Vaucanson  1.4.1
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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oCadd_kindEmpty class used as static information to denote the kind of internal operation of a semigroup
oCalphabet_traits< S, T >Trait for virtual types of structural elements for alphabets
oCalphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with AlphabetDecorator
oCalphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with std::set
oCAlphabetDecorator< L, T >Decorate a given alphabet implementation with meta-symbols
oCAutHandler< T >AutHandler class
oCAutoKind< labels_are_series, Self, Series, SeriesT, LabelT >Add adapted accessors in function of the automaton kind
oCautomaton_traits< TransposeView< T > >Automaton_traits specialization for the TransposeView implementation
oCBerrySethiAlgo< T_auto, S, T >This is the visitor that really computes Berry-Sethi
oCBinaryOp< T, U >BinaryOp is a generic class which symbolised binary operator
oCBitsetDynamic bitset class
oCBrzozowskiAlgo< T_auto, Exp >This is the class that really computes Brzozowski
oCchar_traits< CharT >Generic char_traits
oCchar_traits< pair< U, V > >
oCchar_traits< T * >
oCConstantTermEval< Series, T, Dispatch >This is the visitor that really computes the constant term
oCContHandler< T >ContHandler class
oCDefaultChooserDefault chooser for aut_to_exp()
oCDeferrerDebugPart< T, B >Helper class for Deferrer
oCDeferrerDebugPart< T, rt_checks >
oCDeltaConstIterator< Graph, I >Iterators use to iterate over subsets of successor/predecessor transitions
oCDeltaConstIterator< Graph, Direction >Iterators use to iterate over subsets of successor/predecessor transitions
oCDispatchFunction< rat::exp< M, W > >Classical dispatch function for rat::exp
oCDMChooserChoose a state accordingly to an heuristic
oCDocAutHandler< T >DocAutHandler class, root class
oCDocRegExpHandler< RE >DocExpHandler class, root class
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >Meta information about AlphabetSet
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::CyclicSemiring< n > >Meta information about the cyclic semirings
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoid< A > >Meta information about FreeMonoid
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > >Meta information about FreeMonoidProduct
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::NumericalSemiring >Meta information about the NumericalSemiring structural element
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::SemigroupBase< Self > >
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::Series< W, M > >Dynamic traits for series
oCdynamic_traits< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >Meta information about the tropical semirings
oCdynamic_traits< Automata< Series, Kind > >Dynamic traits for automata
oCdynamic_traits< Structure< S > >Specialization of dynamic_traits for Structure
oCdynamic_traits< Transducer< Series, Kind > >Dynamic traits for transducers
oCGraph< K, WordValue, WeightValue, SeriesValue, Letter, Tag, GeometryCoords >::edge_value< EdgeLabel >Edge decorator
oCexp< LetterT, WeightT >Implementation of rational expression
oCFindBestSearchSpecific implementation for search()
oCFreeMonoidHandler< T >FreeMonoidHandler
oCFreeMonoidProductHandler< T >FreeMonoidProductHandler
oCgeneric_int_type< CharT >Generic and under-efficient int_type implementation for char_traits
oCGenericMatcher< Self, T, U, F >GenericMatcher manages the dispatch of pattern matching
oCGenericMatcher< CoefficientEval< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, std::pair< Element< Series, T >::semiring_elt_t, Element< Series, T > >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< ConstantTermEval< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, Element< Series, T >::semiring_elt_t, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< IsFiniteAppMatcher< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, bool, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpAciCanonical< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, std::set< Element< Series, T > >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpCDerivation< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, Element< Series, T >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpDerivation< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, Element< Series, T >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpExpander< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, pseudo_exp_list< Series, T >::ret_t, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpFlatten< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, std::list< Series::monoid_t::alphabet_t::letter_t >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpInitialDerivation< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, std::list< Element< Series, T > >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpIsRealtime< Exp_, Dispatch_ >, Exp_, bool, Dispatch_ >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpLinearize< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, linearize_element< Series, T >::element_t, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpPartialDerivation< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, std::set< Element< Series, T > >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpRealtime< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, Element< Series, T >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< KRatExpTranspose< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, Element< Series, T >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< Self, T, Element< Series, T >, Dispatch >
oCGenericMatcher< Standard_OfVisitor< Exp_, Auto_, Dispatch_ >, Exp_, Auto_ *, Dispatch_ >
oCGenericMatcher< SupportMatcher< Series, T, Dispatch >, T, int, Dispatch >
oCgeometry< HState, HTransition, Coords >Store 4 maps for geometry properties of the automaton
oCGeometryHandler< T >GeometryHandler class
oCGraph< K, WordValue, WeightValue, SeriesValue, Letter, Tag, GeometryCoords >Graph
oCGraphContainer< State, HLabel, EdgeValue >
oCInitFinalHandler< T >InitFinalHandler class
oCInitialContainer< U, HState >
oCinsert_iterator< vcsn::misc::Bitset >Specialized insert_iterator
oCiomanip< Self >Base class for IO manipulators
oCiomanip< escaper< T > >
oCiomanip< setesc >
oCiomanip< setid >
oCiomanip< setpm >
oCiomanip< setzero >
oCkind_transitions_Not for public use
oCkrat_exp_virtualVirtual pure class used by bison to deal with vaucanson's templated structures
oCKRatExpAciCanonical< Series, T, Dispatch >Visitor to build a canonical form of an expression, following aci-rules
oCKRatExpFlatten< Series, T, Dispatch >
oCKRatExpInitialDerivation< Series, T, Dispatch >Visitor to have an initial set of partial derivatives terms from an expression
oClinearize_element< S, T >The types of a linearized expression
oCListChooserChooser for aut_to_exp()
oCMetaElementParent class of Element
oCMetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >, algebra::AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >
oCMetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >, std::set< L > >
oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidBase< algebra::FreeMonoid< A > >, T >
oCMetaElement< algebra::FreeMonoidProductBase< algebra::FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > >, T >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< algebra::CyclicSemiring< n > >, T >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< algebra::NumericalSemiring >, T >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SemiringBase< algebra::TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >, T >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< algebra::Series< W, M > >, algebra::polynom< Tm, Tw > >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< algebra::Series< W, M > >, rat::exp< Tm, Tw > >
oCMetaElement< algebra::SeriesBase< algebra::Series< W, M > >, T >
oCMetaElement< AutomataBase< Automata< Series, Kind > >, T >
oCMetaElement< S, T >
oCMetaElement< Series, T >
oCMetaElement< Structure< Self >, T >
oCMetaElement< TransducerBase< Transducer< Series, Kind > >, T >
oCmonGenAction< T >MonGenAction
oCmonGenHandler< T, U >MonGenHandler
oCmonGenTupleHandler< T, U >MonGenTupleHandler
oCmul_kindEmpty class used as static information to denote the kind of internal operation of a semigroup
oCNumSemiringHandler< T >NumSemiringHandler
oCop_add_traits< S1, S2, T1, T2 >The type of the result of addition between two Element instances
oCop_div_traits< S1, S2, T1, T2 >The type of the result of division between two Element instances
oCop_mod_traits< S1, S2, T1, T2 >The type of the result of modulus between two Element instances
oCop_mul_traits< S1, S2, T1, T2 >The type of the result of multiplication between two Element instances
oCop_star_traits< S, T >Meta information about the return type of the star operation
oCop_sub_traits< S1, S2, T1, T2 >The type of the result of substraction between two Element instances
oCPRatExpDerivationVisitor< Series, T >This class performs partial rational expression derivations
oCRandomChooserChoose randomly a state between all currently choosable
oCRegexpHandler< T >RegexpHandler class
oCRegExpHandler< RE >RegExpHandler class
oCRegexpHandler< TRANSseries >
oCremove_const< T >Turn a const type into its corresponding mutable type
oCremove_reference< T >Turn a reference type into its corresponding plain type
oCSelfIterator< C, T >SelfIterator is an iterator which is also a container
oCsemiring_traits< S, T >Is the semiring positive?
oCsemiring_virtualVirtual pure class used by bison to deal with vaucanson's templated structures
oCseries_traits< T >Meta information about series
oCSeriesRepresentationHandler< T >SeriesRepresentationHandler
oCSeriesRepresentationHandler< FMPsreptype >SeriesRepresentationHandler specialization for FMP
oCSeriesSemiringHandler< T >SeriesSemiringHandler
oCSetSlotAttribute< S, dynamic >Base class for SetSlot
oCSetSlotAttribute< Monoid, dynamic_traits< Monoid >::ret >
oCSetSlotAttribute< S, dynamic_traits< S >::ret >
oCSetSlotAttribute< S, true >Base class for SetSlot, specializing SetSlotAttribute
oCSetSlotAttribute< Semiring, dynamic_traits< Semiring >::ret >
oCSetSlotAttribute< Series, dynamic_traits< Series >::ret >
oCSparseInterval< Integer, ExcludedContainer >Container over a sparse integer range
oCSparseInterval< vcsn::handler< T, unsigned >, ExcludedContainer >Container over a sparse integer range
oCSparseIterator< Integer, ExcludedContainer >SparseIterator is an iterator over range except some points
oCSparseIterator< vcsn::handler< T, unsigned >, ExcludedContainer >SparseIterator is an iterator over range except some points
oCsplitter_functor< input_t >Splitter for classical Hopcroft minimization
oCGraph< K, WordValue, WeightValue, SeriesValue, Letter, Tag, GeometryCoords >::state_valueState decorator
oCStateHandler< T >StateHandler class
oCStatesHandler< T >StatesHandler class
oCstatic_eq< T, U >Test for equality between two types
oCstatic_if< b, T, U >Choose between two types or values depending on a constant Boolean
oCstatic_if_simple< b, T, U >Choose between two types or values depending on a constant Boolean
oCstatic_pow< N, P >Static exponentiation
oCstatic_pow_compute< N, P, pair_p >These are auxilliary functions for static_pow
oCstatic_pow_minus_one< N, P >Static exponentiation, result minus one
oCStructure< S >Base class for the hierarchy of structural element types
oCStructure< AlphabetSet< L > >
oCStructure< Automata< Series, Kind > >
oCStructure< CyclicSemiring< n > >
oCStructure< FreeMonoid< A > >
oCStructure< FreeMonoidProduct< F, S > >
oCStructure< NumericalSemiring >
oCStructure< Self >
oCStructure< Series< Semiring, Monoid > >
oCStructure< Transducer< Series, Kind > >
oCStructure< TropicalSemiring< TropicalKind > >
oCSupport< std::map< U, T > >Support<map<U, T> > is a const adapter of std::map to container
oCSupport< std::set< boost::shared_ptr< std::size_t > > >Support<vector<T> > is a const adapter of std::set to container
oCSupport< std::set< U > >Support<set<U, T> > is a const adapter of std::map to container
oCSupport< std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< std::size_t > > >Support<vector<T> > is a const adapter of std::vector to container
oCSupport< vcsn::bmig::InitialContainer< U, HState > >Support<InitialContainer<U, T> > is a const adapter of InitialContainer to container
oCSupportIterator< C >Iterator over the Support generic class
oCSyntacticDecorator< S, T >Provides the standard operator delegations to Element
oCUniqueMap< T >::TiSlot< U >Helper to make std::type_info into a valid key type for std::map
oCtransducer_traits< T >Traits for transducer implementation
oCtransition_adder_functor< input_t, output_t >Functor that constructs the transitions
oCTransitionHandler< T >TransitionHandler class
oCTransitionsHandler< T >TransitionsHandler class
oCtranspose_traits< T >Traits for TransposeView
oCTransposeView< T >Provides a transposed view of an automaton
oCTRationalNumber< IntType >Rational numbers class
oCTropicalMaxStatic information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with
oCTropicalMinStatic information about the kind of tropical we are confronted with
oCtrue_tStatic Booleans, for type matching use of Booleans
oCTypeHandler< T >TypeHandler class
oCUnaryOp< T >UnaryOp is a generic class which symbolised binary operator
oCUniqueListBase< T >Base class for uniquelist
oCUniqueMap< T >Canonical type map
oCUnsupHandlerUnsupHandler class, Handler dedicated to "eat" all part of the format Vaucanson still not supports
oCValue< T >Value is a generic class which symbolised leaf of AST
oCvirtual_types< algebra::Series< W, M > >Virtual types for series
oCvirtual_types< Automata< Series, Kind > >Virtual types for automata
oCvirtual_types< Structure< S > >Specialization of virtual_types for Structure
oCvirtual_types< Transducer< Series, Kind > >Virtual types for transducers
oCWindow< InputIterator, Letter >Handle windows in streams for performing regular expression search
oCWindowedBackSearchSpecific implementation for search()
oCword_traits< S, T >Trait for virtual types of structural elements for words
oCword_traits< FreeMonoid< A >, std::basic_string< typename A::letter_t > >Meta information about the mixing of FreeMonoid with std::basic_string
oCXMLEqHelp to improve performances on comparaison Since transcode(string) is more expensive than transcode(XMLCh) We transcode and store all the tokens we might need to compare while parsing a document
\CXMLXercesStream< Ostream >The type used by Xerces-C++ for the file position type