vcsn::misc Namespace Reference

The namespace for miscellaneous constructs. More...


struct  Bitset
 Dynamic bitset class. More...
struct  generic_int_type
 Generic and under-efficient int_type implementation for char_traits. More...
struct  char_traits
 Generic char_traits. More...
struct  DeferrerDebugPart
 Helper class for Deferrer. More...
struct  DeferrerDebugPart< T, false >
struct  Deferrer
 This class defers the creation of its template parameter. More...
struct  escaper
 IO Manipulator to escape some characters when displaying them. More...
struct  setesc
 IO Manipulator to set the characters that need to be escaped. More...
struct  pair
struct  discrepancy
struct  iomanip
 Base class for IO manipulators. More...
struct  limits
struct  remove_reference
 Turn a reference type into its corresponding plain type. More...
struct  remove_reference< T & >
struct  remove_reference< const T & >
struct  remove_const
 Turn a const type into its corresponding mutable type. More...
struct  remove_const < const T >
struct  static_if
 Choose between two types or values depending on a constant Boolean. More...
struct  static_if< false, T, U >
struct  true_t
 Static Booleans, for type matching use of Booleans. More...
struct  false_t
struct  bool_to_type_helper
struct  bool_to_type_helper< false >
struct  static_if_simple
 Choose between two types or values depending on a constant Boolean. More...
struct  static_if_simple< false, T, U >
struct  static_eq
 Test for equality between two types. More...
struct  static_eq< T, T >
struct  static_pow_compute
 These are auxilliary functions for static_pow. More...
struct  static_pow_compute< N, P, true >
struct  static_pow_compute< N, 0, true >
struct  static_pow
 Static exponentiation. More...
struct  static_pow_minus_one
 Static exponentiation, result minus one. More...
class  SupportIterator
 Iterator over the Support generic class. More...
class  SparseIterator
 SparseIterator is an iterator over range except some points. More...
class  SparseInterval
 Container over a sparse integer range. More...
class  SelfIterator
 SelfIterator is an iterator which is also a container. More...
struct  Window
 Handle windows in streams for performing regular expression search. More...
class  Support< std::map< U, T > >
 Support<map<U, T> > is a const adapter of std::map to container. More...
struct  limits< ::vcsn::algebra::RationalNumber >


namespace  concepts
namespace  contract
namespace  random
 The namespace for the random generation tools.
namespace  unique
 The namespace for the instance collection tools.




template<typename U, typename V>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, std::pair< U, V > p)
 To display a single pair It assumes that each element of the pair is printable (i.e.
template<typename U, typename V, class Traits, class Allocator>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, std::basic_string< std::pair< U, V >, Traits, Allocator > s)
 To display a basic_string of pair (idem).
template<typename U, typename V>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &i, std::pair< U, V > &p)
 To read a single pair.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Bitset &set)
 Print a bitset onto an output stream.
template<class T>
escaper< T > make_escaper (const T &w)
 Build an escaper.
std::set< char > & getesc (std::ostream &ostr)
 Retrieve the escaped characters set of a stream.
int escaped ()
 Get the index in the internal extensible array for escaped characters.
template<class IOM>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const iomanip< IOM > &m)
template<class T>
void pword_delete (std::ios_base::event ev, std::ios_base &io, int idx)
 Delete memory associated with a stream upon its destruction.
std::set< char > usual_escaped_characters ()
 Return a set filled with ".+* ()\ 10[]".
template<class InputIterator, class Letter>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &ostr, const Window< InputIterator, Letter > &w)

Detailed Description

The namespace for miscellaneous constructs.

This namespace holds C++ constructs and tools used in Vaucanson. Those files are miscellany because they are not related to core mathematical part of the library. If you are looking for tools to be used by the user, like dumpers, see namespace `tools'.

Function Documentation

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  o,
std::pair< U, V >  p 

To display a single pair It assumes that each element of the pair is printable (i.e.

the operator<< is defined on it)

Definition at line 55 of file couple_letter.hxx.

escaper< T > make_escaper ( const T &  w  ) 

Build an escaper.

See also:
escaper, setesc, getesc (), iomanip.
Thomas Claveirole <>

Definition at line 79 of file escaper.hxx.

Referenced by DumpVisitor::constant(), vcsn::op_rout(), and std::operator<<().

std::set< char > & getesc ( std::ostream &  ostr  )  [inline]

Retrieve the escaped characters set of a stream.

See also:
escaper, setesc, iomanip.
Thomas Claveirole <>

Definition at line 113 of file escaper.hxx.

References escaped(), and usual_escaped_characters().

Referenced by escaper::operator()().

void pword_delete ( std::ios_base::event  ev,
std::ios_base &  io,
int  idx 

Delete memory associated with a stream upon its destruction.

Some manipulators allocate memory and use the internal extensible array to store pointers to the allocated zone. Upon the stream's destruction, the memory must be freed to avoid memory leaks.

This function is a generic callback that will perform such a destruction. idx is used as an index in the internal extensible array to an element of type T*. When an erase_event is received, the element idx refers to in the stream is deleted.

T Type of the pointed element.
See also:
Thomas Claveirole <>

Definition at line 59 of file iomanip.hxx.

Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:41:55 2006 for Vaucanson by  doxygen 1.4.7