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Vaucanson File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
accessible.hhAlgorithms for accessible/coaccessible states computation
alphabets_base.hhDefinition of the alphabet concept
aut_to_exp.hhThis file provides converter from automaton to expression
backward_closure.hhBackward closure algorithm
backward_realtime.hhAlgorithms to make an automaton realtime
complement.hhComplementation algorithm for boolean automaton
complete.hhCompletion algorithm for deterministic and boolean automaton
concatenate.hhThis file provides the general concatenation algorithm
contract.hhDefinition of contract macros
default_ops.hhDefault implementations for standard Element operations
derivatives_automaton.hhThis file provides a converter from expression to automaton based on derivatives
determinize.hhThis file provides the determinization algorithm for boolean automata
element.hhDeclaration of Element
element_op_traits.hhDeclaration of default arithmetical operator traits for Element
element_ops.hhDeclarations of standard external operator delegations for Element
element_ops.hxxImplementations of external operators standard delegations for Element
eval.hhThis file provides the evaluation of a word w.r.t an automaton
forward_closure.hhForward closure algorithm
forward_realtime.hhAlgorithms to make an automaton realtime
hopcroft_minimization.hhThis file provides minimization and quotient algorithms
krat_exp_parser.hhThis file declare the parse() function
krat_exp_parser.hxxImplement the parse() function
limits.hhWrapper about the numeric limits for Vaucanson
math.hhWrapper about the math library for Vaucanson
meta_element_root.hhDefinition of the specialization of MetaElement for the root Structure
normalized.hhThompson normalization operations
predecls.hhForward declarations of the fundamental template classes of Vaucanson
random.hhDefinition of random generators
realtime.hhGeneral algorithms concerning realtime aspect of automata
selectors.hhDefinition of type argument macros
slots.hhDeclaration of set attribute slot for Element
standard.hhSeveral algorithms concerning standard automata
static.hhDefinition of metaprogrammation helpers
structure.hhDefinition of class Structure, the root of all structural element types
sub_automaton.hhThis file provides the extraction of sub automaton
sum.hhSumming of automata
support.hhStuff to adapt containers
syntactic_decorator.hhDeclaration of the very base class of Element
system.hhSystem-wide configuration helpers
unique.hhDeclarations for the type canonicalization tools

Generated on Wed Jul 2 19:09:07 2003 for Vaucanson by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002