Vaucanson 1.4
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Collaboration diagram for Alphabet:


struct  AlphabetSetBase< S >
 Base class for structural elements of alphabets. More...
struct  alphabet_traits< S, T >
 Trait for virtual types of structural elements for alphabets. More...
struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >
 Specialization of dynamic_traits for AlphabetSetBase. More...
struct  virtual_types< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S > >
 Specialization of virtual_types for AlphabetSetBase. More...
struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSetBase< S >, T >
 Specialization of MetaElement for AlphabetSetBase. More...
struct  alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >
 Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with std::set. More...
struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, std::set< L > >
 Services of every alphabet implemented with std::set. More...
struct  AlphabetSet< L >
 Static implementation of alphabet structural element. More...
struct  dynamic_traits< algebra::AlphabetSet< L > >
 Meta information about AlphabetSet. More...
class  AlphabetDecorator< L, T >
 Decorate a given alphabet implementation with meta-symbols. More...
struct  alphabet_traits< AlphabetSet< L >, AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >
 Meta information about the mixing of AlphabetSet with AlphabetDecorator. More...
struct  MetaElement< algebra::AlphabetSet< L >, algebra::AlphabetDecorator< L, T > >
 Services of every alphabet implemented with AlphabetDecorator<L, T>. More...


namespace  vcsn::algebra

Namespace for algebra constructs in Vaucanson.


 AlphabetSetBase ()
 Protected constructor.
template<typename S , typename T >
std::pair< bool, typename
Element< S, T >::letter_t > 
parse_letter (const Element< S, T > &alphabet, const std::string &s)
 Public interface to the letter parser.