Vaucanson  1.4.1
Namespaces | Functions
usual_escaped_characters.hh File Reference

Declarations of the usual_escaped_characters function. More...

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namespace  vcsn
 The main namespace of the Vaucanson library.
namespace  vcsn::misc
 The namespace for miscellaneous constructs.


std::set< char > usual_escaped_characters ()
 Return a set filled with ".+* ()\ 10[]".

Detailed Description

Declarations of the usual_escaped_characters function.

See also:
vcsn::misc::usual_escaped_characters ().
Loic Fosse loic..nosp@m.foss.nosp@m.e@lrd.nosp@m.e.ep.nosp@m.ita.f.nosp@m.r

Definition in file usual_escaped_characters.hh.