when appropriate in this manual, but here’s already the description for a couple of them (in addition to --clon-help that we’ve just mentioned).


When given this option, the application outputs a whole bunch of information, including the version of Clon it is using, and Clon-specific copyright information.


This option makes the application output the version of Clon it is using. By default (or by using it like this: --clon-version=long), this information is provided in long form (release number, status and name; just try it). If you ask for --clon-version=short, you’ll get a more compact version information, and if you try --clon-version=number, you will end up with a purely numerical version number. For more information on Clon version numbering, see Version Numbering in The Clon User Manual.


Finally, this option displays some information about the underlying Lisp implementation that was used to create this executable.