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mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E > Class Template Reference

Factoring class for (set) iterators on mln::complex. More...

#include <complex_set_iterator_base.hh>

Inheritance diagram for mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Object< void > category
typedef F::complex_type complex_type
typedef E exact_t
typedef F face
 The type of the iterated faces.
typedef F face_type
 The type of the iterated faces.

Public Member Functions

void next ()
 Go to the next element.

 complex_set_iterator_base ()
 Construction and assignment.
 complex_set_iterator_base (const complex_type &c)

void set_cplx (const complex_type &c)
bool is_valid () const
 Test if the iterator is valid.
void invalidate ()
 Invalidate the iterator.

const facesubject () const
 operator const F & () const
 Implicit conversion (conversion operator).

Protected Attributes

face f_
 The face handle this iterator is pointing to.

Private Types

complex_set_iterator_base< F,
E > 

Detailed Description

template<typename F, typename E>
class mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >

Factoring class for (set) iterators on mln::complex.

Template Parameters:
F The type of the face handle.
E The type exact type of the iterator.

Definition at line 57 of file complex_set_iterator_base.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename E>
typedef Object<void> mln::Object< E >::category [inherited]

Reimplemented in mln::Accumulator< E >, mln::Browsing< E >, mln::Delta_Point_Site< E >, mln::Dpoint< E >, mln::Function< E >, mln::Function_n2v< E >, mln::Function_v2v< E >, mln::Function_v2b< E >, mln::Function_vv2v< E >, mln::Function_vv2b< E >, mln::Gdpoint< E >, mln::Gpoint< E >, mln::Graph< E >, mln::Image< E >, mln::Literal< E >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< E >, mln::Meta_Function< E >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< E >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< E >, mln::Neighborhood< E >, mln::Point_Site< E >, mln::Proxy< E >, mln::Pseudo_Site< E >, mln::Site< E >, mln::Site_Proxy< E >, mln::Site_Set< E >, mln::Value< E >, mln::Value_Set< E >, mln::Weighted_Window< E >, mln::Window< E >, mln::value::Data< E >, mln::value::Floating< E >, mln::value::Integer< E >, mln::value::Scalar< E >, mln::value::Structured< E >, mln::value::Symbolic< E >, mln::Accumulator< sum< typename mln::value::props< T >::sum, S > >, mln::Accumulator< mean< T, S, M > >, mln::Accumulator< max_site< I > >, mln::Accumulator< val< A > >, mln::Accumulator< p< A > >, mln::Accumulator< histo< value::set< T > > >, mln::Accumulator< pair< A1, A2, T > >, mln::Accumulator< histo< S > >, mln::Accumulator< bbox< typename S::site > >, mln::Accumulator< sup< T > >, mln::Accumulator< histo< T > >, mln::Accumulator< var< T > >, mln::Accumulator< card< I > >, mln::Accumulator< bbox< typename Sc::site > >, mln::Accumulator< max_h< V > >, mln::Accumulator< count< T > >, mln::Accumulator< rank< T > >, mln::Accumulator< count_labels< L > >, mln::Accumulator< min< V > >, mln::Accumulator< height< I > >, mln::Accumulator< histo3d_rgb< V > >, mln::Accumulator< bbox< P > >, mln::Accumulator< lor >, mln::Accumulator< min_h< V > >, mln::Accumulator< histo< V > >, mln::Accumulator< median_alt< value::set< T > > >, mln::Accumulator< median_h< V > >, mln::Accumulator< min< T > >, mln::Accumulator< median_alt< S > >, mln::Accumulator< inf< T > >, mln::Accumulator< histo< typename I::value > >, mln::Accumulator< rank_high_quant< T > >, mln::Accumulator< count< P > >, mln::Accumulator< rank< bool > >, mln::Accumulator< center< P, V > >, mln::Accumulator< sum< T, S > >, mln::Accumulator< maj_h< T > >, mln::Accumulator< median_h< typename I::value > >, mln::Accumulator< count_adjacent_vertices< F, S > >, mln::Accumulator< rms< T, V > >, mln::Accumulator< sum< I, S > >, mln::Accumulator< tuple< A, n, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(10, T)> >, mln::Accumulator< nil< T > >, mln::Accumulator< max< V > >, mln::Accumulator< volume< I > >, mln::Accumulator< lor_basic >, mln::Accumulator< variance< T, S, R > >, mln::Accumulator< sharpness< I > >, mln::Accumulator< count_value< V > >, mln::Accumulator< land_basic >, mln::Accumulator< count_adjacent_vertices< I > >, mln::Accumulator< land >, mln::Accumulator< convolve< T1, T2, R > >, mln::Accumulator< rectangularity< P > >, mln::Accumulator< label_used< L > >, mln::Accumulator< pair< min< V >, max< V >, mln_argument(min< V >) > >, mln::Accumulator< max< T > >, mln::Accumulator< deviation< T, S, M > >, mln::Browsing< dir_struct_elt_incr_update_t >, mln::Browsing< diagonal2d_t >, mln::Browsing< directional_t >, mln::Browsing< fwd_t >, mln::Browsing< hyper_directional_t >, mln::Browsing< snake_generic_t >, mln::Browsing< breadth_first_search_t >, mln::Browsing< snake_fwd_t >, mln::Browsing< backdiagonal2d_t >, mln::Browsing< snake_vert_t >, mln::Browsing< depth_first_search_t >, mln::Function< f_rgb_to_hsi_< T_hsi > >, mln::Function< id2element< G, Elt > >, mln::Function< myfun >, mln::Function< f_box2d_t >, mln::Function< function< meta::hue< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function< mahalanobis< V > >, mln::Function< le< L, R > >, mln::Function< f_hsi_to_rgb_< T_rgb > >, mln::Function< dashed_line_f< I, dim > >, mln::Function< viota_t< S > >, mln::Function< chess >, mln::Function< is_dot >, mln::Function< component< T, i > >, mln::Function< white_gaussian< V > >, mln::Function< projection< P, dir > >, mln::Function< sqrt >, mln::Function< rgbn_to_lbl8< n > >, mln::Function< qrde >, mln::Function< value_at_index< T > >, mln::Function< function< meta::sat< value::hsl_< H, S, L > > > >, mln::Function< has< I > >, mln::Function< is_edge >, mln::Function< is_row_odd >, mln::Function< mysqrt >, mln::Function< my_values_t >, mln::Function< cast< V > >, mln::Function< eq< L, R > >, mln::Function< land< L, R > >, mln::Function< big_chess< B > >, mln::Function< function< meta::sat< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function< rgb8_to_rgbn< n > >, mln::Function< keep_specific_colors >, mln::Function< function< meta::second< util::couple< T, U > > > >, mln::Function< my_box2d >, mln::Function< cos< V > >, mln::Function< vec< V > >, mln::Function< wrap< L > >, mln::Function< iota >, mln::Function< gt< L, R > >, mln::Function< f_hsl_to_rgb_< T_rgb > >, mln::Function< land_not< L, R > >, mln::Function< ref_data >, mln::Function< f_16_to_8 >, mln::Function< test >, mln::Function< linear_sat< V, T, R > >, mln::Function< linfty_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function< round_sat_< R > >, mln::Function< is_pixel >, mln::Function< function< meta::to_enc< T > > >, mln::Function< mirror< B > >, mln::Function< index_of_value< bool > >, mln::Function< dist >, mln::Function< is_n_face< N > >, mln::Function< rgb_to_luma< T_luma > >, mln::Function< function< meta::inty< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function< to23bits >, mln::Function< function< meta::green< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function< function< meta::red< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function< to19bits >, mln::Function< function< meta::first< util::couple< T, U > > > >, mln::Function< all_to< T > >, mln::Function< min< L, R > >, mln::Function< is_separator >, mln::Function< saturate< V > >, mln::Function< qt_rgb_to_int_u< n > >, mln::Function< lt< L, R > >, mln::Function< is_simple_cell< I > >, mln::Function< var_< V > >, mln::Function< edge_to_color< I, V > >, mln::Function< ch_function_value< F, V > >, mln::Function< lor< L, R > >, mln::Function< viota_t >, mln::Function< l1_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function< colorize >, mln::Function< tautology >, mln::Function< index_of_value< T > >, mln::Function< fold< P, dir_0, dir_1, dir_2 > >, mln::Function< translation< n, C > >, mln::Function< l1_norm< V > >, mln::Function< round< R > >, mln::Function< point_from_value< T > >, mln::Function< convert< V > >, mln::Function< to27bits >, mln::Function< my_fun< G > >, mln::Function< to16bits >, mln::Function< wrap >, mln::Function< not_to_remove >, mln::Function< tofloat01 >, mln::Function< abs< V > >, mln::Function< unary< Fun, T > >, mln::Function< rotation< n, C > >, mln::Function< enc< V > >, mln::Function< f_box1d_t >, mln::Function< threshold< V > >, mln::Function< saturate_rgb8 >, mln::Function< max< V > >, mln::Function< f_rgb_to_hsl_< T_hsl > >, mln::Function< diff_abs< V > >, mln::Function< rgb_to_int_u< n > >, mln::Function< to8bits >, mln::Function< function< meta::hue< value::hsl_< H, S, L > > > >, mln::Function< rgb_to_dist< T, n > >, mln::Function< d_t >, mln::Function< value_at_index< bool > >, mln::Function< my_ext >, mln::Function< cast_p2v_expr_< V, F > >, mln::Function< linear< V, T, R > >, mln::Function< l2_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function< implies< L, R > >, mln::Function< lnot< V > >, mln::Function< translation_t< P > >, mln::Function< ge< L, R > >, mln::Function< function< meta::lum< value::hsl_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function< binary< Fun, T1, T2 > >, mln::Function< f_box3d_t >, mln::Function< function< meta::blue< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function< antilogy >, mln::Function< dist_t >, mln::Function< lxor< L, R > >, mln::Function_n2v< white_gaussian< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< f_rgb_to_hsi_< T_hsi > >, mln::Function_v2v< id2element< G, Elt > >, mln::Function_v2v< f_box2d_t >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::hue< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< mahalanobis< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< f_hsi_to_rgb_< T_rgb > >, mln::Function_v2v< dashed_line_f< I, dim > >, mln::Function_v2v< viota_t< S > >, mln::Function_v2v< chess >, mln::Function_v2v< is_dot >, mln::Function_v2v< component< T, i > >, mln::Function_v2v< projection< P, dir > >, mln::Function_v2v< sqrt >, mln::Function_v2v< rgbn_to_lbl8< n > >, mln::Function_v2v< qrde >, mln::Function_v2v< value_at_index< T > >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::sat< value::hsl_< H, S, L > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< has< I > >, mln::Function_v2v< is_edge >, mln::Function_v2v< is_row_odd >, mln::Function_v2v< mysqrt >, mln::Function_v2v< my_values_t >, mln::Function_v2v< cast< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< big_chess< B > >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::sat< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< rgb8_to_rgbn< n > >, mln::Function_v2v< keep_specific_colors >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::second< util::couple< T, U > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< my_box2d >, mln::Function_v2v< cos< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< wrap< L > >, mln::Function_v2v< iota >, mln::Function_v2v< f_hsl_to_rgb_< T_rgb > >, mln::Function_v2v< ref_data >, mln::Function_v2v< f_16_to_8 >, mln::Function_v2v< test >, mln::Function_v2v< linear_sat< V, T, R > >, mln::Function_v2v< linfty_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function_v2v< round_sat_< R > >, mln::Function_v2v< is_pixel >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::to_enc< T > > >, mln::Function_v2v< mirror< B > >, mln::Function_v2v< index_of_value< bool > >, mln::Function_v2v< is_n_face< N > >, mln::Function_v2v< rgb_to_luma< T_luma > >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::inty< value::hsi_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< to23bits >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::green< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::red< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< to19bits >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::first< util::couple< T, U > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< all_to< T > >, mln::Function_v2v< is_separator >, mln::Function_v2v< saturate< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< qt_rgb_to_int_u< n > >, mln::Function_v2v< is_simple_cell< I > >, mln::Function_v2v< var_< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< edge_to_color< I, V > >, mln::Function_v2v< ch_function_value< F, V > >, mln::Function_v2v< viota_t >, mln::Function_v2v< l1_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function_v2v< colorize >, mln::Function_v2v< tautology >, mln::Function_v2v< index_of_value< T > >, mln::Function_v2v< fold< P, dir_0, dir_1, dir_2 > >, mln::Function_v2v< translation< n, C > >, mln::Function_v2v< l1_norm< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< round< R > >, mln::Function_v2v< point_from_value< T > >, mln::Function_v2v< convert< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< to27bits >, mln::Function_v2v< to16bits >, mln::Function_v2v< wrap >, mln::Function_v2v< not_to_remove >, mln::Function_v2v< tofloat01 >, mln::Function_v2v< abs< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< unary< Fun, T > >, mln::Function_v2v< rotation< n, C > >, mln::Function_v2v< enc< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< f_box1d_t >, mln::Function_v2v< threshold< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< saturate_rgb8 >, mln::Function_v2v< f_rgb_to_hsl_< T_hsl > >, mln::Function_v2v< rgb_to_int_u< n > >, mln::Function_v2v< to8bits >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::hue< value::hsl_< H, S, L > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< rgb_to_dist< T, n > >, mln::Function_v2v< value_at_index< bool > >, mln::Function_v2v< my_ext >, mln::Function_v2v< cast_p2v_expr_< V, F > >, mln::Function_v2v< linear< V, T, R > >, mln::Function_v2v< l2_norm< V, R > >, mln::Function_v2v< lnot< V > >, mln::Function_v2v< translation_t< P > >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::lum< value::hsl_< H, S, I > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< binary< Fun, T1, T2 > >, mln::Function_v2v< f_box3d_t >, mln::Function_v2v< function< meta::blue< value::rgb< n > > > >, mln::Function_v2v< antilogy >, mln::Function_v2b< f_box2d_t >, mln::Function_v2b< dashed_line_f< I, dim > >, mln::Function_v2b< chess >, mln::Function_v2b< is_dot >, mln::Function_v2b< has< I > >, mln::Function_v2b< is_edge >, mln::Function_v2b< is_row_odd >, mln::Function_v2b< big_chess< B > >, mln::Function_v2b< keep_specific_colors >, mln::Function_v2b< my_box2d >, mln::Function_v2b< is_pixel >, mln::Function_v2b< is_n_face< N > >, mln::Function_v2b< is_separator >, mln::Function_v2b< is_simple_cell< I > >, mln::Function_v2b< tautology >, mln::Function_v2b< not_to_remove >, mln::Function_v2b< f_box1d_t >, mln::Function_v2b< threshold< V > >, mln::Function_v2b< lnot< V > >, mln::Function_v2b< f_box3d_t >, mln::Function_v2b< antilogy >, mln::Function_vv2v< myfun >, mln::Function_vv2v< land< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2v< vec< V > >, mln::Function_vv2v< land_not< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2v< dist >, mln::Function_vv2v< min< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2v< lor< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2v< max< V > >, mln::Function_vv2v< diff_abs< V > >, mln::Function_vv2v< d_t >, mln::Function_vv2v< dist_t >, mln::Function_vv2v< lxor< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< le< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< eq< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< gt< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< lt< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< implies< L, R > >, mln::Function_vv2b< ge< L, R > >, mln::Gdpoint< dpoint< G, C > >, mln::Gdpoint< dpoint< M, C > >, mln::Gpoint< point< G, C > >, mln::Gpoint< point< grid::hexa, def::coord > >, mln::Graph< graph >, mln::Graph< line_graph< G > >, mln::Image< vertex_image< P, V, G > >, mln::Image< labeled_image< I > >, mln::Image< fun_image< F, I > >, mln::Image< sub_image_if< I, S > >, mln::Image< image< F, S > >, mln::Image< tr_image< S, I, T > >, mln::Image< thrubin_image< I1, I2, F > >, mln::Image< sub_image< I, S > >, mln::Image< complex_image< D, G, V > >, mln::Image< thru_image< I, F > >, mln::Image< decorated_image< I, D > >, mln::Image< transformed_image< I, F > >, mln::Image< image_if< I, F > >, mln::Image< image3d< T > >, mln::Image< extended< I > >, mln::Image< safe_image< I > >, mln::Image< extension_fun< I, F > >, mln::Image< ch_piter_image< I, Fwd > >, mln::Image< lazy_image< I, F, B > >, mln::Image< image2d< T > >, mln::Image< extension_val< I > >, mln::Image< image1d< T > >, mln::Image< plain< I > >, mln::Image< hexa< image2d< V > > >, mln::Image< my_image2d< T > >, mln::Image< image3d< unsigned > >, mln::Image< interpolated< I, F > >, mln::Image< hexa< I > >, mln::Image< flat_image< T, S > >, mln::Image< edge_image< P, V, G > >, mln::Image< p2p_image< I, F > >, mln::Image< stack_image< n, I > >, mln::Image< image3d< t_label > >, mln::Image< extension_ima< I, J > >, mln::Image< slice_image< I > >, mln::Image< violent_cast_image< T, I > >, mln::Image< cast_image_< T, I > >, mln::Image< image2d< bool > >, mln::Image< unproject_image< I, D, F > >, mln::Literal< orange_t >, mln::Literal< magenta_t >, mln::Literal< violet_t >, mln::Literal< pink_t >, mln::Literal< olive_t >, mln::Literal< red_t >, mln::Literal< purple_t >, mln::Literal< min_t >, mln::Literal< yellow_t >, mln::Literal< teal_t >, mln::Literal< max_t >, mln::Literal< black_t >, mln::Literal< cyan_t >, mln::Literal< identity_t >, mln::Literal< brown_t >, mln::Literal< dark_gray_t >, mln::Literal< white_t >, mln::Literal< medium_gray_t >, mln::Literal< one_t >, mln::Literal< green_t >, mln::Literal< light_gray_t >, mln::Literal< zero_t >, mln::Literal< lime_t >, mln::Literal< blue_t >, mln::Literal< origin_t >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< max_h >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< p< mA > >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< deviation >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< sum >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< rank >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< maj_h >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< center >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< sup >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< tuple< n, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(10, T)> >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< median_alt< T > >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< label_used >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< count_labels >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< histo >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< lor >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< histo3d_rgb >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< median_h >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< nil >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< min >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< inf >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< max >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< height >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< count >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< max_site >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< bbox >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< mean >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< val< mA > >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< rank_high_quant >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< count_adjacent_vertices >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< rms >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< lor_basic >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< pair< A1, A2 > >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< land >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< land_basic >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< count_value >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< volume >, mln::Meta_Accumulator< min_h >, mln::Meta_Function< comp >, mln::Meta_Function< scomp< ith > >, mln::Meta_Function< comp_count >, mln::Meta_Function< ithcomp >, mln::Meta_Function< sup >, mln::Meta_Function< sli >, mln::Meta_Function< red >, mln::Meta_Function< col >, mln::Meta_Function< inf >, mln::Meta_Function< composition< mln::Meta_Function_v2v, F, mln::Meta_Function_v2v, G > >, mln::Meta_Function< abs >, mln::Meta_Function< mean >, mln::Meta_Function< l1 >, mln::Meta_Function< blue >, mln::Meta_Function< l2 >, mln::Meta_Function< from_accu< A > >, mln::Meta_Function< compose >, mln::Meta_Function< green >, mln::Meta_Function< composition< mln::Meta_Function_v2v, F, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v, G > >, mln::Meta_Function< cos >, mln::Meta_Function< linfty >, mln::Meta_Function< row >, mln::Meta_Function< accu_result >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< comp >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< scomp< ith > >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< comp_count >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< sli >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< red >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< col >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< composition< mln::Meta_Function_v2v, F, mln::Meta_Function_v2v, G > >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< abs >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< mean >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< l1 >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< blue >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< l2 >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< from_accu< A > >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< green >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< cos >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< linfty >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< row >, mln::Meta_Function_v2v< accu_result >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< ithcomp >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< sup >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< inf >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< compose >, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v< composition< mln::Meta_Function_v2v, F, mln::Meta_Function_vv2v, G > >, mln::Neighborhood< neighb< W > >, mln::Neighborhood< neighb< graph_elt_mixed_window< G, S, S2 > > >, mln::Neighborhood< neighb< graph_elt_window_if< G, S, I > > >, mln::Neighborhood< neighb< graph_elt_window< G, S > > >, mln::Neighborhood< mixed_neighb< W > >, mln::Point_Site< P >, mln::Proxy< sum< typename mln::value::props< T >::sum, S > >, mln::Proxy< mean< T, S, M > >, mln::Proxy< max_site< I > >, mln::Proxy< p_complex_faces_fwd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Proxy< val< A > >, mln::Proxy< p< A > >, mln::Proxy< up_node_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< histo< value::set< T > > >, mln::Proxy< p_faces_bkd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Proxy< shell< F, I > >, mln::Proxy< pair< A1, A2, T > >, mln::Proxy< neighb_bkd_niter< W > >, mln::Proxy< histo< S > >, mln::Proxy< complex_psite< D, G > >, mln::Proxy< array_fwd_iter< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_edges_psite< G, F > >, mln::Proxy< bbox< typename S::site > >, mln::Proxy< box_runend_piter< P > >, mln::Proxy< timer >, mln::Proxy< sup< T > >, mln::Proxy< histo< T > >, mln::Proxy< var< T > >, mln::Proxy< card< I > >, mln::Proxy< bbox< typename Sc::site > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_nbh_vertex_bkd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< max_h< V > >, mln::Proxy< count< T > >, mln::Proxy< rank< T > >, mln::Proxy< count_labels< L > >, mln::Proxy< set_bkd_iter< T > >, mln::Proxy< min< V > >, mln::Proxy< height< I > >, mln::Proxy< dn_leaf_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< histo3d_rgb< V > >, mln::Proxy< bbox< P > >, mln::Proxy< p_run_bkd_piter_< P > >, mln::Proxy< lor >, mln::Proxy< p_run_fwd_piter_< P > >, mln::Proxy< min_h< V > >, mln::Proxy< histo< V > >, mln::Proxy< p_indexed_psite< S > >, mln::Proxy< dn_site_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< graph_window_if_piter< S, W, I > >, mln::Proxy< median_alt< value::set< T > > >, mln::Proxy< p_indexed_fwd_piter< S > >, mln::Proxy< edge_bkd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_bkd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< median_h< V > >, mln::Proxy< min< T > >, mln::Proxy< median_alt< S > >, mln::Proxy< inf< T > >, mln::Proxy< histo< typename I::value > >, mln::Proxy< p_transformed_piter< Pi, S, F > >, mln::Proxy< multiple_size_qiter< n, W, F > >, mln::Proxy< rank_high_quant< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_complex_faces_bkd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Proxy< count< P > >, mln::Proxy< rank< bool > >, mln::Proxy< center< P, V > >, mln::Proxy< sum< T, S > >, mln::Proxy< p_double_psite< S, Sp > >, mln::Proxy< graph_window_piter< S, W, I > >, mln::Proxy< faces_psite< N, D, P > >, mln::Proxy< maj_h< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_faces_fwd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Proxy< p_graph_piter< S, I > >, mln::Proxy< box_runstart_piter< P > >, mln::Proxy< proxy< I > >, mln::Proxy< median_h< typename I::value > >, mln::Proxy< count_adjacent_vertices< F, S > >, mln::Proxy< depth1st_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_run_psite< P > >, mln::Proxy< array_bkd_iter< T > >, mln::Proxy< rms< T, V > >, mln::Proxy< sum< I, S > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_nbh_vertex_fwd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< neighb_fwd_niter< W > >, mln::Proxy< dn_node_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_complex_fwd_piter_< D, G > >, mln::Proxy< up_site_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< tuple< A, n, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(10, T)> >, mln::Proxy< complex_window_fwd_piter< I, G, W > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_nbh_edge_bkd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< nil< T > >, mln::Proxy< p_centered_piter< W > >, mln::Proxy< p_complex_bkd_piter_< D, G > >, mln::Proxy< set_fwd_iter< T > >, mln::Proxy< edge_nbh_edge_fwd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< box_bkd_piter_< P > >, mln::Proxy< complex_window_bkd_piter< I, G, W > >, mln::Proxy< max< V > >, mln::Proxy< volume< I > >, mln::Proxy< box_fwd_piter_< P > >, mln::Proxy< complex_neighborhood_fwd_piter< I, G, N > >, mln::Proxy< p_n_faces_bkd_piter< D, G > >, mln::Proxy< lor_basic >, mln::Proxy< p_n_faces_fwd_piter< D, G > >, mln::Proxy< edge_nbh_edge_bkd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< variance< T, S, R > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_nbh_edge_fwd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< multiple_qiter< W, F > >, mln::Proxy< sharpness< I > >, mln::Proxy< count_value< V > >, mln::Proxy< land_basic >, mln::Proxy< count_adjacent_vertices< I > >, mln::Proxy< edge_fwd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< land >, mln::Proxy< convolve< T1, T2, R > >, mln::Proxy< rectangularity< P > >, mln::Proxy< label_used< L > >, mln::Proxy< complex_neighborhood_bkd_piter< I, G, N > >, mln::Proxy< pair< min< V >, max< V >, mln_argument(min< V >) > >, mln::Proxy< p_indexed_bkd_piter< S > >, mln::Proxy< dpsites_bkd_piter< V > >, mln::Proxy< p_double_piter< S, I1, I2 > >, mln::Proxy< max< T > >, mln::Proxy< vertex_fwd_iterator< G > >, mln::Proxy< hexa_fwd_piter_< S > >, mln::Proxy< up_leaf_piter< T > >, mln::Proxy< deviation< T, S, M > >, mln::Proxy< dpsites_fwd_piter< V > >, mln::Proxy< p_vertices_psite< G, F > >, mln::Proxy< p_if_piter_< Pi, S, F > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< complex_psite< D, G > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< p_edges_psite< G, F > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< p_indexed_psite< S > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< p_double_psite< S, Sp > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< faces_psite< N, D, P > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< p_run_psite< P > >, mln::Pseudo_Site< p_vertices_psite< G, F > >, mln::Site< vertex< G > >, mln::Site< point< G, C > >, mln::Site< point< grid::hexa, def::coord > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_complex_faces_fwd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< up_node_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_faces_bkd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< neighb_bkd_niter< W > >, mln::Site_Proxy< complex_psite< D, G > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_edges_psite< G, F > >, mln::Site_Proxy< box_runend_piter< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< dn_leaf_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_run_bkd_piter_< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_run_fwd_piter_< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_indexed_psite< S > >, mln::Site_Proxy< dn_site_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< graph_window_if_piter< S, W, I > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_indexed_fwd_piter< S > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_transformed_piter< Pi, S, F > >, mln::Site_Proxy< multiple_size_qiter< n, W, F > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_complex_faces_bkd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_double_psite< S, Sp > >, mln::Site_Proxy< graph_window_piter< S, W, I > >, mln::Site_Proxy< faces_psite< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_faces_fwd_piter_< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_graph_piter< S, I > >, mln::Site_Proxy< box_runstart_piter< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< depth1st_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_run_psite< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< neighb_fwd_niter< W > >, mln::Site_Proxy< dn_node_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_complex_fwd_piter_< D, G > >, mln::Site_Proxy< up_site_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< complex_window_fwd_piter< I, G, W > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_centered_piter< W > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_complex_bkd_piter_< D, G > >, mln::Site_Proxy< box_bkd_piter_< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< complex_window_bkd_piter< I, G, W > >, mln::Site_Proxy< box_fwd_piter_< P > >, mln::Site_Proxy< complex_neighborhood_fwd_piter< I, G, N > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_n_faces_bkd_piter< D, G > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_n_faces_fwd_piter< D, G > >, mln::Site_Proxy< multiple_qiter< W, F > >, mln::Site_Proxy< complex_neighborhood_bkd_piter< I, G, N > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_indexed_bkd_piter< S > >, mln::Site_Proxy< dpsites_bkd_piter< V > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_double_piter< S, I1, I2 > >, mln::Site_Proxy< hexa_fwd_piter_< S > >, mln::Site_Proxy< up_leaf_piter< T > >, mln::Site_Proxy< dpsites_fwd_piter< V > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_vertices_psite< G, F > >, mln::Site_Proxy< p_if_piter_< Pi, S, F > >, mln::Site_Set< p_if< typename I::domain_t, F > >, mln::Site_Set< p_if< S, fun::p2b::has< I > > >, mln::Site_Set< p_vertices< G, site_function_t > >, mln::Site_Set< box< mln::point2d > >, mln::Site_Set< p_line2d >, mln::Site_Set< p_array< point2d > >, mln::Site_Set< p_set< P > >, mln::Site_Set< p_key< K, P > >, mln::Site_Set< p_array< P > >, mln::Site_Set< p_mutable_array_of< S > >, mln::Site_Set< p_centered< W > >, mln::Site_Set< p_edges< G, F > >, mln::Site_Set< p_transformed< S, F > >, mln::Site_Set< p_vertices< G, F > >, mln::Site_Set< box< P > >, mln::Site_Set< box< typename I::site > >, mln::Site_Set< box< point2d_h > >, mln::Site_Set< p_priority< P, Q > >, mln::Site_Set< box< typename Sc::site > >, mln::Site_Set< p_transformed< typename I::domain_t, F > >, mln::Site_Set< p_run< P > >, mln::Site_Set< p_array< typename I::psite > >, mln::Site_Set< p_vaccess< V, S > >, mln::Site_Set< p_complex< D, P > >, mln::Site_Set< box< point3d > >, mln::Site_Set< box< mln::point1d > >, mln::Site_Set< p_faces< N, D, P > >, mln::Site_Set< p_queue_fast< P > >, mln::Site_Set< box< typename S::site > >, mln::Site_Set< p_set_of< S > >, mln::Site_Set< p_if< S, F > >, mln::Site_Set< box< typename I::psite > >, mln::Site_Set< p_edges< G, site_function_t > >, mln::Site_Set< p_image< I > >, mln::Site_Set< p_complex< D, G > >, mln::Site_Set< p_queue< P > >, mln::Value< object_id< Tag, V > >, mln::Value< gray_f >, mln::Value< label< n > >, mln::Value< scalar_< T > >, mln::Value< sign >, mln::Value< rgb< n > >, mln::Value< int_s< n > >, mln::Value< object_id< edge_tag, unsigned > >, mln::Value< float01_< n > >, mln::Value< quat >, mln::Value< gray_< n > >, mln::Value< object_id< vertex_tag, unsigned > >, mln::Value< float01 >, mln::Value< graylevel_f >, mln::Value< int_u_sat< n > >, mln::Value< int_u< n > >, mln::Value< float01_f >, mln::Value< graylevel< n > >, mln::Value< rgb32 >, mln::Value_Set< T >, mln::Value_Set< lut_vec< S, T > >, mln::Weighted_Window< w_window< D, W > >, mln::Window< window< dpoint2d > >, mln::Window< ball< G, C > >, mln::Window< window< dpoint3d > >, mln::Window< cuboid3d >, mln::Window< octagon2d >, mln::Window< graph_elt_window_if< G, S, I > >, mln::Window< rectangle2d >, mln::Window< window< mln::dpoint2d > >, mln::Window< window< dpoint< G, C > > >, mln::Window< cube3d >, mln::Window< graph_elt_mixed_window< G, S, S2 > >, mln::Window< window< D > >, mln::Window< multiple< W, F > >, mln::Window< line< M, i, C > >, mln::Window< diag2d >, mln::Window< multiple_size< n, W, F > >, mln::Window< window< dpoint< M, C > > >, mln::Window< graph_elt_window< G, S > >, mln::Window< backdiag2d >, mln::value::Floating< gray_f >, mln::value::Floating< float01_< n > >, mln::value::Floating< float01 >, mln::value::Floating< graylevel_f >, mln::value::Floating< float01_f >, mln::value::Integer< object_id< Tag, V > >, mln::value::Integer< int_s< n > >, mln::value::Integer< object_id< edge_tag, unsigned > >, mln::value::Integer< object_id< vertex_tag, unsigned > >, mln::value::Integer< int_u_sat< n > >, mln::value::Integer< int_u< n > >, mln::value::Integer< graylevel< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< object_id< Tag, V > >, mln::value::Scalar< gray_f >, mln::value::Scalar< scalar_< T > >, mln::value::Scalar< sign >, mln::value::Scalar< int_s< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< object_id< edge_tag, unsigned > >, mln::value::Scalar< float01_< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< gray_< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< object_id< vertex_tag, unsigned > >, mln::value::Scalar< float01 >, mln::value::Scalar< graylevel_f >, mln::value::Scalar< int_u_sat< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< int_u< n > >, mln::value::Scalar< float01_f >, mln::value::Scalar< graylevel< n > >, and mln::value::Symbolic< label< n > >.

Definition at line 174 of file object.hh.

template<typename F, typename E>
typedef F::complex_type mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::complex_type

Definition at line 66 of file complex_set_iterator_base.hh.

template<typename E>
typedef E mln::Object< E >::exact_t [inherited]

Definition at line 173 of file object.hh.

template<typename F, typename E>
typedef F mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::face [inherited]

The type of the iterated faces.

Reimplemented in mln::topo::faces_fwd_iter_< N, D >, and mln::topo::faces_bkd_iter_< N, D >.

Definition at line 84 of file complex_iterator_base.hh.

template<typename F, typename E>
typedef F mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::face_type

The type of the iterated faces.

Definition at line 63 of file complex_set_iterator_base.hh.

template<typename F, typename E>
typedef complex_set_iterator_base<F, E> mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::self_ [private]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename F , typename E >
mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::complex_set_iterator_base (  )  [inline]

Construction and assignment.

Definition at line 92 of file complex_set_iterator_base.hh.

References mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::invalidate().

template<typename F , typename E >
mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::complex_set_iterator_base ( const complex_type c  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

template<typename F , typename E >
void mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::invalidate (  )  [inline]
template<typename F , typename E >
bool mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::is_valid (  )  const [inline]

Test if the iterator is valid.

Definition at line 119 of file complex_set_iterator_base.hh.

References mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::f_.

template<typename E >
void mln::Iterator< E >::next (  )  [inherited]

Go to the next element.

This is a final method; iterator classes should not re-defined this method. The actual "next" operation has to be defined through the next_ method.
The iterator is valid.

Definition at line 102 of file iterator.hh.

References mln::exact().

template<typename F , typename E >
mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::operator const F & (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Implicit conversion (conversion operator).

Definition at line 122 of file complex_iterator_base.hh.

References mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::f_.

template<typename F , typename E >
void mln::topo::internal::complex_set_iterator_base< F, E >::set_cplx ( const complex_type c  )  [inline]
template<typename F , typename E >
const F & mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::subject (  )  const [inline, inherited]


Return a reference to the corresponding face handle.

Explicit conversion (accessor).

Definition at line 115 of file complex_iterator_base.hh.

References mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::f_.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename F, typename E>
face mln::topo::internal::complex_iterator_base< F, E >::f_ [protected, inherited]