accessible.hh | Algorithms for accessible/coaccessible states computation |
aci_canonical.hh | This file contains the declaration for the canonical() algorithm |
algebra.hh | Workaround to give Doxygen documentation about the algebra namespace |
alphabets_base.hh | Definition of the alphabet concept |
aut_to_exp.hh | This file provides converter from automaton to expression |
automata_ops.hh | This file holds the default operations for the elements of the automata set |
backward_closure.hh | This files declares the backward closure algorithm |
backward_realtime.hh | Algorithms to make an automaton realtime |
berry_sethi.hh | Contains the declaration for the Berry-Sethi algorithm |
bitset.hh | This file contains a Bitset class declaration |
bitset.hxx | This file contains a Bitset class implementaion |
brzozowski.hh | Contains the declaration for the Brzozowski algorithm |
callback.hh | Tools for XML generic loading |
char_traits.hh | Generic char_traits declarations |
complement.hh | Complementation algorithm for Boolean automata |
complete.hh | Completion algorithm for deterministic and Boolean automaton |
concatenate.hh | This file provides the general concatenation algorithm |
contract.hh | Definition of contract macros |
default_ops.hh | Default implementations for standard Element operations |
deferrer.hh | This file contains declarations for the Deferrer class |
deferrer.hxx | This file contains definitions for the Deferrer class |
derivatives_automaton.hh | Provides a converter from expression to automaton based on derivatives |
determinize.hh | This file provides the determinization algorithm for Boolean automata |
dynamic.hh | Main header for XML dynamic loading |
element.hh | Declaration of Element |
element_op_traits.hh | Declaration of default arithmetical operator traits for Element |
element_ops.hh | Declarations of standard external operator delegations for Element |
errors.hh | Error treatment for XML tools |
eval.hh | This file provides the evaluation of a word w.r.t an automaton |
evaluation.hh | Undocumented stuff |
extension.hh | This file contains declarations for extension() |
finite_support_conversion.hh | Conversion between finite support application types |
forward_closure.hh | Forward closure algorithm |
forward_realtime.hh | Algorithms to make an automaton realtime |
generic.hh | Main header for XML generic loading |
infos.hh | Attached XML data for Graphs |
is_letterized.hh | This file contains letter-to-letter feature testing |
is_normalized.hh | This file contains a test for transducer normalization |
is_realtime.hh | This file contains a test for realtime transducers |
isomorph.hh | This files contains the declaration for the is_isomorph() algorithm |
krat_exp_cderivation.hh | This file contains the declaration for the cderivate() algorithms |
krat_exp_constant_term.hh | This file contains the declaration for the constant_term() algorithm |
krat_exp_derivation.hh | This file contains the declaration for the derivate() algorithms |
krat_exp_flatten.hh | This file holds the declaration of the flatten() algorithm |
krat_exp_linearize.hh | This file contains the declarations for the linearize() algorithm |
krat_exp_parser.hh | This file declare the parse() function |
krat_exp_partial_derivation.hh | This file contains the declarations for the partial_derivate() algorithm |
krat_exp_print.hh | This file contains the declarations for the krat_exp_print() algorithm |
krat_exp_realtime.hh | Declarations of the realtime() algorithm for rational expressions |
letter_to_letter_composition.hh | Undocumented stuff |
limits.hh | Wrapper about the numeric limits for Vaucanson |
math.hh | Wrapper about the math library for Vaucanson |
meta_element_root.hh | Definition of the specialization of MetaElement for the root Structure |
minimization_hopcroft.hh | This file provides minimization and quotient algorithms |
minimization_moore.hh | This file containes the declaration of minimization_moore() |
normalized.hh | Thompson normalization operations |
partial_rat_exp.hh | The PartialExp type. (undocumented) |
partial_rat_exp_constant_term.hh | The constant_term of PartialExp . (undocumented) |
partial_rat_exp_derivation.hh | The derivation of PartialExp . (undocumented) |
predecls.hh | Forward declarations of the design pattern template classes of Vaucanson |
product.hh | This file contains the declarations of product() |
projection.hh | Undocumented stuff |
random.hh | Definition of random generators |
rational_number.hh | This file contains a RationalNumber class declaration |
rational_number.hxx | This file contains a Rational class implementation |
realtime.hh | General algorithms concerning realtime aspect of automata |
realtime_composition.hh | Undocumented stuff |
realtime_decl.hh | Declaration of the realtime() function |
search.hh | Rational expression search in text |
selectors.hh | Definition of type argument macros |
session.hh | XML sessions tools |
slots.hh | Declaration of set attribute slot for Element |
standard.hh | Several algorithms concerning standard automata |
standard_of.hh | This file provides a converter from expression to standard automaton |
misc/static.hh | Definition of metaprogrammation helpers |
xml/static.hh | Main header for XML static loading |
structure.hh | Definition of class Structure , the root of all structural element types |
sub_automaton.hh | This file provides the extraction of sub automaton |
sum.hh | Summing of automata |
support.hh | Stuff to adapt containers |
syntactic_decorator.hh | Declaration of the very base class of Element |
system.hh | System-wide configuration helpers |
thompson.hh | The thompson automaton |
algorithms/transpose.hh | This file contain the function which transpose an automaton |
trim.hh | This file contains the declaration of useful_states() and trim() |
types.hh | Utilities for XML Vaucanson types |
unique.hh | Declarations for the type canonicalization tools |
window.hh | Window class for regular expression search on streams |
window.hxx | Window class for regular expression search on streams |
xml_automaton.hh | XML automaton implementation |
xml_loader.hh | Static load tools for automaton_loader |
xml_set.hh | XML automaton set tools |