23 std::ostream&
indent(std::ostream& o);
26 std::ostream&
iendl(std::ostream& o);
29 std::ostream&
incendl(std::ostream& o);
32 std::ostream&
decendl(std::ostream& o);
std::ostream & incendl(std::ostream &o)
Increment the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
std::ostream & resetindent(std::ostream &o)
Reset the indentation.
std::ostream & decindent(std::ostream &o)
Decrement the indentation.
std::ostream & decendl(std::ostream &o)
Decrement the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
std::ostream & iendl(std::ostream &o)
Print an end of line, then set the indentation.
std::ostream & incindent(std::ostream &o)
Increment the indentation.
std::ostream & indent(std::ostream &o)
Set the indentation.