Files |
file | selectors.hh |
| Definition of type argument macros.
file | unique.hh |
| Declarations for the type canonicalization tools.
file | static.hh |
| Definition of metaprogrammation helpers.
file | random.hh |
| Definition of random generators.
file | contract.hh |
| Definition of contract macros.
file | limits.hh |
| Wrapper about the numeric limits for Vaucanson.
Namespaces |
namespace | utility |
| In Vaucanson, several types of contracts can be placed in the library code.
Modules |
Contract checking for Vaucansn |
Classes |
struct | remove_reference |
| Turn a reference type into its corresponding plain type. More...
struct | remove_const |
| Turn a const type into its corresponding mutable type. More...
struct | static_if |
| Choose between two types or values depending on a constant boolean. More...
struct | static_eq |
| Test for equality between two types. More...
struct | static_pow |
| Static exponentiation. More...
struct | static_pow_minus_one |
| Static exponentiation, result minus one. More...
class | SupportIterator |
| Iterator over the Support generic class. More...
class | Support< std::map< U, T > > |
| Support<map<U, T> > is a const adapter of std::map to container. More...
class | SparseIterator |
| SparseIterator is an iterator over range except some points. More...
class | SparseInterval |
| Container over a sparse integer range. More...
class | SelfIterator |
| SelfIterator is an iterator which is also a container. More...
struct | Window |
| Handle windows in streams for performing regular expression search. More...
void | utility::Window::shift (unsigned int n) |
void | utility::Window::shift () |
Defines |
#define | SELECT(T) (*(const T*)0) |
| Type argument for types with no commas (simple or 1-par templates).
#define | SELECT2(T1, T2) (*(const T1 , T2 *)0) |
| Type argument for types with one comma (2-parameters templates).
#define | SELECT3(T1, T2, T3) (*(const T1 , T2, T3 *)0) |
| Type argument for types with two commas (3-parameters templates).
#define | SELECT4(T1, T2, T3, T4) (*(const T1 , T2, T3, T4 *)0) |
| Type argument for types with three commas (4-parameters templates).
#define | SELECTOR(T) const T & |
| Type formal argument for types with no commas (simple or 1-par templates).
#define | SELECTOR2(T1, T2) const T1 , T2 & |
| Type formal argument for types with one comma (2-parameters templates).
#define | SELECTOR3(T1, T2, T3) const T1 , T2, T3 & |
| Type formal argument for types with two commas (3-parameters templates).
#define | SELECTOR4(T1, T2, T3, T4) const T1 , T2, T3, T4 & |
| Type formal argument for types with three commas (4-parameters templates).
Functions |
template<typename T> T | utility::random::generate () |
| Generate a random value.
template<typename T> T | utility::random::generate (T min, T max) |
| Generate a random value between bounds.
template<> char | utility::random::generate< char > () |
| Generate a random character.
template<> char | utility::random::generate< char > (char min, char max) |
| Generate a random character between bounds.
char | utility::random::generate_letter () |
| Generate a random lowercase letter.
char | utility::random::generate_digit () |
| Generate a random digit.
template<> bool | utility::random::generate< bool > () |
| Generate a random Boolean.
template<> int | utility::random::generate< int > () |
| Generate a random integer.
template<> int | utility::random::generate< int > (int min, int max) |
| Generate a random integer between two bounds.
template<> float | utility::random::generate< float > () |
| Generate a random float between 0 and 1.
template<typename T> const T & | utility::unique::get (const T &) |
| The canonicalization operator.
template<typename T> const T * | utility::unique::get (const T *) |
| Version of the canonicalization operator for pointers.
| utility::Window::Window (const iterator_t &stream, const iterator_t &eof, letter_t eol, length_t length) |
| @ brief Standard constructor for the Window class.
bool | utility::Window::eof () const |
| Indicates wether the end of the stream has been reached or not.
bool | utility::Window::eol () const |
| Indicates wether a new line has been reached or not.
void | utility::Window::moveto (length_t offset) |
| Move to a specific offset.
length_t | utility::Window::size () const |
| Returns the actual window size.
letter_t | utility::Window::operator[] (length_t i) const |
| Returns the i-th character of the window.
std::ostream & | utility::Window::print (std::ostream &ostr) const |
| Print the window.
iterator_t | utility::Window::begin () const |
| Accessor to class members.