Vaucanson  1.4.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
oNstdDeclaring the traits for SupportIterator, according to the STL
|\Cinsert_iterator< vcsn::misc::Bitset >Specialized insert_iterator
oNvcsnThe main namespace of the Vaucanson library
|oNalgebraNamespace for algebra constructs in Vaucanson
|oNdelta_kindThese are helpers for delta functions: transition or state oriented delta are chosen according to them
|oNmiscThe namespace for miscellaneous constructs
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >Specialization of dynamic_traits for AlphabetSetBase
|oCvirtual_types< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >Specialization of virtual_types for AlphabetSetBase
|oCMetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S >, T >Specialization of MetaElement for AlphabetSetBase
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::CyclicSemiring< n > >Meta information about the cyclic semirings
|oCMetaElement< algebra::CyclicSemiring< n >, T >Services of element of a tropical semiring
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoidBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidBase< Self >, T >Element of a free monoid i.e. words
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > >Meta information about FreeMonoidProduct
|oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidProduct< F, S >, T >Services of an element of a monoid implemented with FreeMonoidProduct
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoidProductBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidProductBase< Self >, T >Element of a monoid i.e. words
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::MonoidBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::MonoidBase< Self >, T >Defines services of element of every monoid
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::NumericalSemiring >Meta information about the NumericalSemiring structural element
|oCMetaElement< algebra::NumericalSemiring, T >Services of Element for numerical semirings
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::SemigroupBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::SemigroupBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of a semigroup
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::SemiringBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of semiring (semiring_elt)
|oCop_star_traitsMeta information about the return type of the star operation
|oCsemiring_traitsIs the semiring positive?
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::SeriesBase< Self > >
|oCMetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< Self >, T >Services of every series
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >Meta information about the tropical semirings
|oCMetaElement< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind >, T >Services of element of a tropical semiring
|oCMetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >Services of every alphabet implemented with std::set
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >Meta information about AlphabetSet
|oCMetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, algebra::AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >Services of every alphabet implemented with AlphabetDecorator<L, T>
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoid< A > >Meta information about FreeMonoid
|oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoid< A >, T >Services of an element of a free monoid implemented with FreeMonoid
|oCMetaElement< algebra::Series< W, M >, T >Specialization of MetaElement for series
|oCdynamic_traits< algebra::Series< W, M > >Dynamic traits for series
|oCvirtual_types< algebra::Series< W, M > >Virtual types for series
|oCKRatExpAciCanonicalVisitor to build a canonical form of an expression, following aci-rules
|oCDefaultChooserDefault chooser for aut_to_exp()
|oCRandomChooserChoose randomly a state between all currently choosable
|oCDMChooserChoose a state accordingly to an heuristic
|oCListChooserChooser for aut_to_exp()
|oCBerrySethiAlgoThis is the visitor that really computes Berry-Sethi
|oCBrzozowskiAlgoThis is the class that really computes Brzozowski
|oCKRatExpInitialDerivationVisitor to have an initial set of partial derivatives terms from an expression
|oCPRatExpDerivationVisitorThis class performs partial rational expression derivations
|oCConstantTermEvalThis is the visitor that really computes the constant term
|oClinearize_elementThe types of a linearized expression
|oCFindBestSearchSpecific implementation for search()
|oCWindowedBackSearchSpecific implementation for search()
|oCdynamic_traits< Automata< Series, Kind > >Dynamic traits for automata
|oCMetaElement< Automata< Series, Kind >, T >MetaElement specialization for automata
|oCvirtual_types< Automata< Series, Kind > >Virtual types for automata
|oCAutomataFinal class for the set of automata
|oCAutomataBaseThe most general concept of automaton
|oCMetaElement< AutomataBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of the automata set
|oCAutoKind< labels_are_series, Self, Series, SeriesT, LabelT >Add adapted accessors in function of the automaton kind
|oCdynamic_traits< Transducer< Series, Kind > >Dynamic traits for transducers
|oCMetaElement< Transducer< Series, Kind >, T >Specialization of MetaElement for transducers
|oCvirtual_types< Transducer< Series, Kind > >Virtual types for transducers
|oCTransducerFinal class for the set of transducers
|oCTransducerBaseThe most general concept of transducer
|oCtransducer_traitsTraits for transducer implementation
|oCMetaElement< TransducerBase< Self >, T >Services of every element of the transducer set
|oCgeometryStore 4 maps for geometry properties of the automaton
|oCTransposeViewProvides a transposed view of an automaton
|oCtranspose_traitsTraits for TransposeView
|oCautomaton_traits< TransposeView< T > >Automaton_traits specialization for the TransposeView implementation
|oCElementGlue class between structural elements and implementation values
|oCop_add_traitsThe type of the result of addition between two Element instances
|oCop_sub_traitsThe type of the result of substraction between two Element instances
|oCop_mul_traitsThe type of the result of multiplication between two Element instances
|oCop_div_traitsThe type of the result of division between two Element instances
|oCop_mod_traitsThe type of the result of modulus between two Element instances
|oCMetaElement< Structure< S >, T >The base class that glues structural elements to implementation values
|oCSetSlotAttributeBase class for SetSlot
|oCSetSlotAttribute< S, true >Base class for SetSlot, specializing SetSlotAttribute
|oCSetSlotType of the set_ attribute of the Element class
|oCStructureBase class for the hierarchy of structural element types
|oCdynamic_traits< Structure< S > >Specialization of dynamic_traits for Structure
|oCvirtual_types< Structure< S > >Specialization of virtual_types for Structure
|\CSyntacticDecoratorProvides the standard operator delegations to Element
oCMetaElementParent class of Element
\CXMLXercesStreamThe type used by Xerces-C++ for the file position type