vcsn::algebra Namespace Reference

Namespace for algebra constructs in Vaucanson. More...


struct  AlphabetSetBase
 Base class for structural elements of alphabets. More...
struct  alphabet_traits
 Trait for virtual types of structural elements for alphabets. More...
struct  FreeMonoidBase
 Structural element for free monoid. More...
struct  FreeMonoidProduct
 Implementation of a monoid which is a product of two free monoids. More...
struct  FreeMonoidProductBase
 Structural element for free monoid product. More...
struct  letter_traits
struct  MonoidBase
 The base class of all structures that are monoids. More...
struct  identity_as
struct  zero_as
struct  NumericalSemiring
 The set of semirings implemented with usual operations (+, *). More...
struct  mul_kind
 Empty class used as static information to denote the kind of internal operation of a semigroup. More...
struct  add_kind
 Empty class used as static information to denote the kind of internal operation of a semigroup. More...
struct  SemigroupBase
 Base class of all structures that are semigroups. More...
struct  SemiringBase
 Base class for all structures that are semirings. More...
struct  SeriesBase
 Structural element of series K<A*> from a free monoid A* to a semiring K. More...
struct  series_traits
 Meta information about series. More...
struct  mute_series_impl
struct  mute_series_traits
struct  TropicalMin
 Static information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with. More...
struct  TropicalMax
 Static information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with. More...
struct  TropicalSemiring
 Structural element that denotes tropical semiring. More...
struct  AlphabetSet
 Static implementation of alphabet structural element. More...
class  AlphabetDecorator
 Decorate a given alphabet implementation with meta-symbols. More...
struct  alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >
 Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with AlphabetDecorator. More...
struct  list_or_string
struct  list_or_string< char >
struct  list_or_string< wchar_t >
struct  FreeMonoid
 Implementation of a free monoid which aggregates its alphabet. More...
struct  letter_traits< char >
class  static_ranged
struct  static_char_interval
struct  letter_traits< static_ranged< T, Interval > >
class  RationalNumber
 Rational numbers class. More...
class  CoefficientEval
class  ExpConvertVisitor
class  KRatExpToken
 Schrödinger's token for rational expression lexing. More...
struct  Lexer
 Lexer class for the rational expression parser. More...
struct  Parser
 Parser class used in the parse() function. More...
struct  BinaryOp
 BinaryOp is integrated in the pattern matching system to permit a factorization of the accessors. More...
struct  UnaryOp
 UnaryOp is integrated in the pattern matching system to permit a factorization of the accessors. More...
struct  Value
 Value is integrated into the pattern matching system to permit a factorization of the accessors. More...
struct  GenericMatcher
 GenericMatcher manages the dispatch of pattern matching. More...
struct  KRatExpMatcher
struct  KRatExpIdentity
struct  KRatExpTranspose
class  polynom
struct  series_traits< polynom< Tm, Tw > >
struct  mute_series_impl< polynom< Tm, Tw >, W, M >
struct  DefaultTransposeFun< Series, polynom< Tm, Tw > >
class  DispatchVisitor
struct  semiring_slot_tag
struct  monoid_slot_tag
struct  Series
 This is the final class for series. More...
struct  mute_series_traits< Series< W, M >, NewW, NewM >
struct  DefaultTransposeFun
struct  KRatExpCDerivation
struct  pseudo_exp_list
struct  KRatExpExpander
struct  KRatExpPartialDerivation
class  KRatExpIsRealtime
struct  KRatExpRealtime
class  Standard_OfVisitor
struct  alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >
 Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with std::set. More...
struct  list_or_string< std::pair< A, B > >
struct  letter_traits< std::pair< U, V > >
struct  series_traits< rat::exp< Tm, Tw > >
struct  mute_series_impl< rat::exp< Tm, Tw >, W, M >
struct  DispatchFunction< rat::exp< M, W > >
 Classical dispatch function for rat::exp. More...
struct  DefaultTransposeFun< S, rat::exp< Word, Weight > >


namespace  small_alpha_letter
namespace  char_letter
namespace  char_pair
namespace  weighted_letter
namespace  int_letter
namespace  krat_exp_lexing
 Misc. declarations used for rational expression lexing.


template<class F, class S>
bool operator== (const FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > &m1, const FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > &m2)
template<typename A>
bool operator== (const FreeMonoid< A > &a, const FreeMonoid< A > &b)
template<class T, class Interval>
bool operator< (const static_ranged< T, Interval > &lhs, const static_ranged< T, Interval > &rhs)
template<class T, class Interval>
bool operator== (const static_ranged< T, Interval > &lhs, const static_ranged< T, Interval > &rhs)
template<class Stream, class T, class Interval>
Stream & operator<< (Stream &s, static_ranged< T, Interval > &sr)
template<class T>
bool operator< (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator< (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
bool operator<= (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator<= (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
bool operator> (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator> (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
bool operator>= (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator>= (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
bool operator== (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator== (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
bool operator!= (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
bool operator!= (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator+ (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator+ (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator- (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator- (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator * (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator * (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator/ (const RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumber operator/ (const T nb2, const RationalNumber &nb)
template<class T>
RationalNumberoperator+= (RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumberoperator-= (RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumberoperator *= (RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
template<class T>
RationalNumberoperator/= (RationalNumber &nb, const T nb2)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const RationalNumber &nb)
int gcd (int a, unsigned int b)
int lcm (int a, unsigned int b)
template<class Series, class T>
std::pair< typename Element<
Series, T >::semiring_elt_t,
Element< Series, T > > 
coefficient (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
template<typename Tm, typename Tw, typename W, typename M, typename oTm, typename oTw>
rat::exp< Tm, Tw > convert_exp (SELECTOR2(rat::exp< Tm, Tw >), const Series< W, M > &s, const rat::exp< oTm, oTw > &arg)
template<typename W, typename M, typename Tm, typename Tw, typename oTm, typename oTw>
Element< Series< W, M >, rat::exp<
Tm, Tw > > 
convert_exp (SELECTOR4(Element< Series< W, M >, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > >), const Element< Series< W, M >, rat::exp< oTm, oTw > > &arg)
template<class S, class T>
std::pair< bool, std::string > parse (const std::string &from, Element< S, T > &exp, bool lex_trace=false, bool parse_trace=false)
 Parse a rational expression.
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator== (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator!= (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator< (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator> (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator<= (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<class Tm, class Tw>
bool operator>= (const polynom< Tm, Tw > &lhs, const polynom< Tm, Tw > &rhs)
template<typename W, typename M>
bool operator== (const Series< W, M > &, const Series< W, M > &)
template<class W, class M, class NewW, class NewM>
mute_series_traits< Series<
W, M >, NewW, NewM >::ret 
mute_series (const Series< W, M > &s, const NewW &w, const NewM &m)
template<class Series, class T>
Element< Series, T > expand (const Element< Series, T > &exp)
template<class S, class E>
do_expand (const algebra::SeriesBase< S > &, const E &exp)
template<typename T, typename U>
std::set< T > operator^ (std::set< T > set, U other)
template<typename T, typename U>
std::set< T > operator^ (U other, std::set< T > set)
template<typename T>
std::set< T > operator+ (std::set< T > s1, std::set< T > s2)

Detailed Description

Namespace for algebra constructs in Vaucanson.

The algebra namespace in Vaucanson contains all the compounds which are needed to manipulate algebraic structures. Both structural elements (e.g. Alphabets, Monoids, etc.) and implementations of those elements (polynoms, rational expressions, etc.) are presents in this namespace.

See also:

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