![]() |
Be Rational
Namespaces | |
ast | |
ctx | |
detail | |
detail_info | |
dyn | |
rat | |
Classes | |
struct | a_star_tag |
A-Star implementation (from vcsn/algos/a-star.hh). More... | |
class | are_isomorphicer |
struct | as_pair |
struct | as_tuple |
struct | auto_tag |
Tag to request the most appropriate version of an algorithm. More... | |
class | automaton_editor |
Abstract Builder (the design pattern) for automata. More... | |
class | automatonset |
struct | bellman_ford_tag |
Bellman-Ford implementation (from vcsn/algos/bellman-ford.hh). More... | |
struct | boolean_tag |
Request the Boolean specialization for determinization (B and F2). More... | |
struct | brzozowski_tag |
Request for Brzozowski implementation of minimize (B and free). More... | |
class | char_letters |
Represent alphabets whose "letters" are plain chars. More... | |
struct | container_filter_range |
struct | container_range |
Restrict the interface of a container to begin/end. More... | |
class | context |
struct | cross_sequences |
Provide a range that allows to iterate over the cross product of the provided ranges. More... | |
struct | deterministic_tag |
Tag for operations on deterministic automata. More... | |
struct | dijkstra_tag |
Dijkstra implementation. More... | |
struct | dyn_vector_vnamer |
The vname of a vector of dyn:: objects (e.g., automaton, expression, ...) is the tuple of their vnames. More... | |
class | edit_automaton |
Concrete Builder (the design pattern) for automata. More... | |
struct | empty_t |
Empty labels, for LAO. More... | |
class | equal_to |
This is useful to make hashes with labels or weights as keys without using non-default constructors; to be used along with vcsn::hash. More... | |
class | file_library |
Manage search paths. More... | |
class | format |
An input/output format for valuesets. More... | |
struct | general_tag |
Tag for operations on all automata. More... | |
struct | getarg |
A mapping from strings to Values. More... | |
class | hash |
This is useful to make hashes with labels or weights as keys without using non-default constructors; to be used along with vcsn::equal_to. More... | |
struct | hopcroft_tag |
Request for Hopcroft implementation of minimize (B and free). More... | |
struct | integral_constant |
A simple placeholder for integral constants. More... | |
struct | iomanipulator |
Defines the operator() for the classes get_type, set_type and swap_type. More... | |
struct | is_lal |
struct | is_lan |
struct | is_lao |
struct | is_lar |
struct | is_lat |
struct | is_law |
struct | is_tropical |
struct | is_tropical< nmin > |
struct | is_tropical< rmin > |
struct | is_tropical< zmin > |
struct | kosaraju_tag |
Request the Kosaraju's algorithm to compute the SCCs. More... | |
struct | labels_are_expressions |
struct | labels_are_letters |
struct | labels_are_nullable |
struct | labels_are_one |
struct | labels_are_tuples |
struct | labels_are_words |
class | lazy_automaton_editor |
Build an automaton with unknown context. More... | |
struct | less |
Functor to compare Values of ValueSets. More... | |
struct | less_equal |
Functor to compare Values of ValueSets. More... | |
class | letterset |
Implementation of labels are letters. More... | |
struct | MilitaryOrder |
Military strict order predicate. More... | |
struct | moore_tag |
Request for Moore implementation of minimize (B and free). More... | |
class | nullableset |
Implementation of labels are nullables (letter or empty). More... | |
class | oneset |
Implementation of labels are ones: there is a single instance of label. More... | |
class | path |
Paths in filesystems, i.e., file names. More... | |
struct | possibly_labeled_transition_tuple |
Transition on non-empty label. More... | |
struct | possibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, empty_t > |
Transition on empty label. More... | |
struct | random_selector |
class | set_alphabet |
A set of letters of type L. More... | |
struct | signature |
Signature of a function call. More... | |
struct | signature_tag |
Request for Moore implementation of minimize (B). More... | |
struct | snamer |
struct | snamer< bool > |
struct | snamer< boost::optional< unsigned > > |
struct | snamer< const std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > |
struct | snamer< const std::string > |
struct | snamer< const std::vector< unsigned > > |
struct | snamer< float > |
struct | snamer< int > |
struct | snamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > > |
struct | snamer< std::istream > |
struct | snamer< std::ostream > |
struct | snamer< std::shared_ptr< T > > |
struct | snamer< std::tuple< Args... > > |
The sname of a tuple is the tuple of the snames. More... | |
struct | snamer< unsigned > |
struct | snamer< vcsn::direction > |
struct | snamer< vcsn::rat::identities > |
struct | standard_tag |
Tag for operations on standard automata. More... | |
class | stateset |
State labelset. More... | |
class | string_letters |
Represent alphabets whose "letters" are strings. More... | |
struct | tarjan_iterative_tag |
Request the Tarjan's algorithm to compute the SCCs, implemented with explicit stack handling. More... | |
struct | tarjan_recursive_tag |
Request the Tarjan's algorithm to compute the SCCs, implemented with recursion. More... | |
struct | transition_tuple |
Transition with label and non Boolean weight. More... | |
struct | transition_tuple< State, Label, bool > |
Transition with label and Boolean weight. More... | |
struct | vnamer |
struct | vnamer< bool > |
struct | vnamer< boost::optional< unsigned > > |
struct | vnamer< const std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > > |
struct | vnamer< const std::string > |
struct | vnamer< const std::vector< dyn::automaton > > |
vector<dyn::automata> -> std::tuple<automaton_t, ...>. More... | |
struct | vnamer< const std::vector< dyn::expansion > > |
vector<dyn::expansion> -> std::tuple<expansion_t, ...>. More... | |
struct | vnamer< const std::vector< dyn::expression > > |
vector<dyn::expression> -> std::tuple<expression_t, ...>. More... | |
struct | vnamer< const std::vector< unsigned > > |
struct | vnamer< float > |
struct | vnamer< int > |
struct | vnamer< integral_constant > |
struct | vnamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > > |
struct | vnamer< std::istream > |
struct | vnamer< std::ostream > |
struct | vnamer< unsigned > |
struct | vnamer< vcsn::direction > |
struct | vnamer< vcsn::rat::identities > |
struct | weighted_tag |
Request for the weighted version of an algorithm. More... | |
struct | weightset_mixin |
Provide a variadic mul on top of a binary mul(), and one(). More... | |
struct | welement |
Storage for a label and a non-null weight. More... | |
class | wordset |
Implementation of labels are words. More... | |
class | xalloc |
Allocate slots in std::ostreams. More... | |
struct | zip_sequences |
struct | zip_sequences_padded |
struct | zipped_maps |
Typedefs | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | states_t = std::unordered_set< state_t_of< Aut >> |
template<bool Lazy, Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs> | |
using | compose_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::compose_automaton_impl< Lazy, Lhs, Rhs >> |
A compose automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<bool Lazy, Automaton Aut, Automaton... Auts> | |
using | product_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts... >> |
A product automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
using | derived_term_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >> |
A derived-term automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, wet_kind_t Kind, bool Lazy = false> | |
using | determinized_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::determinized_automaton_impl< Aut, Kind, Lazy >> |
A determinized automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | lazy_proper_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::lazy_proper_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | filter_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::filter_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | delay_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::delay_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
An automaton wrapper that presents the delay automaton. More... | |
template<std::size_t Tape, Automaton Aut> | |
using | focus_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::focus_automaton_impl< Tape, Aut >> |
A focus automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | synchronized_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::synchronized_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
An automaton wrapper that presents the synchronized automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | transpose_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::transpose_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
An automaton wrapper that presents the transposed automaton. More... | |
using | letter_class_t = std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> |
A set of letter ranges. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | insplit_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::insplit_automaton_impl< Aut, labelset_t_of< Aut >::has_one()>> |
A compose automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | codeterminized_automaton = transpose_automaton< determinized_automaton< decltype(transpose(std::declval< Aut >())), wet_kind_t::bitset >> |
The type of the codeterminized automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | pair_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::pair_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | partial_identity_context_t_of = typename detail::partial_identity_context< Aut >::context_t |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | quotient_t = partition_automaton_t< Aut > |
The return type when calling quotient on Aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | scc_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::scc_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
template<typename Context > | |
using | mutable_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | name_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::name_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | permutation_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::permutation_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
A permutation automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | expression_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::expression_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
An expression automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<typename... ValueSets> | |
using | join_t = decltype(join(std::declval< ValueSets >()...)) |
The type of the join of the ValueSets. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | partition_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >> |
A partition automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
using | partition_automaton_t = typename detail::partition_automaton_t_impl< Aut >::type |
The return type when calling quotient on Aut. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
using | expressionset = weightset_mixin< rat::expressionset_impl< Context >> |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
using | expansionset = rat::expansionset< ExpSet > |
template<Automaton... Auts> | |
using | tuple_automaton = std::shared_ptr< detail::tuple_automaton_impl< Auts... >> |
A tuple automaton as a shared pointer. More... | |
template<typename... ValueSets> | |
using | meet_t = decltype(meet(std::declval< ValueSets >()...)) |
template<typename T > | |
using | base_t = std::remove_cv_t< std::remove_reference_t< T >> |
T without reference or const/volatile qualifiers. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | context_t_of = typename detail::context_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | label_t_of = typename detail::label_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | labelset_t_of = typename detail::labelset_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | state_t_of = typename detail::state_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | transition_t_of = typename detail::transition_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | weight_t_of = typename detail::weight_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | weightset_t_of = typename detail::weightset_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type |
template<typename Aut , typename Context = context_t_of<Aut>> | |
using | fresh_automaton_t_of = typename Aut::element_type::template fresh_automaton_t< Context > |
Given an automaton type, the type of its copies. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | letter_t_of = typename labelset_t_of< base_t< ValueSet >>::letter_t |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | word_t_of = typename labelset_t_of< base_t< ValueSet >>::word_t |
template<typename... LabelSets> | |
using | tupleset = weightset_mixin< detail::tupleset_impl< LabelSets... >> |
using | dynamic_bitset = boost::dynamic_bitset<> |
using | symbol = boost::flyweight< std::string, boost::flyweights::no_tracking, boost::flyweights::intermodule_holder > |
An internalized string. More... | |
template<size_t I, typename T > | |
using | tuple_element_t = typename std::tuple_element< I, T >::type |
C++14. More... | |
template<bool B> | |
using | bool_constant = std::integral_constant< bool, B > |
template<typename Key , typename Value , wet_kind_t Kind = detail::wet_kind<Key, Value>(), typename Compare = std::less<Key>, typename Hash = std::hash<Key>, typename KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>> | |
using | wet = detail::wet_impl< Kind, Key, Value, Compare, Hash, KeyEqual > |
Given Key/Value types, the appropriate weighted set type. More... | |
template<typename Context , wet_kind_t Kind = detail::wet_kind<labelset_t_of<Context>, weightset_t_of<Context>>()> | |
using | wet_of = wet< label_t_of< Context >, weight_t_of< Context >, Kind, vcsn::less< labelset_t_of< Context >>, vcsn::hash< labelset_t_of< Context >>, vcsn::equal_to< labelset_t_of< Context >>> |
The corresponding wet for a LabelSet -> WeightSet context. More... | |
using | b = weightset_mixin< detail::b_impl > |
using | f2 = weightset_mixin< detail::f2_impl > |
using | log = weightset_mixin< detail::log_impl > |
using | nmin = weightset_mixin< detail::nmin_impl > |
using | q = weightset_mixin< detail::q_impl > |
using | qmp = weightset_mixin< detail::qmp_impl > |
using | r = weightset_mixin< detail::r_impl > |
using | rmin = weightset_mixin< detail::rmin_impl > |
using | z = weightset_mixin< detail::z_impl > |
using | zmin = weightset_mixin< detail::zmin_impl > |
template<typename Context , wet_kind_t Kind = detail::wet_kind<labelset_t_of<Context>, weightset_t_of<Context>>()> | |
using | polynomialset = weightset_mixin< detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >> |
Enumerations | |
enum | scc_algo_t { scc_algo_t::auto_, scc_algo_t::dijkstra, scc_algo_t::tarjan_iterative, scc_algo_t::tarjan_recursive, scc_algo_t::kosaraju } |
enum | to_expression_heuristic_t { to_expression_heuristic_t::best, to_expression_heuristic_t::delgado, to_expression_heuristic_t::delgado_label, to_expression_heuristic_t::naive } |
enum | direction { direction::forward, direction::backward } |
Orientation. More... | |
enum | star_status_t { ABSVAL, NON_STARRABLE, STARRABLE, TOPS } |
enum | wet_kind_t { wet_kind_t::bitset, wet_kind_t::map, wet_kind_t::set, wet_kind_t::unordered_map } |
Different implementations of wets. More... | |
Functions | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > source, state_t_of< Aut > dest, a_star_tag) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
states_t< Aut > | accessible_states (const Aut &aut, bool strict=true) |
The set of accessible states, including pre(), and possibly post(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
states_t< Aut > | coaccessible_states (const Aut &a, bool strict=true) |
The set of coaccessible states, including post(), and possibly pre(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
states_t< Aut > | useful_states (const Aut &a, bool strict=true) |
The set of useful states, including possibly pre() and post(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
size_t | num_accessible_states (const Aut &a) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
size_t | num_coaccessible_states (const Aut &a) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
size_t | num_useful_states (const Aut &a) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post(). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
filter_automaton< Aut > | accessible (const Aut &a) |
Accessible part of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
filter_automaton< Aut > | coaccessible (const Aut &a) |
Coaccessible part of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
filter_automaton< Aut > | trim (const Aut &a) |
Useful part of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_trim (const Aut &a) |
Whether all its states are useful. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_useless (const Aut &a) |
Whether all no state is useful. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_accessible (const Aut &a) |
Whether all its states are accessible. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_coaccessible (const Aut &a) |
Whether all its states are coaccessible. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_empty (const Aut &a) |
Whether has no states. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
auto | are_equivalent (const Aut1 &a1, const Aut2 &a2) -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut1 >, b >::value &&std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut2 >, b >::value), bool > |
Check equivalence between Boolean automata on a free labelset. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet1 , typename ExpSet2 > | |
auto | are_equivalent (const ExpSet1 &rs1, const typename ExpSet1::value_t r1, const ExpSet2 &rs2, const typename ExpSet2::value_t r2) -> bool |
Check equivalence between two expressions. More... | |
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs> | |
fresh_automaton_t_of< Lhs > | difference (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs) |
An automaton that computes weights of lhs, but not by rhs. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
ExpSet::value_t | difference (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &rhs) |
Difference of expressions. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
bool | are_isomorphic (const Aut1 &a1, const Aut2 &a2) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > source, state_t_of< Aut >, bellman_ford_tag) |
Destination is ignored as bellman-ford does not stop when reaching dest, but when each iteration has been done. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
mutable_automaton< Ctx > | cerny (const Ctx &ctx, unsigned num_states) |
Cerny automata are automata whose synchronizing word length is always (n - 1)^2, the upper bound of the Cerny's conjecture. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
void | complement_here (Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | complement (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(copy(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | complete_here (Aut &aut) |
Complete aut and return it. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | complete (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
template<bool Lazy, std::size_t OutTape, std::size_t InTape, Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs> | |
auto | make_compose_automaton (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs) |
template<Automaton Lhs, Automaton Rhs, std::size_t OutTape = 1, std::size_t InTape = 0> | |
auto | compose (Lhs &lhs, Rhs &rhs) |
Build the (accessible part of the) composition. More... | |
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs , std::size_t OutTape = 1, std::size_t InTape = 0> | |
auto | compose_lazy (Lhs &lhs, Rhs &rhs) |
Build the (accessible part of the) laze composition. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut | conjugate (const Aut &aut) |
template<bool Lazy, Automaton Aut, Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | make_product_automaton (Aut aut, const Auts &...auts) -> product_automaton< Lazy, Aut, Auts... > |
template<Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | conjunction (const Auts &...as) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction. More... | |
template<Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | conjunction_lazy (const Auts &...as) -> product_automaton< true, decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction, on-the-fly. More... | |
template<Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | shuffle (const Auts &...as) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(join_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
The (accessible part of the) shuffle product. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | shuffle (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Shuffle product of expressions. More... | |
template<Automaton A1, Automaton A2> | |
auto | infiltration (const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(join_automata(a1, a2)), A1, A2 > |
The (accessible part of the) infiltration product. More... | |
template<Automaton A1, Automaton A2, Automaton A3, Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | infiltration (const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const Auts &...as) -> decltype(infiltration(infiltration(a1, a2), a3, as...)) |
The (accessible part of the) infiltration product. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | infiltration (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Infiltration product of expressions. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | conjunction (const Aut &aut, unsigned n) -> fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | conjunction (const ValueSet &rs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Intersection/Hadamard product of expressions/polynomials. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
weight_t_of< ExpSet > | constant_term (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
The constant term of e. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>> | |
AutOut | make_fresh_automaton (const AutIn &model) |
Create an empty, mutable, automaton, based on another one. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut> | |
detail::copier< AutIn, AutOut > | make_copier (const AutIn &in, AutOut &out, bool safe=true) |
Build an automaton copier. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut, typename KeepState , typename KeepTrans > | |
void | copy_into (const AutIn &in, AutOut &out, KeepState keep_state, KeepTrans keep_trans) |
Copy selected states and transitions of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut, typename KeepState > | |
void | copy_into (const AutIn &in, AutOut &out, KeepState keep_state) |
Copy the selected states an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut> | |
void | copy_into (const AutIn &in, AutOut &out) |
Copy an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut> | |
void | copy_into (const AutIn &in, AutOut &out, bool safe) |
Copy an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>, typename KeepState , typename KeepTrans > | |
auto | copy (const AutIn &input, KeepState keep_state, KeepTrans keep_trans) -> decltype(keep_state(input->null_state()), keep_trans(input->null_transition()), make_fresh_automaton< AutIn, AutOut >(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its states that are accepted by keep_state, and transitions accepted by keep_trans. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>, typename KeepState > | |
auto | copy (const AutIn &input, KeepState keep_state) -> decltype(keep_state(input->null_state()), make_fresh_automaton< AutIn, AutOut >(input)) |
A copy of input. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>> | |
AutOut | copy (const AutIn &input) |
A copy of input. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>, typename States > | |
auto | copy (const AutIn &input, const States &ss) -> decltype(*ss.begin()==input->null_state(), make_fresh_automaton< AutIn, AutOut >(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its states that are members of states. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>, typename States , typename Trans > | |
auto | copy (const AutIn &input, const States &ss, const Trans &ts) -> decltype(*ss.begin()==input->null_state(), *ts.begin()==input->null_transition(), make_fresh_automaton< AutIn, AutOut >(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its states that are members of container ss, and transitions that are members of container ts. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut = fresh_automaton_t_of<AutIn>, typename Transitions > | |
auto | copy (const AutIn &input, const Transitions &ts) -> decltype(*ts.begin()==input->null_transition(), make_fresh_automaton< AutIn, AutOut >(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its transitions that are members of ts, and the states on which these transitions depend. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | de_bruijn (const Context &ctx, unsigned n) |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > | derivation (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e, label_t_of< ExpSet > a, bool breaking) |
Derive an expression wrt to a letter. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > | derivation (const ExpSet &rs, const rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > &p, label_t_of< ExpSet > a, bool breaking=false) |
Derive a polynomial of expressions wrt to a letter. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet , typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<word_t_of<ExpSet>, label_t_of<ExpSet>> ::value>> | |
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > | derivation (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e, const word_t_of< ExpSet > &l, bool breaking=false) |
Derive an expression wrt to a word. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
auto | make_derived_term_automaton (const ExpSet &rs, const detail::derived_term_algo &algo) -> derived_term_automaton< ExpSet > |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
std::enable_if_t< labelset_t_of< ExpSet >::is_free(), expression_automaton< mutable_automaton< typename ExpSet::context_t > > > | derived_term (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r, const std::string &algo="auto") |
The derived-term automaton, for free labelsets. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
std::enable_if_t<!labelset_t_of< ExpSet >::is_free(), expression_automaton< mutable_automaton< typename ExpSet::context_t > > > | derived_term (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r, const std::string &algo="auto") |
The derived-term automaton, for non free labelsets. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag , bool Lazy = false> | |
auto | determinize (const Aut &a, Tag={}, bool_constant< Lazy >={}) |
template<Automaton Aut, bool Lazy = false> | |
auto | determinize (const Aut &a, auto_tag={}, bool_constant< Lazy > lazy={}) |
Determinization: automatic dispatch based on the automaton type. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
auto | codeterminize (const Aut &aut, Tag tag={}) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > source, state_t_of< Aut > dest, dijkstra_tag) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< weight_t_of< Aut > > | ss_shortest_distance (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > s0) |
Single source shortest distance. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::unordered_map< state_t_of< Aut >, std::pair< unsigned, transition_t_of< Aut > > > | paths_ibfs (const Aut &aut, const std::vector< state_t_of< Aut >> &start) |
Find the shortest paths from some states to all the states. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< std::vector< weight_t_of< Aut > > > | all_distances (const Aut &aut) |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | ldiv (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Left-division of values. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | lgcd (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Left-division of values. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | rdiv (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Right-division of values. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | divkbaseb (const Context &ctx, unsigned divisor, unsigned base) |
Build the Boolean automaton which accepts a word n representing a number in base "base" if and only if divisor|n. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | dot (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out, format fmt={}) |
Print an automaton in Graphviz's Dot format. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | double_ring (const Context &ctx, unsigned n, const std::vector< unsigned > &finals) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | efsm (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out) |
Format automaton to EFSM format, based on FSM format. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | eval (const Aut &a, const word_t_of< Aut > &w) -> std::enable_if_t<!context_t_of< Aut >::is_lao, weight_t_of< Aut >> |
General case of evaluation. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | eval (const Aut &a) -> std::enable_if_t< context_t_of< Aut >::is_lao, weight_t_of< Aut >> |
Evaluation for lao automaton. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
ExpSet::value_t | expand (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Expand a typed expression. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
filter_automaton< Aut > | filter (const Aut &aut, const std::unordered_set< state_t_of< Aut >> &ss) |
Get an automaton who is a part state set ss of aut. More... | |
template<unsigned Tape, Automaton Aut> | |
focus_automaton< Tape, Aut > | focus (Aut aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | in_situ_remover (Aut &aut, bool prune=true) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_ambiguous (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_proper (const Aut &aut) ATTRIBUTE_CONST |
Test whether an automaton is proper. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_valid (const Aut &aut) |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
bool | is_valid (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Whether e has only computable stars. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
rat::expansionset< ExpSet >::value_t | to_expansion (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
First order expansion. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | fado (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | grail (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | has_bounded_lag (const Aut &aut) |
Whether a transducer has a bounded lag. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t< weightset_t_of< Aut >::has_lightening_weights(), bool > | has_lightening_cycle (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t<!weightset_t_of< Aut >::has_lightening_weights(), bool > | has_lightening_cycle (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | cycle_identity (const detail::component_t< Aut > &c, const Aut &aut) |
Check the weight of two states on this component is unique. More... | |
template<Automaton AutIn, Automaton AutOut> | |
void | create_states_and_trans_ (const AutIn &aut, AutOut &naut1, AutOut &naut2) |
Create states and the transitions two new automata naut1 and naut2 with weight of transition <(w, one)> and <(one, w)> corresponding with the weight of transition <w> of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | has_twins_property (const Aut &aut) |
Whether aut has the twins property. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | info (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out, bool detailed=false) |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
void | info (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e, std::ostream &o) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | make_insplit_automaton (const Aut &aut) -> insplit_automaton< Aut > |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | insplit_lazy (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(make_insplit_automaton(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | insplit (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(detail::insplit(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_ambiguous (const Aut &aut, std::tuple< state_t_of< Aut >, state_t_of< Aut >> &witness) |
Whether an automaton is ambiguous. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
word_t_of< Aut > | ambiguous_word (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_cycle_ambiguous (const Aut &aut) |
Whether aut is cycle-ambiguous. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_cycle_ambiguous_scc (const Aut &aut) |
Whether aut is cycle-ambiguous. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_complete (const Aut &aut) |
Whether aut is complete. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_deterministic (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > s) |
Whether state s is deterministic in aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
size_t | num_deterministic_states (const Aut &aut) |
Number of non-deterministic states. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
size_t | num_codeterministic_states (const Aut &aut) |
Number of non-deterministic states of transpositive automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_deterministic (const Aut &aut) |
Whether has at most an initial state, and all its states are deterministic. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_codeterministic (const Aut &aut) |
Whether the transpositive automaton is deterministic. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
ATTRIBUTE_CONST bool | is_eps_acyclic (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
constexpr bool | is_free_boolean () |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_functional (const Aut &aut) |
Whether aut is functional. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_partial_identity (const Aut &aut) |
Whether transducer aut is equivalent to a partial identity function on all successful paths. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_synchronized (const Aut &aut) |
Check whether the transducer is synchronized. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | make_delay_automaton (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(detail::make_delay_automaton(aut)) |
Check whether the transducer is synchronized. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | ladybird (const Context &ctx, unsigned n) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
Aut & | left_mult_here (const weight_t_of< Aut > &w, Aut &res, Tag tag={}) |
In place left-multiplication of an automaton by a weight. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
auto | left_mult (const weight_t_of< Aut > &w, const Aut &aut, Tag tag={}) -> fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > |
Left-multiplication of an automaton by a weight. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
auto | left_mult (const ValueSet &rs, const weight_t_of< ValueSet > &w, const typename ValueSet::value_t &r) -> decltype(rs.lmul(w, r)) |
template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpSet > | |
expansionset< expressionset< context< labelset_t_of< ExpSet >, join_t< WeightSet, weightset_t_of< ExpSet > > > > > | join_weightset_expansionset (const WeightSet &ws, const expansionset< ExpSet > &rs) |
template<typename WeightSet , typename ExpSet > | |
expressionset< context< labelset_t_of< ExpSet >, join_t< WeightSet, weightset_t_of< ExpSet > > > > | join_weightset_expressionset (const WeightSet &ws, const ExpSet &rs) |
Join between an expressionset and a weightset. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
Aut & | right_mult_here (Aut &res, const weight_t_of< Aut > &w, Tag tag={}) |
In place right-multiplication of an automaton by a weight. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > | right_mult (const Aut &aut, const weight_t_of< Aut > &w, Tag tag={}) |
Right-multiplication of an automaton by a weight. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | right_mult (const ValueSet &rs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &r, const weight_t_of< ValueSet > &w) |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
bool | less_than (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &rhs) |
Whether lhs precedes rhs. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | letterize (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(detail::letterize(aut)) |
Split the word transitions in the input automaton into letter ones. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_letterized (const Aut &aut) |
Check if the transitions are all letters. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | realtime (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(proper(::vcsn::letterize(aut))) |
Split the word transitions in the input automaton into letter ones, and remove the spontaneous transitions. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_realtime (const Aut &aut) |
Check if the automaton is realtime, i.e. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | levenshtein (const Context &ctx) |
The Levenshtein automaton for a given context. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, size_t... Tapes> | |
detail::lifted_automaton_t< Aut, Tapes... > | lift (const Aut &a, vcsn::rat::identities ids={}) |
Lift some tapes of the transducer. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
detail::lifted_expressionset_t< ExpSet >::value_t | lift (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Move all the labels to the weights. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Algo = auto_tag> | |
fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > | lightest_automaton (const Aut &aut, Algo algo={}) |
Lightest Automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, Tag tag={}) |
Lightest path dispatch between algorithms with tags. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > source, state_t_of< Aut > dest, auto_tag={}) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut > > | lightest_path (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > src, state_t_of< Aut > dst, const std::string &algo) |
Lightest path dispatch between algorithms with string. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | path_monomial (const Aut &aut, const std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut >> &path, state_t_of< Aut > src=Aut::element_type::pre(), state_t_of< Aut > dst=Aut::element_type::post()) -> boost::optional< typename detail::word_polynomialset_t< context_t_of< Aut >>::monomial_t > |
Given a path (typically computed by lightest_path), the corresponding monomial (label, weight). More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
detail::word_polynomialset_t< context_t_of< Aut > >::value_t | lightest (const Aut &aut, unsigned num=1, const std::string &algo="auto") |
The approximated behavior of an automaton. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
Ctx | make_context (const std::string &name) |
template<typename Ctx > | |
constexpr auto | num_tapes (const Ctx &) -> std::enable_if_t< Ctx::is_lat, size_t > |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | minimize (const Aut &a, brzozowski_tag) -> std::enable_if_t< is_free_boolean< Aut >(), determinized_automaton< codeterminized_automaton< Aut >, wet_kind_t::bitset >> |
Brzozowski-based minimization. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t< is_free_boolean< Aut >), quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, hopcroft_tag) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag > | |
auto | minimize (const Aut &a, Tag) -> quotient_t< Aut > |
Minimization via the minimizer functors. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut >, b >::value, quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, auto_tag={}) |
Minimization for Boolean automata: auto_tag. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut >, b >::value, quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, auto_tag={}) |
Minimization for non Boolean automata: auto_tag.. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t< is_free_boolean< Aut >), quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, const std::string &algo) |
Minimization for Boolean automata on a free labelset: algo selection. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut >, b >::value &&!labelset_t_of< Aut >::is_free(), quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, const std::string &algo) |
Minimization for Boolean automata on a non-free labelset: algo selection. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same< weightset_t_of< Aut >, b >::value, quotient_t< Aut > > | minimize (const Aut &a, const std::string &algo) |
Minimization for non Boolean automata: algo selection. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
auto | cominimize (const Aut &a, Tag tag={}) -> decltype(transpose(minimize(transpose(a), tag))) |
Cominimization. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | multiply_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, deterministic_tag) |
Append automaton b to res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | multiply_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, general_tag) |
Append automaton b to res for non standard automata. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | multiply_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, standard_tag={}) |
Append automaton b to res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2, typename Tag = general_tag> | |
auto | multiply (const Aut1 &lhs, const Aut2 &rhs, Tag tag={}) -> decltype(lhs->null_state(), detail::make_join_automaton(tag, lhs, rhs)) |
Concatenate two automata, general case. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = general_tag> | |
auto | multiply (const Aut &aut, int min, int max, Tag tag={}) -> decltype(aut->null_state(), detail::make_join_automaton(tag, aut)) |
Repeated concatenation of an automaton. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | multiply (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Product (concatenation) of expressions/labels/polynomials/weights. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
ExpSet::value_t | multiply (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r, int min, int max) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_normalized (const Aut &a) |
Whether a is standard and co-standard. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | normalize (const Aut &a) -> decltype(copy(a)) |
Normalize a automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
pair_automaton< Aut > | pair (const Aut &aut, bool keep_initials=false) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut, partial_identity_context_t_of< Aut > > | partial_identity (const Aut &aut) |
Create a partial identity transducer from aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | suffix_here (Aut &aut) |
Make all accessible states initial. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | suffix (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | prefix_here (Aut &aut) |
Make all coaccessible states final. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | prefix (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | factor_here (Aut &aut) |
Make each useful state both initial and final. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | factor (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | subword_here (Aut &aut) |
Add spontaneous transitions for each non spontaneous transition, with same source, destination and weight. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | subword (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(make_nullable_automaton(aut->context())) |
Apply subword_here() to a copy of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::ostream & | print (const Aut &aut, std::ostream &out, const std::string &fmt) |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
std::ostream & | print (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &v, std::ostream &o, format fmt) |
Applies to (ValueSet, Value, ostream, string): for expansionset, polynomialset, expressionset, and weightset. More... | |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
std::ostream & | list (const PolynomialSet &ps, const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &p, std::ostream &o) |
template<std::size_t Tape, Automaton Aut> | |
auto | project (const Aut &aut) -> mutable_automaton< detail::project_context< Tape, context_t_of< Aut >>> |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | proper (const Aut &aut, direction dir=direction::backward, bool prune=true, const std::string &algo="auto") -> fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut, detail::proper_context< context_t_of< Aut >>> |
Eliminate spontaneous transitions. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | proper_lazy (const Aut &aut, direction dir=direction::backward, bool prune=true) -> lazy_proper_automaton< Aut > |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
void | proper_here (Aut &aut, direction dir=direction::backward, bool prune=true, const std::string &algo="auto") |
Eliminate spontaneous transitions in place. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
weight_t_of< Aut > | shortest_distance_to_finals (Aut aut, state_t_of< Aut > s0) |
Find shorhest of s0 to the final states of aut by using single source shortest distance. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::unordered_map< state_t_of< Aut >, weight_t_of< Aut > > | shortest_distance_to_finals (Aut aut) |
Find all shortest distances of each state to the final states of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | push_weights (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
The algorithm weight pushing. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | quotient (const Aut &a, typename detail::quotienter< Aut >::class_to_set_t &cs) -> quotient_t< Aut > |
template<typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
oneset::value_t | random_label (const oneset &ls, RandomGenerator &=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from oneset. More... | |
template<typename... LabelSet, typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
tupleset< LabelSet... >::value_t | random_label (const tupleset< LabelSet... > &ls, RandomGenerator &gen=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from tupleset. More... | |
template<typename... LabelSet, size_t... I, typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
tupleset< LabelSet... >::value_t | random_label_ (const tupleset< LabelSet... > &ls, RandomGenerator &gen, detail::index_sequence< I... >) |
Implementation detail for random label from tupleset. More... | |
template<typename GenSet , typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
wordset< GenSet >::value_t | random_label (const wordset< GenSet > &ls, RandomGenerator &gen=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from wordset. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet , typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
LabelSet::value_t | random_label (const LabelSet &ls, RandomGenerator &gen=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from general case such as letterset. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet , typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
nullableset< LabelSet >::value_t | random_label (const nullableset< LabelSet > &ls, RandomGenerator &gen=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from nullableset. More... | |
template<typename Context , typename RandomGenerator = std::default_random_engine> | |
expressionset< Context >::value_t | random_label (const expressionset< Context > &rs, RandomGenerator &gen=RandomGenerator()) |
Random label from expressionset: limited to a single label. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
mutable_automaton< Ctx > | random_automaton (const Ctx &ctx, unsigned num_states, float density=0.1, unsigned num_initial=1, unsigned num_final=1, float loop_chance=0.0) |
template<typename Ctx > | |
mutable_automaton< Ctx > | random_automaton_deterministic (const Ctx &ctx, unsigned num_states) |
template<typename Context > | |
auto | read_label (const Context &ctx, std::istream &is, bool quoted=false) -> label_t_of< Context > |
template<typename Context > | |
auto | read_polynomial (const Context &ctx, std::istream &is) -> typename polynomialset< Context >::value_t |
template<typename Context > | |
auto | read_weight (const Context &ctx, std::istream &is) -> weight_t_of< Context > |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | left_reduce (const Aut &input) -> decltype(copy(input)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | reduce (const Aut &input) -> decltype(copy(input)) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::vector< state_t_of< Aut > > | reverse_postorder (const Aut &aut) |
Get all states in reverse postorder. More... | |
scc_algo_t | scc_algo (const std::string &algo) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = auto_tag> | |
const detail::components_t< Aut > | strong_components (const Aut &aut, Tag={}) |
Find all strongly connected components of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
const detail::components_t< Aut > | strong_components (const Aut &aut, scc_algo_t algo=scc_algo_t::tarjan_iterative) |
Find all strongly connected components of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > | aut_of_component (const detail::component_t< Aut > &com, const Aut &aut) |
Generate a subautomaton corresponding to an SCC. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
scc_automaton< Aut > | scc (const Aut &aut, const std::string &algo="auto") |
Get scc_automaton from aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::size_t | num_components (const scc_automaton< Aut > &aut) |
Get number of strongly connected components. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
std::size_t | num_components (const Aut &) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
filter_automaton< scc_automaton< Aut > > | component (const scc_automaton< Aut > &aut, unsigned num) |
An SCC as a subautomaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
void | component (const Aut &, unsigned) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
partition_automaton< scc_automaton< Aut > > | condense (const scc_automaton< Aut > &aut) |
Create a condensation of automaton with each its state who is a strongly connected component of aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
partition_automaton< Aut > | condense (const Aut &) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
detail::enumerater< Aut >::polynomial_t | shortest (const Aut &aut, boost::optional< unsigned > num={}, boost::optional< unsigned > len={}) |
The approximated behavior of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
detail::enumerater< Aut >::polynomial_t | enumerate (const Aut &aut, unsigned len) |
The approximated behavior of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_out_sorted (const Aut &a) |
Whether for each state, the outgoing transitions are sorted by increasing label. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | sort (const Aut &a) -> permutation_automaton< Aut > |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > | split (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Split an expression. More... | |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
PolynomialSet::value_t | split_polynomial (const PolynomialSet &ps, const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &p) |
Split a polynomial of expressions, given the polynomialset. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > | split (const ExpSet &rs, const rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > &p) |
Split a polynomial of expressions, given the expressionset. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_standard (const Aut &a) |
Whether a is standard. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_costandard (const Aut &a) |
Whether a is costandard. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
void | standard_here (Aut &aut) |
Turn aut into a standard automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | standard (const Aut &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | costandard (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(copy(aut)) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet > | |
Aut | standard (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r) |
Build a standard automaton from an expression. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
unsigned | star_height (const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Star height of an expression. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
ExpSet::value_t | star_normal_form (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &e) |
Star-normal form of an expression. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | star_here (Aut &res, general_tag={}) |
In-place star of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | star_here (Aut &res, standard_tag) |
In-place star of a standard automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | star_here (Aut &res, deterministic_tag) |
In-place star of a deterministic automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Tag = general_tag> | |
auto | star (const Aut &aut, Tag tag={}) -> decltype(detail::make_join_automaton(tag, aut)) |
Star of an automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | strip (const Aut &aut) |
Remove (all) the decorations from a decorated automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | sum_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, deterministic_tag) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | sum_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, standard_tag) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2> | |
Aut1 & | sum_here (Aut1 &res, const Aut2 &b, general_tag) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut1, Automaton Aut2, typename Tag = general_tag> | |
auto | sum (const Aut1 &lhs, const Aut2 &rhs, Tag tag={}) -> decltype(join_automata(lhs, rhs)) |
The sum of two automata. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
ValueSet::value_t | sum (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
Sums of values. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | synchronize (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(detail::synchronize(aut)) |
Synchronize the transducer. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_synchronized_by (const Aut &aut, const word_t_of< Aut > &w) |
Whether w synchronizes automaton aut. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
bool | is_synchronizing (const Aut &aut) |
Whether this automaton is synchronizing, i.e., has synchronizing words. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
word_t_of< Aut > | synchronizing_word (const Aut &aut, const std::string &algo="greedy") |
Return a synchronizing word for aut using algo algo. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet > | |
Aut | thompson (const context_t_of< Aut > &ctx, const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r) |
Build a Thompson automaton from an expression. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet > | |
Aut | thompson (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r) |
Build a Thompson automaton from an expression. More... | |
template<Automaton AutPtr> | |
std::ostream & | tikz (const AutPtr &aut, std::ostream &out) |
Print automaton to TikZ format. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut & | eliminate_state_here (Aut &res, state_t_of< Aut > s=Aut::element_type::null_state()) |
In place removal of state s from automaton res. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | eliminate_state (const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > s=Aut::element_type::null_state()) -> fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > |
A copy of automaton res without the state s. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Profiler , typename ExpSet = expressionset<context_t_of<Aut>>> | |
ExpSet::value_t | to_expression (Aut &a, Profiler &profiler) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet = expressionset<context_t_of<Aut>>> | |
ExpSet::value_t | to_expression_heuristic (const Aut &aut, vcsn::rat::identities ids, to_expression_heuristic_t algo) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet = expressionset<context_t_of<Aut>>> | |
ExpSet::value_t | to_expression (const Aut &aut, vcsn::rat::identities ids, to_expression_heuristic_t algo) |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet = expressionset<context_t_of<Aut>>> | |
ExpSet::value_t | to_expression (const Aut &a, vcsn::rat::identities ids, const std::string &algo) |
template<typename ExpressionSet > | |
ExpressionSet::value_t | to_expression (const ExpressionSet &rs, const letter_class_t &letters, bool accept=true) |
An expression matching one letter in a letter class. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | to_spontaneous (const Aut &aut) -> std::enable_if_t<!context_t_of< Aut >::is_lao, decltype(make_mutable_automaton(make_context(oneset(), *aut->weightset())))> |
to_spontaneous More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut | transpose (const transpose_automaton< Aut > &aut) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
transpose_automaton< Aut > | transpose (Aut aut) |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
mutable_automaton< detail::free_context< context_t_of< PolynomialSet > > > | trie (const PolynomialSet &ps, const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &p) |
Make a trie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series given as a polynomial. More... | |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
mutable_automaton< detail::free_context< context_t_of< PolynomialSet > > > | cotrie (const PolynomialSet &ps, const typename PolynomialSet::value_t &p) |
Make a cotrie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series given as a polynomial. More... | |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
mutable_automaton< detail::free_context< context_t_of< PolynomialSet > > > | trie (const PolynomialSet &ps, std::istream &is, const std::string &format="default") |
Make a trie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series read from a stream. More... | |
template<typename PolynomialSet > | |
mutable_automaton< detail::free_context< context_t_of< PolynomialSet > > > | cotrie (const PolynomialSet &ps, std::istream &is, const std::string &format="default") |
Make a trie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series read from a stream. More... | |
template<typename... Ctx> | |
auto | tuple_context (Ctx &&...ctx) -> context< tupleset< labelset_t_of< Ctx >... >, join_t< weightset_t_of< Ctx >... >> |
template<typename... ExpansionSets> | |
auto | tuple_expansionset (const ExpansionSets &...ess) -> rat::expansionset< decltype(tuple_expressionset(ess.expressionset()...))> |
template<typename ValueSet , typename... ValueSets> | |
ValueSet::value_t | tuple (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSets::value_t &...v) |
template<typename... ExpSets> | |
auto | tuple_expressionset (const ExpSets &...rss) -> expressionset< decltype(tuple_context(rss.context()...))> |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | u (const Context &ctx, unsigned n) |
The Brzozowski universal witness. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
Aut | universal (const Aut &a) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | weight_series (const Aut &a) -> std::enable_if_t<!is_tropical< weightset_t_of< Aut >>::value, weight_t_of< Aut >> |
template<Automaton Aut, typename ExpSet > | |
Aut | zpc (const context_t_of< Aut > &ctx, const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &r, const std::string &algo="auto") |
Build a ZPC automaton from an expression. More... | |
template<> | |
char_letters::letter_t | char_letters::special< char_letters::letter_t > () |
template<> | |
char_letters::word_t | char_letters::special< char_letters::word_t > () |
template<typename Key , typename Compare , typename Allocator > | |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | has (const boost::container::flat_set< Key, Compare, Allocator > &s, const Key &e) |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
template<> | |
string_letters::letter_t | string_letters::special< string_letters::letter_t > () |
template<> | |
string_letters::word_t | string_letters::special< string_letters::word_t > () |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
auto | join (const ValueSet &vs) -> ValueSet |
The join of a single valueset. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet1 , typename ValueSet2 > | |
auto | join (ValueSet1 vs1, ValueSet2 vs2) -> decltype(detail::join_(vs1, vs2, 0)) |
The join of two valuesets. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet1 , typename ValueSet2 , typename ValueSet3 , typename... VSs> | |
auto | join (ValueSet1 vs1, ValueSet2 vs2, ValueSet3 vs3, VSs &&...vs) -> decltype(join(join(vs1, vs2), vs3, std::forward< VSs >(vs)...)) |
The join of three (or more) valuesets. More... | |
template<typename Context > | |
mutable_automaton< Context > | make_mutable_automaton (const Context &ctx) |
template<typename Context > | |
auto | make_nullable_automaton (const Context &ctx) |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | make_partition_automaton (const fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > &res, const Aut &input, const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t origins) -> partition_automaton_t< Aut > |
Build a partition_automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | make_partition_automaton (const fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > &res, const partition_automaton< Aut > &input, const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t origins) -> partition_automaton_t< Aut > |
Build a partition_automaton of a partition_automaton: smash into a single level partition_automaton. More... | |
template<Automaton Aut> | |
auto | make_partition_automaton (const fresh_automaton_t_of< transpose_automaton< Aut >> &res, const transpose_automaton< Aut > &input, const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t origins) -> transpose_automaton< partition_automaton_t< Aut >> |
Build a partition_automaton of a transpose_automaton: smash into a transpose_automaton of a partition_automaton. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
expansionset< ExpSet > | make_expansionset (const ExpSet &expset) |
template<typename Context > | |
expressionset< Context > | make_expressionset (const Context &ctx, rat::identities identities={}) |
Shorthand to expressionset constructor. More... | |
template<typename Ctx1 , typename Ctx2 > | |
auto | meet (const expressionset< Ctx1 > &a, const expressionset< Ctx2 > &b) -> expressionset< meet_t< Ctx1, Ctx2 >> |
The meet of two expressionsets. More... | |
template<typename ExpSet > | |
ExpSet::value_t | transpose (const ExpSet &rs, const typename ExpSet::value_t &v) |
A expression that denotes the transposition of v. More... | |
template<Automaton... Auts> | |
auto | make_tuple_automaton (const Auts &...auts) -> tuple_automaton< Auts... > |
template<typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet > | |
context< LabelSet, WeightSet > | make_context (const LabelSet &ls, const WeightSet &ws) |
Shorthand to build a context. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
auto | meet (const ValueSet &vs) -> ValueSet |
The meet of a single valueset. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet1 , typename ValueSet2 , typename ValueSet3 , typename... VSs> | |
auto | meet (const ValueSet1 &vs1, const ValueSet2 &vs2, const ValueSet3 &vs3, const VSs &...vs) -> decltype(meet(meet(vs1, vs2), vs3, vs...)) |
template<typename LhsLabelSet , typename LhsWeightSet , typename RhsLabelSet , typename RhsWeightSet > | |
auto | meet (const context< LhsLabelSet, LhsWeightSet > &a, const context< RhsLabelSet, RhsWeightSet > &b) -> context< meet_t< LhsLabelSet, RhsLabelSet >, join_t< LhsWeightSet, RhsWeightSet >> |
The meet of two contexts. More... | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::lal_char_b) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::lal_char_br) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::lal_char_q) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::lal_char_zr) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::lal_char_zrr) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::law_char_br) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::law_char_zr) | |
VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE (ctx::law_char_zrr) | |
template<typename GenSet > | |
letterset< GenSet > | meet (const letterset< GenSet > &lhs, const letterset< GenSet > &rhs) |
Compute the meet with another labelset. More... | |
template<typename GenSet > | |
nullableset< letterset< GenSet > > | meet (const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> &lhs, const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> &rhs) |
Compute the meet with another labelset. More... | |
template<typename GenSet > | |
nullableset< letterset< GenSet > > | meet (const letterset< GenSet > &lhs, const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> &rhs) |
template<typename GenSet > | |
nullableset< letterset< GenSet > > | meet (const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> &lhs, const letterset< GenSet > &rhs) |
template<typename Lls , typename Rls > | |
nullableset< meet_t< Lls, Rls > > | meet (const nullableset< Lls > &lhs, const nullableset< Rls > &rhs) |
oneset | meet (const oneset &, const oneset &) |
The meet of two labelsets. More... | |
template<typename GenSet > | |
wordset< GenSet > | meet (const wordset< GenSet > &lhs, const wordset< GenSet > &rhs) |
Compute the meet with another alphabet. More... | |
template<typename Container , typename = typename Container::value_type> | |
Container | set_difference (const Container &s1, const Container &s2) |
The set of members of s1 that are not members of s2. More... | |
template<typename Container , typename = typename Container::value_type> | |
Container | set_intersection (const Container &s1, const Container &s2) |
The intersection of two sets. More... | |
template<typename Container > | |
bool | same_domain (const Container &x, const Container &y) |
Check that two associative containers have the same keys. More... | |
template<typename Container , typename = typename Container::value_type> | |
Container | set_union (const Container &s1, const Container &s2) |
The union of two sets. More... | |
template<typename Map , typename Key > | |
auto | has (const Map &s, const Key &e) -> decltype(s.find(e)!=std::end(s)) |
Whether e is in s. More... | |
template<typename Cont , typename Pred > | |
container_filter_range< Cont, Pred > | make_container_filter_range (const Cont &cont, Pred pred) |
template<typename... Sequences> | |
cross_sequences< Sequences... > | cross (Sequences &&...seqs) |
template<typename... Sequences> | |
cross_sequences< Sequences... > | cross_tuple (const std::tuple< Sequences... > &seqs) |
template<typename T , typename Allocator = std::allocator<T>> | |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | has (const std::deque< T, Allocator > &s, const T &e) |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
std::string | to_string (direction d) |
Conversion to string. More... | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, direction &d) |
Parsing. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, direction d) |
Pretty-printing. More... | |
bool | operator< (empty_t, empty_t) |
bool | operator== (empty_t, empty_t) |
std::ostream & | str_escape (std::ostream &os, const std::string &str, const char *special=nullptr) |
Output a string, escaping special characters. More... | |
std::string | str_escape (const std::string &c, const char *special=nullptr) |
Likewise, but produces a string. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
std::string | str_escape (const std::vector< T > &s, const char *special=nullptr) |
A container of letters. More... | |
std::ostream & | str_escape (std::ostream &os, int c, const char *special=nullptr) |
Output a character, escaping special characters. More... | |
std::string | str_escape (int c, const char *special=nullptr) |
Likewise, but produces a string. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const file_library &l) |
Print l on o. More... | |
std::string | to_string (format i) |
Wrapper around operator<<. More... | |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, format &i) |
Read from string form. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, format i) |
Output in string form. More... | |
void | hash_combine_hash (std::size_t &seed, size_t h) |
template<typename T > | |
void | hash_combine (std::size_t &seed, const T &v) |
std::ostream & | incindent (std::ostream &o) |
Increment the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | decindent (std::ostream &o) |
Decrement the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | resetindent (std::ostream &o) |
Reset the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | indent (std::ostream &o) |
Set the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | iendl (std::ostream &o) |
Print an end of line, then set the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | incendl (std::ostream &o) |
Increment the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation. More... | |
std::ostream & | decendl (std::ostream &o) |
Decrement the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation. More... | |
template<typename T , typename U > | |
bool | has (std::initializer_list< T > s, const U &e) |
Whether e is in s. More... | |
template<typename Key , typename Value , typename Compare , typename Alloc > | |
bool | has (const std::map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > &s, const Key &e) |
Whether e is in s. More... | |
template<typename Key , typename Value , typename Comp , typename Alloc > | |
std::set< typename std::map< Key, Value, Comp, Alloc >::mapped_type > | image (const std::map< Key, Value, Comp, Alloc > &m) |
The set of values of a map. More... | |
template<typename SharedPtr , typename... Args> | |
SharedPtr | make_shared_ptr (Args &&...args) |
Same as std::make_shared, but parameterized by the shared_ptr type, not the (pointed to) element_type. More... | |
int | address (const void *t) |
Name pointers, to make them easier to read. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
int | address (T *t) |
template<typename T > | |
int | address (const T &t) |
template<typename T > | |
symbol | sname () |
template<typename T > | |
symbol | sname (T &) |
template<typename... Args> | |
signature | ssignature () |
Static signature. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
symbol | vname (T &t) |
template<typename... Args> | |
signature | vsignature (Args &&...args) |
The signature of (Args...). More... | |
template<typename T > | |
auto | make_unordered_pair (T &&e1, T &&e2) |
path | absolute (const path &p) |
bool | exists (const path &p) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const path &p) |
Dump p on o. More... | |
template<typename T , typename Container > | |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | has (const std::queue< T, Container > &s, const T &e) |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void | raise (Args &&...args) |
Raise a runtime_error with the concatenation of args as message. More... | |
template<typename Bool , typename... Args> | |
void | require (Bool b, Args &&...args) |
If b is not verified, raise an error with args as message. More... | |
template<typename RandomGenerator > | |
random_selector< RandomGenerator > | make_random_selector (RandomGenerator &g) |
template<typename T , typename Compare , typename Alloc > | |
bool | has (const std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > &s, const T &e) ATTRIBUTE_PURE |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
template<typename T , typename Compare , typename Alloc > | |
std::set< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > > | intersection_closure (std::set< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc >> pset) |
The set of all the intersections of the sets in pset. More... | |
template<typename T , typename Compare , typename Alloc > | |
std::ostream & | print (const std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > &set, std::ostream &o) |
Print with a separator. Meant to help debugging. More... | |
template<typename Container > | |
bool | subset (const Container &set1, const Container &set2) ATTRIBUTE_PURE |
Whether set1 ⊆ set2. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const signature &sig) |
Output a string, escaping special characters. More... | |
std::string | bracketed (std::istream &i, char lbracket, char rbracket) |
Extract the string which is here between lbracket and rbracket. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet , typename... Args> | |
auto | conv (const ValueSet &vs, const std::string &str, Args &&...args) -> decltype(vs.conv(std::declval< std::istream & >(), std::forward< Args >(args)...)) |
Parse str via vs.conv. More... | |
char | eat (std::istream &is, char c) |
Check lookahead character and advance. More... | |
const std::string & | eat (std::istream &is, const std::string &s) |
Check lookahead string and advance. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN void | fail_reading (std::istream &is, Args &&...args) |
Throw an exception after failing to read from is. More... | |
char | get_char (std::istream &i) |
Read a single char, with possible -escape support. More... | |
template<typename ValueSet , typename Value = typename ValueSet::value_t, typename... Args> | |
auto | to_string (const ValueSet &vs, const Value &v, Args &&...args) -> std::string |
Format v via vs.print. More... | |
std::string | get_file_contents (const std::string &file) |
Return the contents of file. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< std::istream > | open_input_file (const std::string &file) |
Open file for reading and return its autoclosing stream. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< std::ostream > | open_output_file (const std::string &file) |
Open file for writing and return its autoclosing stream. More... | |
std::string | operator+ (symbol l, const char *r) |
std::string | operator+ (const char *l, symbol r) |
std::string | operator+ (symbol l, const std::string &r) |
std::string | operator+ (const std::string &l, symbol r) |
template<bool... B> | |
constexpr bool | any_ () |
Static evaluation of the 'or' of the template parameters. More... | |
template<bool... B> | |
constexpr bool | all_ () |
template<typename... Bool> | |
bool | all (Bool &&...values) |
template<typename Key , typename T , typename Hash , typename KeyEqual , typename Alloc > | |
size_t | collision_count (const std::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > &m) |
Sum of bucket sizes. More... | |
template<typename Key , typename T , typename Hash , typename KeyEqual , typename Alloc > | |
bool | has (const std::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > &m, const Key &k) |
Whether e is member of m. More... | |
template<typename Key , typename Hash , typename KeyEqual , typename Alloc > | |
bool | has (const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > &s, const Key &k) |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
template<typename Key , typename Hash , typename KeyEqual , typename Alloc > | |
std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > | set_intersection (const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > &s1, const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > &s2) |
Intersection of s1 and s2. More... | |
template<typename T , typename Alloc > | |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool | has (const std::vector< T, Alloc > &s, const T &e) |
Whether e is member of s. More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
auto | label_of (const welement< Label, Weight > &m) -> decltype(m.label()) |
The label of a welement. More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
auto | weight_of (const welement< Label, Weight > &m) -> decltype(m.weight()) |
The weight of a welement. More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
void | weight_set (welement< Label, Weight > &m, const Weight &w) |
Set the weight of a welement. More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
const Label & | label_of (const std::pair< Label, Weight > &m) |
The label of a pair (label, weight). More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
const Weight & | weight_of (const std::pair< Label, Weight > &m) |
The weight of a pair (label, weight). More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
Label & | label_of (std::pair< Label, Weight > &m) |
The label of a pair (label, weight). More... | |
template<typename Label , typename Weight > | |
void | weight_set (std::pair< Label, Weight > &m, const Weight &w) |
Set the weight of a pair (label, weight). More... | |
std::string | to_string (wet_kind_t k) |
String version of a wet kind. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const iomanipulator &g) |
Launch the iomanipulator action on o. More... | |
template<typename Dereference = as_pair, typename... Maps> | |
zipped_maps< Dereference, Maps... > | zip_maps (Maps &&...maps) |
template<typename Dereference = as_pair, typename... Maps> | |
zipped_maps< Dereference, Maps... > | zip_map_tuple (const std::tuple< Maps... > &maps) |
template<typename... Sequences> | |
zip_sequences< Sequences... > | zip (Sequences &&...seqs) |
template<typename... Sequences> | |
zip_sequences< Sequences... > | zip_tuple (const std::tuple< Sequences... > &seqs) |
template<typename... Sequences> | |
zip_sequences_padded< zip_sequences< Sequences... > > | zip_with_padding (const std::tuple< typename Sequences::value_type... > &pad, const Sequences &...seq) |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
auto | label_is_zero (const LabelSet &ls, const typename LabelSet::value_t *l) -> decltype(ls.is_zero(l), bool()) |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
bool | label_is_zero (const LabelSet &,...) ATTRIBUTE_CONST |
Variables | |
std::ostream | cnull {nullptr} |
An narrow-char stream that discards the output. More... | |
std::wostream | wcnull {nullptr} |
An wide-char stream that discards the output. More... | |
using vcsn::b = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::b_impl> |
using vcsn::base_t = typedef std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>> |
using vcsn::bool_constant = typedef std::integral_constant<bool, B> |
Definition at line 12 of file type_traits.hh.
using vcsn::codeterminized_automaton = typedef transpose_automaton<determinized_automaton <decltype(transpose(std::declval<Aut>())), wet_kind_t::bitset>> |
The type of the codeterminized automaton.
Use decltype on transpose because transpose(transpose(a)) returns a.
Definition at line 25 of file minimize-brzozowski.hh.
using vcsn::compose_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::compose_automaton_impl<Lazy, Lhs, Rhs>> |
A compose automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 381 of file compose.hh.
using vcsn::context_t_of = typedef typename detail:: context_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::delay_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::delay_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::derived_term_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::derived_term_automaton_impl<ExpSet>> |
A derived-term automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 307 of file derived-term.hh.
using vcsn::determinized_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::determinized_automaton_impl<Aut, Kind, Lazy>> |
A determinized automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 242 of file determinize.hh.
using vcsn::dynamic_bitset = typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> |
Definition at line 27 of file dynamic_bitset.hh.
using vcsn::expansionset = typedef rat::expansionset<ExpSet> |
using vcsn::expression_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::expression_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::expressionset = typedef weightset_mixin<rat::expressionset_impl<Context>> |
using vcsn::f2 = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::f2_impl> |
using vcsn::filter_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::filter_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::focus_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::focus_automaton_impl<Tape, Aut>> |
using vcsn::fresh_automaton_t_of = typedef typename Aut::element_type::template fresh_automaton_t<Context> |
Given an automaton type, the type of its copies.
Strips most decorators, with the notable exception of transpose_automaton: copies of transposed automata are transposed automata, but with all other kinds of decorations removed. This allows a simple implementation of "co-algorithms": transpose the input automaton, create a fresh copy (which is therefore transposed), process it, and then return its transposition, i.e., a forward automaton.
using vcsn::insplit_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::insplit_automaton_impl<Aut, labelset_t_of<Aut>::has_one()>> |
A compose automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 312 of file insplit.hh.
using vcsn::join_t = typedef decltype(join(std::declval<ValueSets>()...)) |
using vcsn::label_t_of = typedef typename detail:: label_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::labelset_t_of = typedef typename detail:: labelset_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::lazy_proper_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::lazy_proper_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
Definition at line 204 of file epsilon-remover-lazy.hh.
using vcsn::letter_class_t = typedef std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> |
using vcsn::letter_t_of = typedef typename labelset_t_of<base_t<ValueSet>>::letter_t |
using vcsn::log = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::log_impl> |
using vcsn::meet_t = typedef decltype(meet(std::declval<ValueSets>()...)) |
Definition at line 158 of file context.hh.
using vcsn::mutable_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::mutable_automaton_impl<Context>> |
using vcsn::name_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::name_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::nmin = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::nmin_impl> |
using vcsn::pair_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::pair_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::partial_identity_context_t_of = typedef typename detail::partial_identity_context<Aut>::context_t |
Definition at line 33 of file partial-identity.hh.
using vcsn::partition_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::partition_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
A partition automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 143 of file partition-automaton.hh.
using vcsn::partition_automaton_t = typedef typename detail::partition_automaton_t_impl<Aut>::type |
The return type when calling quotient on Aut.
Definition at line 202 of file partition-automaton.hh.
using vcsn::permutation_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::permutation_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::polynomialset = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::polynomialset_impl<Context, Kind>> |
using vcsn::product_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::product_automaton_impl<Lazy, Aut, Auts...>> |
A product automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 428 of file conjunction.hh.
using vcsn::q = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::q_impl> |
using vcsn::qmp = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::qmp_impl> |
using vcsn::quotient_t = typedef partition_automaton_t<Aut> |
The return type when calling quotient on Aut.
Definition at line 119 of file quotient.hh.
using vcsn::r = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::r_impl> |
using vcsn::rmin = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::rmin_impl> |
using vcsn::scc_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::scc_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::state_t_of = typedef typename detail:: state_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::states_t = typedef std::unordered_set<state_t_of<Aut>> |
Definition at line 19 of file accessible.hh.
using vcsn::symbol = typedef boost::flyweight<std::string, boost::flyweights::no_tracking, boost::flyweights::intermodule_holder> |
An internalized string.
We do use different modules, since we dlopen plugins. For a while, we had the illusion that it work properly, but that's only because we were using the default operator< which actually compares the strings, not the address of the symbols. So we did have synonymous symbols, which the code gracefully accepted.
Play it safe and make our symbols unique.
using vcsn::synchronized_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::synchronized_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::transition_t_of = typedef typename detail:: transition_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::transpose_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::transpose_automaton_impl<Aut>> |
using vcsn::tuple_automaton = typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::tuple_automaton_impl<Auts...>> |
A tuple automaton as a shared pointer.
Definition at line 278 of file tuple-automaton.hh.
using vcsn::tuple_element_t = typedef typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type |
using vcsn::tupleset = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::tupleset_impl<LabelSets...>> |
using vcsn::weight_t_of = typedef typename detail:: weight_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::weightset_t_of = typedef typename detail:: weightset_t_of_impl<base_t<ValueSet>>::type |
using vcsn::wet = typedef detail::wet_impl<Kind, Key, Value, Compare, Hash, KeyEqual> |
using vcsn::wet_of = typedef wet<label_t_of<Context>, weight_t_of<Context>, Kind, vcsn::less<labelset_t_of<Context>>, vcsn::hash<labelset_t_of<Context>>, vcsn::equal_to<labelset_t_of<Context>>> |
using vcsn::word_t_of = typedef typename labelset_t_of<base_t<ValueSet>>::word_t |
using vcsn::z = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::z_impl> |
using vcsn::zmin = typedef weightset_mixin<detail::zmin_impl> |
strong |
Enumerator | |
forward |
Looking downstream. |
backward |
Looking upstream. |
Definition at line 9 of file direction.hh.
strong |
enum vcsn::star_status_t |
Enumerator | |
valid iff proper succeeds on the "absolute value" of the automaton |
always valid. |
valid iff proper succeeds. |
Definition at line 5 of file star-status.hh.
strong |
Enumerator | |
best | |
delgado | |
delgado_label | |
naive |
Definition at line 503 of file to-expression.hh.
strong |
Definition at line 104 of file path.cc.
References vcsn::path::cwd(), and vcsn::path::is_absolute().
Referenced by vcsn::file_library::push_back(), vcsn::file_library::push_current_directory(), and vcsn::file_library::push_front().
filter_automaton<Aut> vcsn::accessible | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Accessible part of an automaton.
Definition at line 134 of file accessible.hh.
References accessible_states(), and filter().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::accessible(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and useful_states().
states_t<Aut> vcsn::accessible_states | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
bool | strict = true |
) |
The set of accessible states, including pre(), and possibly post().
aut | the automaton. |
strict | whether to evaluate lazy states. |
Definition at line 27 of file accessible.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out().
Referenced by accessible(), coaccessible_states(), num_accessible_states(), suffix_here(), and useful_states().
inline |
Name pointers, to make them easier to read.
Definition at line 22 of file memory.hh.
Referenced by address(), and vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::operator()().
inline |
inline |
bool vcsn::all | ( | Bool &&... | values | ) |
Definition at line 410 of file tuple.hh.
References vcsn::detail::void.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::build_classes_(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::build_classes_(), and vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags().
std::vector<std::vector<weight_t_of<Aut> > > vcsn::all_distances | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 108 of file distance.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_distance< Aut, has_one >::epsilon_remover_distance().
word_t_of<Aut> vcsn::ambiguous_word | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 66 of file is-ambiguous.hh.
References is_ambiguous(), lightest_path(), path_monomial(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::ambiguous_word().
constexpr bool vcsn::any_ | ( | ) |
auto vcsn::are_equivalent | ( | const Aut1 & | a1, |
const Aut2 & | a2 | ||
) | -> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut1>, b>::value && std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut2>, b>::value), bool> |
Check equivalence between Boolean automata on a free labelset.
Check equivalence between automata on fields, or Z.
Definition at line 27 of file are-equivalent.hh.
References difference(), is_useless(), and realtime().
Referenced by are_equivalent().
auto vcsn::are_equivalent | ( | const ExpSet1 & | rs1, |
const typename ExpSet1::value_t | r1, | ||
const ExpSet2 & | rs2, | ||
const typename ExpSet2::value_t | r2 | ||
) | -> bool |
Check equivalence between two expressions.
Definition at line 83 of file are-equivalent.hh.
References are_equivalent(), derived_term(), and strip().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::are_equivalent(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::are_equivalent_expression().
bool vcsn::are_isomorphic | ( | const Aut1 & | a1, |
const Aut2 & | a2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 685 of file are-isomorphic.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> vcsn::aut_of_component | ( | const detail::component_t< Aut > & | com, |
const Aut & | aut | ||
) |
Generate a subautomaton corresponding to an SCC.
Definition at line 573 of file scc.hh.
References has(), make_fresh_automaton(), and vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by is_cycle_ambiguous().
Extract the string which is here between lbracket and rbracket.
Support nested lbracket/rbracket.
Definition at line 17 of file stream.cc.
References str_escape().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv_weight().
mutable_automaton<Ctx> vcsn::cerny | ( | const Ctx & | ctx, |
unsigned | num_states | ||
) |
Cerny automata are automata whose synchronizing word length is always (n - 1)^2, the upper bound of the Cerny's conjecture.
Their transition function d(q, l) is defined by:
Definition at line 25 of file cerny.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::cerny(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
inline |
inline |
filter_automaton<Aut> vcsn::coaccessible | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Coaccessible part of an automaton.
Definition at line 142 of file accessible.hh.
References coaccessible_states(), and filter().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::coaccessible(), is_ambiguous(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and useful_states().
states_t<Aut> vcsn::coaccessible_states | ( | const Aut & | a, |
bool | strict = true |
) |
The set of coaccessible states, including post(), and possibly pre().
a | the automaton. |
strict | whether to evaluate lazy states. |
Definition at line 64 of file accessible.hh.
References accessible_states(), and transpose().
Referenced by coaccessible(), is_ambiguous(), is_partial_identity(), and useful_states().
auto vcsn::codeterminize | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
Tag | tag = {} |
) |
Definition at line 364 of file determinize.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::codeterminize_tag_(), and minimize().
inline |
Sum of bucket sizes.
Definition at line 13 of file unordered_map.hh.
auto vcsn::cominimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> decltype(transpose(minimize(transpose(a), tag))) |
Definition at line 122 of file minimize.hh.
auto vcsn::complement | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 48 of file complement.hh.
References complement_here(), and copy().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::complement(), difference(), and info().
void vcsn::complement_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 21 of file complement.hh.
References vcsn::detail::final_transitions(), has(), is_complete(), is_deterministic(), and require().
Referenced by complement().
auto vcsn::complete | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 61 of file complete.hh.
References complete_here(), and copy().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::complete(), difference(), vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::operator()(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
Aut& vcsn::complete_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Complete aut and return it.
Definition at line 13 of file complete.hh.
References has(), and vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by complete().
filter_automaton<scc_automaton<Aut> > vcsn::component | ( | const scc_automaton< Aut > & | aut, |
unsigned | num | ||
) |
void vcsn::component | ( | const Aut & | , |
unsigned | |||
) |
auto vcsn::compose | ( | Lhs & | lhs, |
Rhs & | rhs | ||
) |
Build the (accessible part of the) composition.
Definition at line 404 of file compose.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::compose().
auto vcsn::compose_lazy | ( | Lhs & | lhs, |
Rhs & | rhs | ||
) |
Build the (accessible part of the) laze composition.
Definition at line 415 of file compose.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::compose().
partition_automaton<scc_automaton<Aut> > vcsn::condense | ( | const scc_automaton< Aut > & | aut | ) |
partition_automaton<Aut> vcsn::condense | ( | const Aut & | ) |
Aut vcsn::conjugate | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 9 of file conjugate.hh.
References vcsn::detail::final_transitions(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), make_copier(), and require().
auto vcsn::conjunction | ( | const Auts &... | as | ) | -> tuple_automaton<decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts...> |
Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction.
Definition at line 448 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::meet_automata().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_expression(), vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_polynomial(), vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_repeated(), difference(), has_twins_property(), info(), is_ambiguous(), and is_cycle_ambiguous_scc().
auto vcsn::conjunction | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
unsigned | n | ||
) | -> fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> |
Definition at line 687 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts >::conjunction(), make_fresh_automaton(), and vcsn::detail::automaton_decorator< tuple_automaton< Aut, Auts... > >::strip().
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::conjunction | ( | const ValueSet & | rs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Intersection/Hadamard product of expressions/polynomials.
Definition at line 748 of file conjunction.hh.
auto vcsn::conjunction_lazy | ( | const Auts &... | as | ) | -> product_automaton<true, decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts...> |
Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction, on-the-fly.
Definition at line 461 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::meet_automata().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_().
weight_t_of<ExpSet> vcsn::constant_term | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e | ||
) |
The constant term of e.
Definition at line 191 of file constant-term.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::rat::star_normal_form_visitor< ExpSet >::box_of(), vcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >::complete_via_derivation_(), is_valid(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), vcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), and vcsn::rat::star_normal_form_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT().
inline |
Parse str via vs.conv.
Definition at line 28 of file stream.hh.
References str_escape(), and VCSN_REQUIRE.
Referenced by vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::add_entry(), vcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::add_transition_copy(), vcsn::detail::trie_builder< Context, Dir >::add_words(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::conv(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::conv(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::conv_(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv_weight(), vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::label_(), read_polynomial(), and vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::weight_().
auto vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input, |
KeepState | keep_state, | ||
KeepTrans | keep_trans | ||
) | -> decltype(keep_state(input->null_state()), keep_trans(input->null_transition()), make_fresh_automaton<AutIn, AutOut>(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its states that are accepted by keep_state, and transitions accepted by keep_trans.
Definition at line 308 of file copy.hh.
References copy_into().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::absval(), complement(), complete(), vcsn::dyn::copy(), copy(), copy_into(), eliminate_state(), factor(), vcsn::detail::invalid_argument(), vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid_(), multiply_here(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_distance< Aut, false >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, false >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< Aut, false >::operator()(), prefix(), push_weights(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_automaton_functions(), vcsn::detail::properer< Aut >::remover_(), standard(), and suffix().
auto vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input, |
KeepState | keep_state | ||
) | -> decltype(keep_state(input->null_state()), make_fresh_automaton<AutIn, AutOut>(input)) |
AutOut vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input | ) |
auto vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input, |
const States & | ss | ||
) | -> decltype(*ss.begin() == input->null_state(), make_fresh_automaton<AutIn, AutOut>(input)) |
auto vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input, |
const States & | ss, | ||
const Trans & | ts | ||
) | -> decltype(*ss.begin() == input->null_state(), *ts.begin() == input->null_transition(), make_fresh_automaton<AutIn, AutOut>(input)) |
auto vcsn::copy | ( | const AutIn & | input, |
const Transitions & | ts | ||
) | -> decltype(*ts.begin() == input->null_transition(), make_fresh_automaton<AutIn, AutOut>(input)) |
A copy of input keeping only its transitions that are members of ts, and the states on which these transitions depend.
Definition at line 391 of file copy.hh.
References copy(), and make_copier().
void vcsn::copy_into | ( | const AutIn & | in, |
AutOut & | out, | ||
KeepState | keep_state, | ||
KeepTrans | keep_trans | ||
) |
Copy selected states and transitions of an automaton.
Definition at line 260 of file copy.hh.
References copy(), and make_copier().
Referenced by copy_into(), vcsn::dyn::left_mult(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, has_one >::operator()(), project(), vcsn::dyn::right_mult(), subword(), and sum_here().
void vcsn::copy_into | ( | const AutIn & | in, |
AutOut & | out, | ||
KeepState | keep_state | ||
) |
Copy the selected states an automaton.
Definition at line 271 of file copy.hh.
References copy_into().
void vcsn::copy_into | ( | const AutIn & | in, |
AutOut & | out | ||
) |
Copy an automaton.
Definition at line 282 of file copy.hh.
References copy_into().
void vcsn::copy_into | ( | const AutIn & | in, |
AutOut & | out, | ||
bool | safe | ||
) |
Copy an automaton.
Definition at line 294 of file copy.hh.
References copy(), and make_copier().
Referenced by copy(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_convert().
auto vcsn::costandard | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 124 of file standard.hh.
References standard(), and transpose().
Referenced by normalize().
mutable_automaton<detail::free_context<context_t_of<PolynomialSet> > > vcsn::cotrie | ( | const PolynomialSet & | ps, |
const typename PolynomialSet::value_t & | p | ||
) |
Make a cotrie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series given as a polynomial.
ps | the polynomialset |
p | the polynomial that specifies the series. |
Definition at line 227 of file trie.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::cotrie(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::cotrie_stream().
mutable_automaton<detail::free_context<context_t_of<PolynomialSet> > > vcsn::cotrie | ( | const PolynomialSet & | ps, |
std::istream & | is, | ||
const std::string & | format = "default" |
) |
void vcsn::create_states_and_trans_ | ( | const AutIn & | aut, |
AutOut & | naut1, | ||
AutOut & | naut2 | ||
) |
Create states and the transitions two new automata naut1 and naut2 with weight of transition <(w, one)>
and <(one, w)>
corresponding with the weight of transition <w>
of aut.
Definition at line 102 of file has-twins-property.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions().
Referenced by has_twins_property().
cross_sequences<Sequences...> vcsn::cross | ( | Sequences &&... | seqs | ) |
Definition at line 280 of file cross.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::generators_().
cross_sequences<Sequences...> vcsn::cross_tuple | ( | const std::tuple< Sequences... > & | seqs | ) |
bool vcsn::cycle_identity | ( | const detail::component_t< Aut > & | c, |
const Aut & | aut | ||
) |
Check the weight of two states on this component is unique.
Definition at line 86 of file has-twins-property.hh.
References vcsn::detail::cycle_identity_impl< Aut >::check().
Referenced by has_twins_property().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::de_bruijn | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
unsigned | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 19 of file de-bruijn.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), vcsn::detail::front(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::de_bruijn(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions().
std::ostream & vcsn::decendl | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Decrement the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
Definition at line 59 of file indent.cc.
References decindent(), and iendl().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::operator()().
std::ostream & vcsn::decindent | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Decrement the indentation.
Definition at line 27 of file indent.cc.
References vcsn::detail::indentation.
Referenced by decendl().
rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > vcsn::derivation | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e, | ||
label_t_of< ExpSet > | a, | ||
bool | breaking = false |
) |
Derive an expression wrt to a letter.
Definition at line 267 of file derivation.hh.
References split().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >::complete_via_derivation_(), vcsn::dyn::derivation(), derivation(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >::work_().
rat::expression_polynomial_t<ExpSet> vcsn::derivation | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const rat::expression_polynomial_t< ExpSet > & | p, | ||
label_t_of< ExpSet > | a, | ||
bool | breaking = false |
) |
Derive a polynomial of expressions wrt to a letter.
Definition at line 285 of file derivation.hh.
References derivation(), label_of(), vcsn::rat::make_expression_polynomialset(), and weight_of().
rat::expression_polynomial_t<ExpSet> vcsn::derivation | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e, | ||
const word_t_of< ExpSet > & | l, | ||
bool | breaking = false |
) |
Derive an expression wrt to a word.
Do not enable this overload when labels and words are the same thing (e.g., when working on a wordset), since in this case we fail with an ambiguous overload. Thanks to this enable_if, only the first overload (derivation wrt a label) is enabled, and the compilation fails but this time with the right diagnostic: the labelset must be free.
Definition at line 314 of file derivation.hh.
References derivation(), and require().
std::enable_if_t<labelset_t_of<ExpSet>::is_free(), expression_automaton<mutable_automaton<typename ExpSet::context_t> > > vcsn::derived_term | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | r, | ||
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) |
The derived-term automaton, for free labelsets.
rs | the expressionset |
r | the expression |
algo | the algo to run: "auto", "derivation", or "expansion". |
Definition at line 327 of file derived-term.hh.
References make_derived_term_automaton().
Referenced by are_equivalent(), vcsn::dyn::derived_term(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
std::enable_if_t<!labelset_t_of<ExpSet>::is_free(), expression_automaton<mutable_automaton<typename ExpSet::context_t> > > vcsn::derived_term | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | r, | ||
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) |
The derived-term automaton, for non free labelsets.
rs | the expressionset |
r | the expression |
algo | the algo to run: "auto", "derivation", or "expansion". |
Definition at line 344 of file derived-term.hh.
References vcsn::detail::derived_term_algo::expansion, make_derived_term_automaton(), and require().
auto vcsn::determinize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
Tag | = {} , |
bool_constant< Lazy > | = {} |
) |
Definition at line 246 of file determinize.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::determinize_tag_(), difference(), minimize(), multiply_here(), vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::operator()(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), star_here(), sum_here(), and vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
auto vcsn::determinize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
auto_tag | = {} , |
bool_constant< Lazy > | lazy = {} |
) |
Determinization: automatic dispatch based on the automaton type.
Definition at line 272 of file determinize.hh.
fresh_automaton_t_of<Lhs> vcsn::difference | ( | const Lhs & | lhs, |
const Rhs & | rhs | ||
) |
An automaton that computes weights of lhs, but not by rhs.
Definition at line 122 of file are-equivalent.hh.
References complement(), complete(), conjunction(), determinize(), is_complete(), is_deterministic(), and strip().
Referenced by are_equivalent(), and vcsn::dyn::difference().
inline |
Difference of expressions.
Definition at line 157 of file are-equivalent.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::difference_expression().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::divkbaseb | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
unsigned | divisor, | ||
unsigned | base | ||
) |
Build the Boolean automaton which accepts a word n representing a number in base "base" if and only if divisor|n.
Definition at line 18 of file divkbaseb.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), require(), and VCSN_REQUIRE.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::divkbaseb(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions().
std::ostream& vcsn::dot | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out, | ||
format | fmt = {} |
) |
Print an automaton in Graphviz's Dot format.
aut | the automaton to print. |
out | the output stream. |
fmt | how to format the automaton. |
Definition at line 377 of file dot.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, has_one >::in_situ_remover_(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< transpose_in_automaton_t >::operator()(), and print().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::double_ring | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
unsigned | n, | ||
const std::vector< unsigned > & | finals | ||
) |
Definition at line 18 of file double-ring.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), vcsn::detail::make_vector(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::double_ring(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions().
Check lookahead character and advance.
is | the stream to read. |
c | the expected character. |
std::runtime_error | if the next character is not c. |
Definition at line 37 of file stream.cc.
References fail_reading(), and str_escape().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::log_impl::conv(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::conv(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::conv_(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::convs(), vcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >::convs_(), vcsn::ast::context_parser::eat_(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::eat_separator_(), vcsn::char_letters::get_letter(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::get_letter(), vcsn::detail::zmin_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::nmin_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::rmin_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::z_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::f2_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::b_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::log_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::r_impl::make(), vcsn::detail::qmp_impl::make(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::make(), vcsn::letterset< GenSet >::make(), vcsn::wordset< GenSet >::make(), vcsn::context< Tape, full_context_t >::make(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::make(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::make(), vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::make(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::make(), and operator>>().
const std::string & vcsn::eat | ( | std::istream & | is, |
const std::string & | s | ||
) |
Check lookahead string and advance.
is | the stream to read. |
s | the expected string. |
std::runtime_error | if the next character is not s. |
Definition at line 48 of file stream.cc.
References str_escape(), and VCSN_REQUIRE.
std::ostream& vcsn::efsm | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out | ||
) |
Format automaton to EFSM format, based on FSM format.
Aut | an automaton type. |
Definition at line 346 of file efsm.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by print().
auto vcsn::eliminate_state | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | s = Aut::element_type::null_state() |
) | -> fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> |
A copy of automaton res without the state s.
Definition at line 448 of file to-expression.hh.
References copy(), eliminate_state_here(), make_copier(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::eliminate_state(), eliminate_state_here(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions().
Aut& vcsn::eliminate_state_here | ( | Aut & | res, |
state_t_of< Aut > | s = Aut::element_type::null_state() |
) |
In place removal of state s from automaton res.
Definition at line 435 of file to-expression.hh.
References eliminate_state(), and vcsn::detail::make_state_eliminator().
Referenced by eliminate_state().
detail::enumerater<Aut>::polynomial_t vcsn::enumerate | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
unsigned | len | ||
) |
The approximated behavior of an automaton.
aut | the automaton whose behavior to approximate |
len | maximum length of words looked for. |
Definition at line 282 of file shortest.hh.
References shortest().
inline |
General case of evaluation.
Definition at line 101 of file eval.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and weight_series().
inline |
Evaluation for lao automaton.
Require a proper automaton. In a proper lao automaton, an accepting path can only be composed by initial and final transitions. Sum the weight of these paths.
Definition at line 116 of file eval.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), is_proper(), vcsn::detail::out(), and require().
bool vcsn::exists | ( | const path & | p | ) |
Definition at line 98 of file path.cc.
References vcsn::path::c_str().
Referenced by vcsn::file_library::find_file(), and vcsn::file_library::find_in_search_path().
inline |
Expand a typed expression.
Definition at line 151 of file expand.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
auto vcsn::factor | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 106 of file prefix.hh.
References copy(), and factor_here().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::factor(), and vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv().
Aut& vcsn::factor_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Make each useful state both initial and final.
Definition at line 99 of file prefix.hh.
References prefix_here(), and suffix_here().
Referenced by factor().
std::ostream& vcsn::fado | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 204 of file grail.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out().
inline |
Throw an exception after failing to read from is.
Reset the stream to a "good" state, and read the presumably ill-formed input into a buffer string; then throw with the given explanation followed by the buffer string. explanation should not contain trailing punctuation or spaces.
Definition at line 62 of file stream.hh.
References str_escape().
Referenced by vcsn::ast::context_parser::check_eof_(), vcsn::detail::nmin_impl::conv(), vcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< unsigned int >::conv(), vcsn::detail::z_impl::conv(), eat(), and operator>>().
filter_automaton<Aut> vcsn::filter | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const std::unordered_set< state_t_of< Aut >> & | ss | ||
) |
Get an automaton who is a part state set ss of aut.
Definition at line 172 of file filter.hh.
Referenced by accessible(), coaccessible(), and trim().
inline |
inline |
Read a single char, with possible -escape support.
EOF is an error.
Definition at line 78 of file stream.hh.
References require().
Referenced by vcsn::char_letters::get_letter(), and vcsn::string_letters::get_letter().
std::string vcsn::get_file_contents | ( | const std::string & | file | ) |
Return the contents of file.
Definition at line 66 of file stream.cc.
References vcsn::detail::in(), and VCSN_REQUIRE.
std::ostream& vcsn::grail | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out | ||
) |
Definition at line 272 of file grail.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out().
inline |
Whether e is in s.
Definition at line 12 of file initializer_list.hh.
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool vcsn::has | ( | const std::deque< T, Allocator > & | s, |
const T & | e | ||
) |
inline |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool vcsn::has | ( | const boost::container::flat_set< Key, Compare, Allocator > & | s, |
const Key & | e | ||
) |
Whether e is member of s.
Definition at line 25 of file setalpha.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ast::context_parser::any_(), aut_of_component(), vcsn::detail::cycle_identity_impl< Aut >::check(), complement_here(), vcsn::detail::determinized_automaton_impl< Aut, Kind, Lazy >::complete_(), complete_here(), vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, dijkstra_tag >::components(), copy(), vcsn::detail::reverse_postorder_impl< Aut >::dfs(), vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, dijkstra_tag >::dfs(), vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, kosaraju_tag >::dfs(), vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, tarjan_iterative_tag >::dfs(), vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, tarjan_recursive_tag >::dfs(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::has(), is_ambiguous(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::is_isomorphism_valid_throwing(), vcsn::detail::insplit_automaton_impl< Aut, HasOne >::is_lazy(), is_partial_identity(), vcsn::ast::context_parser::labelset_or_weightset_(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::letter_class_(), num_accessible_states(), num_useful_states(), vcsn::detail::a_star_impl< Aut >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::dotter< Aut >::print_state_(), vcsn::detail::dotter< Aut >::print_transitions_(), set_intersection(), ss_shortest_distance(), vcsn::detail::tuple_automaton_impl< Aut, Auts >::state_has_name(), vcsn::detail::pair_automaton_impl< Aut >::state_has_name(), vcsn::detail::polystate_automaton_impl< Aut, Kind, Lazy >::state_has_name(), vcsn::rat::standard_visitor< Aut, ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::ast::context_parser::weightset_(), and vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
inline |
Whether e is member of m.
Definition at line 26 of file unordered_map.hh.
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool vcsn::has | ( | const std::queue< T, Container > & | s, |
const T & | e | ||
) |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE bool vcsn::has | ( | const std::vector< T, Alloc > & | s, |
const T & | e | ||
) |
bool vcsn::has | ( | const std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > & | s, |
const T & | e | ||
) |
bool vcsn::has | ( | const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > & | s, |
const Key & | k | ||
) |
Whether e is member of s.
Definition at line 37 of file unordered_set.hh.
inline |
bool vcsn::has_bounded_lag | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether a transducer has a bounded lag.
[in] | aut | the transducer |
Definition at line 148 of file has-bounded-lag.hh.
References vcsn::detail::bounded_lag_checker< Aut >::has_bounded_lag().
std::enable_if_t<weightset_t_of<Aut>::has_lightening_weights(), bool> vcsn::has_lightening_cycle | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file has-lightening-cycle.hh.
References vcsn::detail::bellman_ford_impl().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::lightest_impl< Aut >::operator()().
std::enable_if_t<!weightset_t_of<Aut>::has_lightening_weights(), bool> vcsn::has_lightening_cycle | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 24 of file has-lightening-cycle.hh.
bool vcsn::has_twins_property | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether aut has the twins property.
Definition at line 132 of file has-twins-property.hh.
References conjunction(), create_states_and_trans_(), cycle_identity(), is_cycle_ambiguous(), make_context(), make_mutable_automaton(), require(), strong_components(), tarjan_iterative, and trim().
void vcsn::hash_combine | ( | std::size_t & | seed, |
const T & | v | ||
) |
Definition at line 32 of file functional.hh.
References hash_combine_hash(), and vcsn::detail::hasher().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::hash< ExpSet >::combine_type(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::hash(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::hash(), std::hash< std::tuple< Elements... > >::hash_(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::hash_(), std::hash< pair< T1, T2 > >::operator()(), std::hash< map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > >::operator()(), std::hash< set< T, Compare, Alloc > >::operator()(), std::hash< vector< T, Alloc > >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::signature_hasher::operator()(), std::hash< std::array< Value, Size > >::operator()(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::state_to_class(), and vcsn::rat::hash< ExpSet >::visit_weight_node().
inline |
std::ostream & vcsn::iendl | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
std::set<typename std::map<Key, Value, Comp, Alloc>::mapped_type> vcsn::image | ( | const std::map< Key, Value, Comp, Alloc > & | m | ) |
The set of values of a map.
Definition at line 46 of file map.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
bool vcsn::in_situ_remover | ( | Aut & | aut, |
bool | prune = true |
) |
std::ostream & vcsn::incendl | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Increment the indentation, print an end of line, and set the indentation.
Definition at line 54 of file indent.cc.
References iendl(), and incindent().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::operator()(), and vcsn::ast::context_printer::visit().
std::ostream & vcsn::incindent | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Increment the indentation.
Definition at line 21 of file indent.cc.
References vcsn::detail::indentation.
Referenced by incendl().
std::ostream & vcsn::indent | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Set the indentation.
Definition at line 40 of file indent.cc.
References vcsn::detail::indentation.
Referenced by iendl().
auto vcsn::infiltration | ( | const A1 & | a1, |
const A2 & | a2 | ||
) | -> tuple_automaton<decltype(join_automata(a1, a2)), A1, A2> |
The (accessible part of the) infiltration product.
Definition at line 603 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::join_automata().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration_expression(), and info().
auto vcsn::infiltration | ( | const A1 & | a1, |
const A2 & | a2, | ||
const A3 & | a3, | ||
const Auts &... | as | ||
) | -> decltype(infiltration(infiltration(a1, a2), a3, as...)) |
The (accessible part of the) infiltration product.
Definition at line 615 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts >::infiltration().
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::infiltration | ( | const ValueSet & | vs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Infiltration product of expressions.
Definition at line 655 of file conjunction.hh.
std::ostream& vcsn::info | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out, | ||
bool | detailed = false |
) |
Definition at line 72 of file info.hh.
References ECHO, is_ambiguous(), is_codeterministic(), is_complete(), is_cycle_ambiguous(), is_deterministic(), is_empty(), is_eps_acyclic(), is_normalized(), is_proper(), is_standard(), is_synchronizing(), is_trim(), is_useless(), is_valid(), num_accessible_states(), num_coaccessible_states(), num_codeterministic_states(), num_components(), num_deterministic_states(), vcsn::detail::num_lazy_states(), vcsn::detail::num_spontaneous_transitions(), num_useful_states(), vcsn::detail::out(), scc(), vcsn::format::sname, and VCSN_IF_FREE.
Referenced by info(), vcsn::dyn::detail::info_expression(), print(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_automaton_functions().
void vcsn::info | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e, | ||
std::ostream & | o | ||
) |
Definition at line 146 of file info.hh.
References complement(), conjunction(), ECHO, infiltration(), info(), ldiv(), shuffle(), vcsn::format::sname, star(), sum(), and tuple().
inline |
Definition at line 336 of file insplit.hh.
References vcsn::detail::insplit().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::insplit().
inline |
Definition at line 325 of file insplit.hh.
References make_insplit_automaton().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::insplit(), and make_compose_automaton().
std::set< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > > vcsn::intersection_closure | ( | std::set< std::set< T, Compare, Alloc >> | pset | ) |
The set of all the intersections of the sets in pset.
Definition at line 17 of file set.hxx.
References set_intersection().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
bool vcsn::is_accessible | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether all its states are accessible.
Definition at line 175 of file accessible.hh.
References num_accessible_states().
Referenced by vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::get_full_response().
bool vcsn::is_ambiguous | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::tuple< state_t_of< Aut >, state_t_of< Aut >> & | witness | ||
) |
Whether an automaton is ambiguous.
[in] | aut | the automaton |
[out] | witness | if ambiguous, a pair of "ambiguous" states. |
Definition at line 23 of file is-ambiguous.hh.
References coaccessible(), coaccessible_states(), conjunction(), and has().
bool vcsn::is_ambiguous | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 41 of file is-ambiguous.hh.
Referenced by ambiguous_word(), info(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
bool vcsn::is_coaccessible | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether all its states are coaccessible.
Definition at line 182 of file accessible.hh.
References num_coaccessible_states().
inline |
Whether the transpositive automaton is deterministic.
Definition at line 73 of file is-deterministic.hh.
References is_deterministic(), and transpose().
Referenced by info().
bool vcsn::is_complete | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether aut is complete.
Definition at line 13 of file is-complete.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out().
Referenced by complement_here(), difference(), info(), vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::operator()(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
bool vcsn::is_costandard | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether a is costandard.
Definition at line 41 of file standard.hh.
References is_standard(), and transpose().
Referenced by is_normalized().
bool vcsn::is_cycle_ambiguous | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether aut is cycle-ambiguous.
Definition at line 110 of file is-ambiguous.hh.
References aut_of_component(), is_cycle_ambiguous_scc(), strong_components(), and tarjan_iterative.
Referenced by has_twins_property(), and info().
bool vcsn::is_cycle_ambiguous_scc | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether aut is cycle-ambiguous.
Precondition: aut is a strongly connected component.
Definition at line 138 of file is-ambiguous.hh.
References conjunction(), strong_components(), and tarjan_iterative.
Referenced by is_cycle_ambiguous().
inline |
Whether state s is deterministic in aut.
Definition at line 16 of file is-deterministic.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out().
Referenced by complement_here(), difference(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), info(), is_codeterministic(), is_deterministic(), vcsn::detail::fadoer< Aut >::is_deterministic_(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, moore_tag >::minimizer(), num_deterministic_states(), vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::operator()(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
inline |
Whether has at most an initial state, and all its states are deterministic.
Definition at line 56 of file is-deterministic.hh.
References vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), is_deterministic(), and vcsn::rat::size().
bool vcsn::is_empty | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether has no states.
Definition at line 192 of file accessible.hh.
Referenced by info(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
ATTRIBUTE_CONST bool vcsn::is_eps_acyclic | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 111 of file is-eps-acyclic.hh.
Referenced by info(), vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid_(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
constexpr bool vcsn::is_free_boolean | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10 of file is-free-boolean.hh.
bool vcsn::is_functional | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether aut is functional.
Definition at line 17 of file is-functional.hh.
References is_partial_identity().
bool vcsn::is_letterized | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Check if the transitions are all letters.
[in] | aut | the automaton |
Definition at line 191 of file letterize.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_letterized().
bool vcsn::is_normalized | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether a is standard and co-standard.
Definition at line 12 of file normalize.hh.
References is_costandard(), and is_standard().
Referenced by info(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
inline |
Whether for each state, the outgoing transitions are sorted by increasing label.
Definition at line 60 of file sort.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_sorted_forward(), and vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
bool vcsn::is_partial_identity | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether transducer aut is equivalent to a partial identity function on all successful paths.
This automaton is expected to be two-tape, both tapes having the same labelset.
Words of the k-tape automaton: k-tuples of words.
Common labelset for both tapes.
Residue of input and output paths arriving to a given state, with longest common prefix eliminated.
Definition at line 21 of file is-partial-identity.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out(), coaccessible_states(), has(), vcsn::detail::make_wordset(), vcsn::weightset_mixin< WeightSet >::mul(), and vcsn::detail::rs.
Referenced by is_functional().
inline |
Test whether an automaton is proper.
An automaton is proper iff it contains no epsilon-transition.
aut | The tested automaton |
Definition at line 48 of file is-proper.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_proper_().
Referenced by eval(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, has_one >::in_situ_remover(), info(), is_realtime(), vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid_(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
bool vcsn::is_realtime | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Check if the automaton is realtime, i.e.
it is letterized and proper.
[in] | aut | the automaton |
Definition at line 249 of file letterize.hh.
References vcsn::dyn::detail::is_letterized(), and is_proper().
bool vcsn::is_standard | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether a is standard.
Definition at line 28 of file standard.hh.
References vcsn::detail::in(), and vcsn::detail::initial_transitions().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), info(), is_costandard(), is_normalized(), vcsn::detail::standard_operations< Aut >::left_mult_here(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), standard_here(), star_here(), and sum_here().
bool vcsn::is_synchronized | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Check whether the transducer is synchronized.
[in] | aut | the transducer |
Definition at line 310 of file is-synchronized.hh.
bool vcsn::is_synchronized_by | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const word_t_of< Aut > & | w | ||
) |
Whether w synchronizes automaton aut.
Definition at line 36 of file synchronizing-word.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out(), require(), and vcsn::rat::size().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::is_synchronized_by(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
bool vcsn::is_synchronizing | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Whether this automaton is synchronizing, i.e., has synchronizing words.
Definition at line 390 of file synchronizing-word.hh.
References vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::is_synchronizing().
Referenced by info(), vcsn::dyn::is_synchronizing(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
bool vcsn::is_trim | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether all its states are useful.
Definition at line 161 of file accessible.hh.
References num_useful_states().
Referenced by info(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, moore_tag >::minimizer(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::minimizer(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::minimizer(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
bool vcsn::is_useless | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Whether all no state is useful.
Definition at line 168 of file accessible.hh.
References num_useful_states().
Referenced by are_equivalent(), info(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
inline |
Definition at line 141 of file is-valid.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid().
Referenced by info(), vcsn::dyn::detail::is_valid_expression(), vcsn::detail::properer< Aut >::proper_star_(), vcsn::detail::properer< Aut >::proper_star_here_(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
bool vcsn::is_valid | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e | ||
) |
Whether e has only computable stars.
Definition at line 17 of file is-valid-expression.hh.
References constant_term().
auto vcsn::join | ( | const ValueSet & | vs | ) | -> ValueSet |
The join of a single valueset.
Useful for variadic operator on a single argument.
Definition at line 44 of file join.hh.
Referenced by join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< context< LS1, WS1 >, context< LS2, WS2 > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< expressionset< Ctx1 >, expressionset< Ctx2 > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< letterset< GenSet1 >, expressionset< Ctx2 > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl_simple< WeightSet, expressionset< Context > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< expansionset< expressionset< Ctx1 > >, expansionset< expressionset< Ctx2 > > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< tupleset< VS1... >, tupleset< VS2... > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1, Kind1 >, polynomialset< Ctx2, Kind2 > >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1, Kind1 >, WS2 >::join(), vcsn::detail::join_automata(), join_weightset_expressionset(), vcsn::detail::compose_automaton_impl< Lazy, Lhs, Rhs >::make_context_(), meet(), vcsn::detail::nullable_join_context(), tuple_context(), and tuple_expressionset().
auto vcsn::join | ( | ValueSet1 | vs1, |
ValueSet2 | vs2 | ||
) | -> decltype(detail::join_(vs1, vs2, 0)) |
The join of two valuesets.
Definition at line 53 of file join.hh.
References vcsn::detail::join_().
auto vcsn::join | ( | ValueSet1 | vs1, |
ValueSet2 | vs2, | ||
ValueSet3 | vs3, | ||
VSs &&... | vs | ||
) | -> decltype(join(join(vs1, vs2), vs3, std::forward<VSs>(vs)...)) |
The join of three (or more) valuesets.
We once had a single case for two-and-more arguments (instead of one join for two and one join for three-and-more), but the decltype() used in the return type failed to find the appropriate 'recursive' call to join in the case of three rat::identities. It turns out that removing the return type (and leaving its computation to the C++14 compiler) suffices to force the instantiation of the function, and to fix the problem.
Definition at line 71 of file join.hh.
References join().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::join_().
expansionset<expressionset<context<labelset_t_of<ExpSet>, join_t<WeightSet, weightset_t_of<ExpSet> > > > > vcsn::join_weightset_expansionset | ( | const WeightSet & | ws, |
const expansionset< ExpSet > & | rs | ||
) |
Definition at line 203 of file left-mult.hh.
References vcsn::rat::expansionset< ExpSet >::expressionset(), join_weightset_expressionset(), and make_expansionset().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult_expansion(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult_expansion().
expressionset<context<labelset_t_of<ExpSet>, join_t<WeightSet, weightset_t_of<ExpSet> > > > vcsn::join_weightset_expressionset | ( | const WeightSet & | ws, |
const ExpSet & | rs | ||
) |
Join between an expressionset and a weightset.
We must not perform a plain
join(w1.weightset(), r1.expressionset())
here. Consider for instance
expressionset<lal(abc), expressionset<law(xyz), b>>
we would perform
join(expressionset<law(xyz), b>, expressionset<lal(abc), expressionset<law(xyz), b>>)
i.e., a join of contexts which applies to both labelsets (here, join(lal(abc), "law(xyz)) = law(abcxyz)") and weightsets. Here, the "expressionset<law(xyz), b>" must really be considered as a weightset, so compute the join of weightsets by hand, and leave the labelset alone.
Definition at line 258 of file left-mult.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), join(), make_context(), and make_expressionset().
Referenced by join_weightset_expansionset(), vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult_expression(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult_expression().
auto vcsn::label_is_zero | ( | const LabelSet & | ls, |
const typename LabelSet::value_t * | l | ||
) | -> decltype(ls.is_zero(l), bool()) |
Definition at line 38 of file polynomialset.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::add_here(), and vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sub_here().
bool vcsn::label_is_zero | ( | const LabelSet & | , |
... | |||
) |
Definition at line 53 of file polynomialset.hh.
auto vcsn::label_of | ( | const welement< Label, Weight > & | m | ) | -> decltype(m.label()) |
The label of a welement.
Definition at line 146 of file wet.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::trie_builder< Context, Dir >::add(), vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::add_entry(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::add_here(), vcsn::rat::split_visitor< ExpSet >::conjunction(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conjunction_impl(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv(), derivation(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::hash(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::infiltration(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::lmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::lmul_label(), minimize(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::monomial_equal(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::monomial_less(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::mul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::mul_impl(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::print_with_classes_(), vcsn::rat::split_visitor< ExpSet >::product(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::project(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::rmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rmul_label(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::shuffle_(), split_polynomial(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sub_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::to_label(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::transpose(), vcsn::rat::expand_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::rat::to_expansion_visitor< expressionset_t >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::detail::wet_bitset::wet_bitset(), vcsn::detail::wet_set< Key, Compare >::wet_set(), and vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
const Label& vcsn::label_of | ( | const std::pair< Label, Weight > & | m | ) |
Label& vcsn::label_of | ( | std::pair< Label, Weight > & | m | ) |
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::ladybird | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
unsigned | n | ||
) |
Definition at line 16 of file ladybird.hh.
References make_mutable_automaton(), vcsn::detail::make_vector(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::ladybird(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions().
inline |
auto vcsn::left_mult | ( | const weight_t_of< Aut > & | w, |
const Aut & | aut, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> |
Left-multiplication of an automaton by a weight.
Definition at line 128 of file left-mult.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult_expansion(), vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult_expression(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
auto vcsn::left_mult | ( | const ValueSet & | rs, |
const weight_t_of< ValueSet > & | w, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | r | ||
) | -> decltype(rs.lmul(w, r)) |
Definition at line 188 of file left-mult.hh.
References vcsn::detail::rs.
Aut& vcsn::left_mult_here | ( | const weight_t_of< Aut > & | w, |
Aut & | res, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) |
In place left-multiplication of an automaton by a weight.
Definition at line 120 of file left-mult.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::left_mult_tag().
auto vcsn::left_reduce | ( | const Aut & | input | ) | -> decltype(copy(input)) |
bool vcsn::less_than | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Whether lhs precedes rhs.
Definition at line 17 of file less-than.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::less_than_expression().
auto vcsn::letterize | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(detail::letterize(aut)) |
Split the word transitions in the input automaton into letter ones.
[in] | aut | the automaton |
Definition at line 135 of file letterize.hh.
References vcsn::detail::letterize().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::letterize(), and realtime().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::levenshtein | ( | const Context & | ctx | ) |
The Levenshtein automaton for a given context.
Definition at line 17 of file levenshtein.hh.
References make_mutable_automaton(), vcsn::detail::make_vector(), and vcsn::rat::size().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::levenshtein().
inline |
Left-division of values.
Definition at line 61 of file divide.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::lnormalize_here_().
inline |
Lift some tapes of the transducer.
a | the input automaton |
ids | the identities to use for the generated expressions |
Definition at line 215 of file lift.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_expression(), and to_expression_heuristic().
inline |
Move all the labels to the weights.
Definition at line 294 of file lift.hh.
References vcsn::detail::lift_expressionset().
detail::word_polynomialset_t<context_t_of<Aut> >::value_t vcsn::lightest | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
unsigned | num = 1 , |
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) |
The approximated behavior of an automaton.
aut | the automaton whose behavior to approximate |
num | number of words looked for. |
Definition at line 191 of file lightest.hh.
References lightest_path(), and path_monomial().
fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> vcsn::lightest_automaton | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
Algo | algo = {} |
) |
Lightest Automaton.
An automaton composed only of the states included in the lightest path from pre to post. Using the shortest path algorithm given as parameter to compute the lightest 'in' transition of each state. Then, reconstruct the path keeping the states and transitions we met. Now that we have the sets of elements to keep we can construct a new automaton using these states/transitions.
Definition at line 22 of file lightest-automaton.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::lightest_automaton().
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
Tag | tag = {} |
) |
Lightest path dispatch between algorithms with tags.
Definition at line 16 of file lightest-path.hh.
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | source, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | dest, | ||
auto_tag | = {} |
) |
Definition at line 23 of file lightest-path.hh.
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | src, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | dst, | ||
const std::string & | algo | ||
) |
Lightest path dispatch between algorithms with string.
Definition at line 47 of file lightest-path.hh.
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | source, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | , | ||
bellman_ford_tag | |||
) |
Destination is ignored as bellman-ford does not stop when reaching dest, but when each iteration has been done.
Definition at line 75 of file bellman-ford.hh.
References vcsn::detail::bellman_ford_impl(), and require().
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | source, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | dest, | ||
dijkstra_tag | |||
) |
Definition at line 137 of file dijkstra.hh.
References vcsn::detail::make_dijkstra_impl().
std::vector<transition_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::lightest_path | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | source, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | dest, | ||
a_star_tag | |||
) |
Definition at line 151 of file a-star.hh.
Referenced by ambiguous_word(), lightest(), and vcsn::detail::lightest_path_tag().
inline |
Definition at line 193 of file print.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::list_polynomial().
auto vcsn::make_compose_automaton | ( | const Lhs & | lhs, |
const Rhs & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 386 of file compose.hh.
References insplit_lazy().
container_filter_range<Cont, Pred> vcsn::make_container_filter_range | ( | const Cont & | cont, |
Pred | pred | ||
) |
Definition at line 112 of file crange.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::all_in(), vcsn::detail::all_out(), vcsn::detail::all_transitions(), vcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::all_transitions(), and vcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::state_range().
Ctx vcsn::make_context | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
Definition at line 21 of file make-context.hh.
References is, and str_escape().
Referenced by has_twins_property(), join_weightset_expressionset(), minimize(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and to_spontaneous().
context<LabelSet, WeightSet> vcsn::make_context | ( | const LabelSet & | ls, |
const WeightSet & | ws | ||
) |
Shorthand to build a context.
Definition at line 146 of file context.hh.
detail::copier<AutIn, AutOut> vcsn::make_copier | ( | const AutIn & | in, |
AutOut & | out, | ||
bool | safe = true |
) |
Build an automaton copier.
Definition at line 249 of file copy.hh.
References vcsn::detail::in(), and vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by conjugate(), copy(), copy_into(), eliminate_state(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_distance< Aut, has_one >::epsilon_remover_distance(), vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< transpose_in_automaton_t >::epsilon_remover_separate(), and multiply_here().
auto vcsn::make_delay_automaton | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(detail::make_delay_automaton(aut)) |
Check whether the transducer is synchronized.
[in] | aut | the transducer |
Definition at line 338 of file is-synchronized.hh.
auto vcsn::make_derived_term_automaton | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const detail::derived_term_algo & | algo | ||
) | -> derived_term_automaton<ExpSet> |
Definition at line 311 of file derived-term.hh.
References vcsn::detail::rs.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::derived_term(), and derived_term().
expansionset<ExpSet> vcsn::make_expansionset | ( | const ExpSet & | expset | ) |
Definition at line 670 of file expansionset.hh.
Referenced by join_weightset_expansionset().
expressionset<Context> vcsn::make_expressionset | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
rat::identities | identities = {} |
) |
Shorthand to expressionset constructor.
Definition at line 555 of file expressionset.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_expression(), vcsn::dyn::expression_one(), vcsn::dyn::expression_zero(), join_weightset_expressionset(), vcsn::detail::project(), vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expression_class(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::to_expression_label().
AutOut vcsn::make_fresh_automaton | ( | const AutIn & | model | ) |
Create an empty, mutable, automaton, based on another one.
To this end, each automaton type provides a fresh_automaton_t. In the case of mutable_automaton, it's simply mutable_automaton. In the case of a transpose_automaton<Aut>, it's transpose_automaton (of the fresh_automaton of Aut) so that we also create a transposed automaton. In the case of decorator, it's the base type, as we don't copy decorations.
Definition at line 90 of file copy.hh.
References vcsn::detail::real_context().
Referenced by aut_of_component(), conjunction(), vcsn::detail::quotienter< Aut >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_(), and vcsn::detail::standard_operations< Aut >::zero_here().
auto vcsn::make_insplit_automaton | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> insplit_automaton<Aut> |
Definition at line 316 of file insplit.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::insplit(), and insplit_lazy().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::make_mutable_automaton | ( | const Context & | ctx | ) |
Definition at line 872 of file mutable-automaton.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::compose_automaton_impl< Lazy, Lhs, Rhs >::compose_automaton_impl(), vcsn::dyn::detail::copy_convert(), has_twins_property(), vcsn::detail::join_automata(), ladybird(), vcsn::dyn::left_mult(), levenshtein(), make_nullable_automaton(), vcsn::detail::meet_automata(), vcsn::detail::nullable_join_automata(), project(), vcsn::dyn::right_mult(), and to_spontaneous().
auto vcsn::make_nullable_automaton | ( | const Context & | ctx | ) |
Definition at line 879 of file mutable-automaton.hh.
References make_mutable_automaton(), and vcsn::detail::make_nullableset_context().
Referenced by subword().
auto vcsn::make_partition_automaton | ( | const fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > & | res, |
const Aut & | input, | ||
const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t | origins | ||
) | -> partition_automaton_t<Aut> |
Build a partition_automaton.
res | the actual result, typically a mutable_automaton |
input | the automaton from which the partition is computed |
origins | map each state of res to its states in input |
Definition at line 212 of file partition-automaton.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::quotienter< Aut >::operator()().
auto vcsn::make_partition_automaton | ( | const fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > & | res, |
const partition_automaton< Aut > & | input, | ||
const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t | origins | ||
) | -> partition_automaton_t<Aut> |
Build a partition_automaton of a partition_automaton: smash into a single level partition_automaton.
res | the actual result, typically a mutable_automaton |
input | the automaton from which the partition is computed |
origins | map each state of res to its states in input |
Definition at line 228 of file partition-automaton.hh.
auto vcsn::make_partition_automaton | ( | const fresh_automaton_t_of< transpose_automaton< Aut >> & | res, |
const transpose_automaton< Aut > & | input, | ||
const typename detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::origins_t | origins | ||
) | -> transpose_automaton<partition_automaton_t<Aut>> |
Build a partition_automaton of a transpose_automaton: smash into a transpose_automaton of a partition_automaton.
res | the actual result, typically a mutable_automaton |
input | the automaton from which the partition is computed |
origins | map each state of res to its states in input |
Definition at line 254 of file partition-automaton.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 433 of file conjunction.hh.
random_selector<RandomGenerator> vcsn::make_random_selector | ( | RandomGenerator & | g | ) |
Definition at line 56 of file random.hh.
Referenced by random_label().
inline |
auto vcsn::make_tuple_automaton | ( | const Auts &... | auts | ) | -> tuple_automaton<Auts...> |
Definition at line 282 of file tuple-automaton.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::lazy_tuple_automaton< product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts... >, false, Lazy, Aut, Auts... >::lazy_tuple_automaton().
auto vcsn::make_unordered_pair | ( | T && | e1, |
T && | e2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 34 of file pair.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::pair_automaton_impl< Aut >::state_().
auto vcsn::meet | ( | const ValueSet & | vs | ) | -> ValueSet |
The meet of a single valueset.
Useful for variadic operator on a single argument.
Definition at line 169 of file context.hh.
auto vcsn::meet | ( | const ValueSet1 & | vs1, |
const ValueSet2 & | vs2, | ||
const ValueSet3 & | vs3, | ||
const VSs &... | vs | ||
) | -> decltype(meet(meet(vs1, vs2), vs3, vs...)) |
Definition at line 178 of file context.hh.
References meet().
auto vcsn::meet | ( | const context< LhsLabelSet, LhsWeightSet > & | a, |
const context< RhsLabelSet, RhsWeightSet > & | b | ||
) | -> context<meet_t<LhsLabelSet, RhsLabelSet>, join_t<LhsWeightSet, RhsWeightSet>> |
The meet of two contexts.
Definition at line 221 of file context.hh.
References join(), and meet().
letterset<GenSet> vcsn::meet | ( | const letterset< GenSet > & | lhs, |
const letterset< GenSet > & | rhs | ||
) |
Compute the meet with another labelset.
Definition at line 354 of file letterset.hh.
wordset<GenSet> vcsn::meet | ( | const wordset< GenSet > & | lhs, |
const wordset< GenSet > & | rhs | ||
) |
Compute the meet with another alphabet.
Definition at line 388 of file wordset.hh.
inline |
The meet of two expressionsets.
Definition at line 564 of file expressionset.hh.
References vcsn::rat::meet().
Referenced by meet(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::meet_(), and vcsn::detail::meet_automata().
nullableset<letterset<GenSet> > vcsn::meet | ( | const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> & | lhs, |
const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> & | rhs | ||
) |
Compute the meet with another labelset.
Definition at line 660 of file nullableset.hh.
nullableset<letterset<GenSet> > vcsn::meet | ( | const letterset< GenSet > & | lhs, |
const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 663 of file nullableset.hh.
nullableset<letterset<GenSet> > vcsn::meet | ( | const nullableset< letterset< GenSet >> & | lhs, |
const letterset< GenSet > & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 666 of file nullableset.hh.
nullableset<meet_t<Lls, Rls> > vcsn::meet | ( | const nullableset< Lls > & | lhs, |
const nullableset< Rls > & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 670 of file nullableset.hh.
auto vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
Tag | |||
) | -> quotient_t<Aut> |
Minimization via the minimizer functors.
Aut | the input automaton type. |
Tag | the requested algorithm: moore_tag, signature_tag, weighted_tag. |
Definition at line 24 of file minimize.hh.
References minimize(), and quotient().
std::enable_if_t<is_free_boolean<Aut>), quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
hopcroft_tag | |||
) |
Definition at line 27 of file minimize-hopcroft.hh.
References bitset, vcsn::rat::ctx(), vcsn::detail::in(), label_of(), make_context(), vcsn::detail::make_polynomialset(), vcsn::detail::make_vector(), quotient(), require(), set, and vcsn::rat::size().
auto vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
brzozowski_tag | |||
) | -> std::enable_if_t<is_free_boolean<Aut>(), determinized_automaton<codeterminized_automaton<Aut>, wet_kind_t::bitset>> |
Brzozowski-based minimization.
Definition at line 30 of file minimize-brzozowski.hh.
References codeterminize(), and determinize().
Referenced by minimize(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut>, b>::value, quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
auto_tag | = {} |
) |
Minimization for Boolean automata: auto_tag.
Definition at line 35 of file minimize.hh.
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut>, b>::value, quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
auto_tag | = {} |
) |
Minimization for non Boolean automata: auto_tag..
Definition at line 44 of file minimize.hh.
std::enable_if_t<is_free_boolean<Aut>), quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
const std::string & | algo | ||
) |
Minimization for Boolean automata on a free labelset: algo selection.
a | the automaton |
algo | the algorithm to run. |
Definition at line 56 of file minimize.hh.
References minimize().
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut>, b>::value && !labelset_t_of<Aut>::is_free(), quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
const std::string & | algo | ||
) |
Minimization for Boolean automata on a non-free labelset: algo selection.
a | the automaton |
algo | the algorithm to run. |
Definition at line 83 of file minimize.hh.
References minimize().
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<weightset_t_of<Aut>, b>::value, quotient_t<Aut> > vcsn::minimize | ( | const Aut & | a, |
const std::string & | algo | ||
) |
Minimization for non Boolean automata: algo selection.
a | the automaton |
algo | the algorithm to run. |
Definition at line 105 of file minimize.hh.
References minimize().
auto vcsn::multiply | ( | const Aut1 & | lhs, |
const Aut2 & | rhs, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> decltype(lhs->null_state(), detail::make_join_automaton(tag, lhs, rhs)) |
Concatenate two automata, general case.
Definition at line 151 of file multiply.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::multiply(), vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_expression(), vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_repeated(), vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_weight(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
auto vcsn::multiply | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
int | min, | ||
int | max, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> decltype(aut->null_state(), detail::make_join_automaton(tag, aut)) |
Repeated concatenation of an automaton.
The return type, via SFINAE on aut->null_state(), makes the difference with another overload, <ValueSet>(ValueSet, value, value)
, which coincides in the case ValueSet = Z, hence value = int.
Unfortunately, fresh_automaton_t_of, which uses context_t_of<Aut>, is not SFINAE transparent: it causes a hard failure instead of being ignored.
FIXME: if you know how to use fresh_automaton_t_of instead, let me know.
Definition at line 203 of file multiply.hh.
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::multiply | ( | const ValueSet & | vs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Product (concatenation) of expressions/labels/polynomials/weights.
Definition at line 281 of file multiply.hh.
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::multiply | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | r, | ||
int | min, | ||
int | max | ||
) |
Definition at line 330 of file multiply.hh.
References require(), and sum().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_expression_repeated(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::multiply_weight_repeated().
Aut1& vcsn::multiply_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
deterministic_tag | |||
) |
Append automaton b to res.
Definition at line 34 of file multiply.hh.
References determinize().
Aut1& vcsn::multiply_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
general_tag | |||
) |
Append automaton b to res for non standard automata.
Definition at line 48 of file multiply.hh.
References copy(), vcsn::detail::final_transitions(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), make_copier(), and vcsn::detail::make_vector().
Aut1& vcsn::multiply_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
standard_tag | = {} |
) |
Append automaton b to res.
Definition at line 89 of file multiply.hh.
auto vcsn::normalize | ( | const Aut & | a | ) | -> decltype(copy(a)) |
Normalize a automaton.
Definition at line 20 of file normalize.hh.
References costandard(), and standard().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::ldiv_here(), and vcsn::dyn::normalize().
size_t vcsn::num_accessible_states | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post().
Definition at line 90 of file accessible.hh.
References accessible_states(), has(), and set.
Referenced by info(), is_accessible(), and num_coaccessible_states().
size_t vcsn::num_coaccessible_states | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post().
Definition at line 105 of file accessible.hh.
References num_accessible_states(), and transpose().
Referenced by info(), and is_coaccessible().
inline |
Number of non-deterministic states of transpositive automaton.
Definition at line 47 of file is-deterministic.hh.
References num_deterministic_states(), and transpose().
Referenced by info().
std::size_t vcsn::num_components | ( | const scc_automaton< Aut > & | aut | ) |
std::size_t vcsn::num_components | ( | const Aut & | ) |
inline |
Number of non-deterministic states.
Definition at line 33 of file is-deterministic.hh.
References is_deterministic().
Referenced by info(), and num_codeterministic_states().
constexpr auto vcsn::num_tapes | ( | const Ctx & | ) | -> std::enable_if_t<Ctx::is_lat, size_t> |
Definition at line 137 of file make-context.hh.
References vcsn::rat::size().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::num_tapes(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
size_t vcsn::num_useful_states | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Number of accessible states, not counting pre() and post().
Definition at line 113 of file accessible.hh.
References has(), set, and useful_states().
Referenced by info(), is_trim(), and is_useless().
std::shared_ptr< std::istream > vcsn::open_input_file | ( | const std::string & | file | ) |
std::shared_ptr< std::ostream > vcsn::open_output_file | ( | const std::string & | file | ) |
inline |
inline |
std::ostream & vcsn::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
direction | d | ||
) |
Definition at line 19 of file direction.cc.
References to_string().
inline |
Launch the iomanipulator action on o.
Call the operator() of g(so set, get or swap the xalloced data with data_).
Definition at line 14 of file xalloc.hxx.
std::ostream & vcsn::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const signature & | sig | ||
) |
Output a string, escaping special characters.
Definition at line 17 of file signature.cc.
References os, and vcsn::signature::sig.
inline |
Dump p on o.
Definition at line 42 of file path.hxx.
References vcsn::path::dump().
std::ostream & vcsn::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
format | i | ||
) |
Output in string form.
Definition at line 49 of file format.cc.
References to_string().
inline |
Print l on o.
Definition at line 103 of file file-library.hxx.
References vcsn::file_library::dump().
std::istream & vcsn::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | is, |
direction & | d | ||
) |
Definition at line 24 of file direction.cc.
References backward, eat(), fail_reading(), forward, and is.
std::istream & vcsn::operator>> | ( | std::istream & | is, |
format & | i | ||
) |
pair_automaton<Aut> vcsn::pair | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
bool | keep_initials = false |
) |
Definition at line 251 of file pair.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover< Aut, has_one >::in_situ_remover_(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::init_pair(), vcsn::dyn::pair(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::detail::epsilon_remover_separate< transpose_in_automaton_t >::remover_on().
fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut, partial_identity_context_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::partial_identity | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Create a partial identity transducer from aut.
Definition at line 38 of file partial-identity.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions(), and vcsn::detail::back().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::partial_identity().
auto vcsn::path_monomial | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const std::vector< transition_t_of< Aut >> & | path, | ||
state_t_of< Aut > | src = Aut::element_type::pre() , |
state_t_of< Aut > | dst = Aut::element_type::post() |
) | -> boost::optional<typename detail::word_polynomialset_t<context_t_of<Aut>>::monomial_t> |
Given a path (typically computed by lightest_path), the corresponding monomial (label, weight).
Definition at line 72 of file lightest-path.hh.
References vcsn::detail::make_word_polynomialset().
Referenced by ambiguous_word(), lightest(), and vcsn::detail::enumerater< Aut >::operator()().
std::unordered_map<state_t_of<Aut>, std::pair<unsigned, transition_t_of<Aut> > > vcsn::paths_ibfs | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const std::vector< state_t_of< Aut >> & | start | ||
) |
Find the shortest paths from some states to all the states.
aut | the automaton to traverse. |
start | the states from which we reach the order states. |
Definition at line 73 of file distance.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_in(), and vcsn::detail::make_queue().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::init_pair().
auto vcsn::prefix | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 69 of file prefix.hh.
References copy(), and prefix_here().
Referenced by vcsn::ast::context_parser::automaton_(), vcsn::detail::synchronizer< Aut >::get_prefix(), and vcsn::dyn::prefix().
Aut& vcsn::prefix_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Make all coaccessible states final.
Definition at line 60 of file prefix.hh.
References suffix_here(), and transpose().
Referenced by factor_here(), and prefix().
std::ostream & vcsn::print | ( | const std::set< T, Compare, Alloc > & | set, |
std::ostream & | o | ||
) |
std::ostream& vcsn::print | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out, | ||
const std::string & | fmt | ||
) |
Definition at line 77 of file print.hh.
References dot(), efsm(), info(), vcsn::detail::out(), and tikz().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::operator()(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::print(), vcsn::rat::printer< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >::print_(), vcsn::dyn::detail::print_expansion(), vcsn::dyn::detail::print_expression(), vcsn::dyn::detail::print_label(), vcsn::dyn::detail::print_polynomial(), vcsn::dyn::detail::print_weight(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_automaton_functions().
inline |
auto vcsn::project | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> mutable_automaton<detail::project_context<Tape, context_t_of<Aut>>> |
Definition at line 18 of file project-automaton.hh.
References copy_into(), and make_mutable_automaton().
auto vcsn::proper | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
direction | dir = direction::backward , |
bool | prune = true , |
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) | -> fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut, detail::proper_context<context_t_of<Aut>>> |
Eliminate spontaneous transitions.
Raise if the input automaton is invalid.
aut | the input automaton |
dir | whether backward or forward elimination |
prune | whether to suppress states becoming inaccessible |
algo | how elimination is performed "auto" same as "inplace" "default" same as "inplace" "inplace" eliminate in place "separate" first separate the automaton into spontaneous and proper parts "distance" compute all-pairs distances |
Definition at line 236 of file proper.hh.
References backward, BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, forward, vcsn::detail::make_properer(), and transpose().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::proper(), realtime(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_automaton_functions(), and weight_series().
inline |
Eliminate spontaneous transitions in place.
Raise if the automaton was not valid.
aut | the input automaton |
dir | whether backward or forward elimination |
prune | whether to suppress states becoming inaccessible |
Definition at line 270 of file proper.hh.
References backward, forward, vcsn::detail::make_properer(), and transpose().
auto vcsn::proper_lazy | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
direction | dir = direction::backward , |
bool | prune = true |
) | -> lazy_proper_automaton<Aut> |
Definition at line 253 of file proper.hh.
References backward, and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::proper().
auto vcsn::push_weights | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
The algorithm weight pushing.
1) Calculate shortest distance each state s to final states. 2) Update the weight of each transition by using shortest distance.
Definition at line 44 of file push-weights.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions(), copy(), and shortest_distance_to_finals().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::push_weights(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
inline |
Definition at line 124 of file quotient.hh.
Referenced by minimize().
inline |
Raise a runtime_error with the concatenation of args as message.
Definition at line 62 of file raise.hh.
References vcsn::detail::print_(), and vcsn::detail::void.
mutable_automaton<Ctx> vcsn::random_automaton | ( | const Ctx & | ctx, |
unsigned | num_states, | ||
float | density = 0.1 , |
unsigned | num_initial = 1 , |
unsigned | num_final = 1 , |
float | loop_chance = 0.0 |
) |
Definition at line 118 of file random.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), random_label(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::random_automaton(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
mutable_automaton<Ctx> vcsn::random_automaton_deterministic | ( | const Ctx & | ctx, |
unsigned | num_states | ||
) |
Definition at line 279 of file random.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::random_automaton_deterministic(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
oneset::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const oneset & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from oneset.
Definition at line 20 of file random.hh.
References vcsn::oneset::one().
Referenced by random_automaton(), random_label(), and random_label_().
tupleset<LabelSet...>::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const tupleset< LabelSet... > & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | gen = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from tupleset.
Definition at line 31 of file random.hh.
References random_label_().
wordset<GenSet>::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const wordset< GenSet > & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | gen = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from wordset.
Definition at line 57 of file random.hh.
References vcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >::generators(), make_random_selector(), vcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >::mul(), vcsn::wordset< GenSet >::one(), require(), and vcsn::wordset< GenSet >::value().
LabelSet::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const LabelSet & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | gen = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from general case such as letterset.
Definition at line 75 of file random.hh.
References make_random_selector(), and require().
nullableset<LabelSet>::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const nullableset< LabelSet > & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | gen = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from nullableset.
Definition at line 90 of file random.hh.
References vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::generators(), vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::labelset(), vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::one(), random_label(), and vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::value().
expressionset<Context>::value_t vcsn::random_label | ( | const expressionset< Context > & | rs, |
RandomGenerator & | gen = RandomGenerator() |
) |
Random label from expressionset: limited to a single label.
Definition at line 106 of file random.hh.
References random_label().
tupleset<LabelSet...>::value_t vcsn::random_label_ | ( | const tupleset< LabelSet... > & | ls, |
RandomGenerator & | gen, | ||
detail::index_sequence< I... > | |||
) |
Implementation detail for random label from tupleset.
Definition at line 43 of file random.hh.
References random_label().
Referenced by random_label().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 20 of file read.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and is.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
inline |
Definition at line 51 of file read.hh.
References conv(), vcsn::rat::ctx(), and is.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
inline |
Definition at line 82 of file read.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and is.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
auto vcsn::realtime | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(proper(::vcsn::letterize(aut))) |
Split the word transitions in the input automaton into letter ones, and remove the spontaneous transitions.
[in] | aut | the automaton |
Definition at line 220 of file letterize.hh.
References letterize(), and proper().
Referenced by are_equivalent(), and vcsn::dyn::realtime().
auto vcsn::reduce | ( | const Aut & | input | ) | -> decltype(copy(input)) |
Definition at line 608 of file reduce.hh.
References left_reduce(), and transpose().
inline |
If b is not verified, raise an error with args as message.
Beware that the arguments are, of course, always evaluated. So avoid passing costly function calls. See VCSN_REQUIRE.
Definition at line 78 of file raise.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::add_entry(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::add_letter(), ambiguous_word(), cerny(), complement_here(), conjugate(), vcsn::detail::f2_impl::conv(), vcsn::oneset::conv(), vcsn::detail::b_impl::conv(), vcsn::letterset< GenSet >::conv(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::conv(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv(), vcsn::detail::conv_label_class_(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv_monomial(), de_bruijn(), derivation(), vcsn::dyn::derived_term(), derived_term(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::dest_state(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), divkbaseb(), double_ring(), eliminate_state(), eval(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::expressionset_impl(), vcsn::detail::gcd(), vcsn::ast::context_parser::genset_(), get_char(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::get_full_response(), vcsn::detail::pair_automaton_impl< Aut >::get_origin(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::get_word(), has_twins_property(), vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts >::infiltration(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::init_synchro(), is_synchronized_by(), ladybird(), vcsn::detail::standard_operations< Aut >::left_mult_here(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::letter_class_(), vcsn::detail::z_impl::lgcd(), vcsn::detail::r_impl::lgcd(), vcsn::detail::b_impl::lgcd(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::lgcd(), lightest_path(), vcsn::rat::driver::make_label(), vcsn::rat::driver::make_weight(), minimize(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, moore_tag >::minimizer(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, weighted_tag >::minimizer(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::minimizer(), multiply(), vcsn::detail::lightest_impl< Aut >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::state_eliminator< Aut, Profiler >::operator()(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::origins(), vcsn::detail::dot::driver::parse(), vcsn::detail::dot::parser::parse(), proper_lazy(), vcsn::detail::properer< Aut >::proper_star_(), vcsn::detail::properer< Aut >::proper_star_here_(), random_automaton(), random_automaton_deterministic(), random_label(), vcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< unsigned int >::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::log_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::f2_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::qmp_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::z_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::b_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::r_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::rdiv(), vcsn::dyn::read_efsm(), vcsn::detail::f2_impl::star(), star_here(), sum_here(), and u().
std::ostream & vcsn::resetindent | ( | std::ostream & | o | ) |
Reset the indentation.
Definition at line 34 of file indent.cc.
References vcsn::detail::indentation.
std::vector<state_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::reverse_postorder | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Get all states in reverse postorder.
Definition at line 98 of file scc.hh.
References vcsn::detail::reverse_postorder_impl< Aut >::reverse_post().
fresh_automaton_t_of<Aut> vcsn::right_mult | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const weight_t_of< Aut > & | w, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) |
Right-multiplication of an automaton by a weight.
Definition at line 301 of file left-mult.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult_expansion(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult_expression().
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::right_mult | ( | const ValueSet & | rs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | r, | ||
const weight_t_of< ValueSet > & | w | ||
) |
Definition at line 360 of file left-mult.hh.
Aut& vcsn::right_mult_here | ( | Aut & | res, |
const weight_t_of< Aut > & | w, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) |
In place right-multiplication of an automaton by a weight.
Definition at line 293 of file left-mult.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::right_mult_tag().
bool vcsn::same_domain | ( | const Container & | x, |
const Container & | y | ||
) |
Check that two associative containers have the same keys.
Definition at line 174 of file algorithm.hh.
scc_automaton<Aut> vcsn::scc | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) |
Get scc_automaton from aut.
Definition at line 693 of file scc.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::scc_impl< Aut, dijkstra_tag >::dfs(), and info().
inline |
Definition at line 515 of file scc.hh.
References auto_, dijkstra, kosaraju, tarjan_iterative, and tarjan_recursive.
Container vcsn::set_difference | ( | const Container & | s1, |
const Container & | s2 | ||
) |
The set of members of s1 that are not members of s2.
Definition at line 150 of file algorithm.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::conv_label_class_().
std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc> vcsn::set_intersection | ( | const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > & | s1, |
const std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > & | s2 | ||
) |
Intersection of s1 and s2.
Definition at line 45 of file unordered_set.hh.
References has(), and set_intersection().
Container vcsn::set_intersection | ( | const Container & | s1, |
const Container & | s2 | ||
) |
The intersection of two sets.
Definition at line 163 of file algorithm.hh.
Referenced by intersection_closure(), set_intersection(), and useful_states().
Container vcsn::set_union | ( | const Container & | s1, |
const Container & | s2 | ||
) |
The union of two sets.
Definition at line 196 of file algorithm.hh.
detail::enumerater<Aut>::polynomial_t vcsn::shortest | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
boost::optional< unsigned > | num = {} , |
boost::optional< unsigned > | len = {} |
) |
The approximated behavior of an automaton.
aut | the automaton whose behavior to approximate |
num | number of words looked for. |
len | maximum length of words looked for. |
Definition at line 267 of file shortest.hh.
Referenced by enumerate(), and vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free().
weight_t_of<Aut> vcsn::shortest_distance_to_finals | ( | Aut | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | s0 | ||
) |
Find shorhest of s0 to the final states of aut by using single source shortest distance.
Definition at line 18 of file push-weights.hh.
References ss_shortest_distance().
Referenced by push_weights(), and shortest_distance_to_finals().
std::unordered_map<state_t_of<Aut>, weight_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::shortest_distance_to_finals | ( | Aut | aut | ) |
Find all shortest distances of each state to the final states of aut.
Definition at line 28 of file push-weights.hh.
References shortest_distance_to_finals().
auto vcsn::shuffle | ( | const Auts &... | as | ) | -> tuple_automaton<decltype(join_automata(as...)), Auts...> |
The (accessible part of the) shuffle product.
Definition at line 527 of file conjunction.hh.
References vcsn::detail::join_automata().
Referenced by info(), vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_expression().
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::shuffle | ( | const ValueSet & | vs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Shuffle product of expressions.
Definition at line 570 of file conjunction.hh.
symbol vcsn::sname | ( | ) |
Definition at line 67 of file name.hh.
References vcsn::snamer< T >::name().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::label_one(), vcsn::dyn::make_context(), vcsn::detail::expression_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::sname(), vcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >::sname(), vcsn::detail::permutation_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::name_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::lazy_proper_automaton_impl< Aut, has_one >::sname(), vcsn::detail::insplit_automaton_impl< Aut, HasOne >::sname(), vcsn::detail::filter_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::transpose_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::sname(), vcsn::detail::partition_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::context< Tape, full_context_t >::sname(), vcsn::detail::delay_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::determinized_automaton_impl< Aut, Kind, Lazy >::sname(), vcsn::rat::expressionset_impl< Context >::sname(), vcsn::detail::synchronized_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sname(), vcsn::detail::focus_automaton_impl< Tape, Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::compose_automaton_impl< Lazy, Lhs, Rhs >::sname(), vcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::sname(), vcsn::detail::pair_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >::sname(), vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::sname(), vcsn::detail::insplit_automaton_impl< Aut, false >::sname(), vcsn::detail::scc_automaton_impl< Aut >::sname(), vcsn::detail::tuple_automaton_impl< Aut, Auts >::sname_(), and vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::sname_().
symbol vcsn::sname | ( | T & | ) |
Definition at line 73 of file name.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::snamer< T >::name().
inline |
Definition at line 163 of file sort.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::printer< Aut >::finals_(), vcsn::detail::printer< Aut >::initials_(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::make_state_classes(), vcsn::detail::minimizer< Aut, signature_tag >::minimizer(), vcsn::detail::printer< Aut >::print_state_(), vcsn::detail::efsmer< Aut >::print_transitions_(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), vcsn::dyn::detail::Registry< Fun >::signatures(), vcsn::dyn::sort(), and vcsn::detail::quotienter< Aut >::sort_classes_().
inline |
Split an expression.
Definition at line 264 of file split.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >::complete_via_expansion_(), derivation(), vcsn::detail::derived_term_automaton_impl< ExpSet >::init_(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and split_polynomial().
inline |
Split a polynomial of expressions, given the expressionset.
Definition at line 308 of file split.hh.
References vcsn::rat::make_expression_polynomialset(), and split_polynomial().
inline |
Split a polynomial of expressions, given the polynomialset.
Definition at line 292 of file split.hh.
References label_of(), vcsn::detail::rs, split(), and weight_of().
Referenced by split().
std::vector<weight_t_of<Aut> > vcsn::ss_shortest_distance | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
state_t_of< Aut > | s0 | ||
) |
Single source shortest distance.
Find shortest (weighted) path from state s0 to all states of automaton aut.
Definition at line 29 of file distance.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_out(), has(), and vcsn::weightset_mixin< WeightSet >::mul().
Referenced by shortest_distance_to_finals().
inline |
auto vcsn::standard | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 115 of file standard.hh.
References copy(), and standard_here().
Referenced by costandard(), normalize(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), standard(), and vcsn::dyn::standard().
Aut vcsn::standard | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | r | ||
) |
Build a standard automaton from an expression.
Aut | relative to the generated automaton. |
ExpSet | relative to the expression. |
Definition at line 375 of file standard.hh.
References standard().
void vcsn::standard_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Turn aut into a standard automaton.
Aut | an automaton type, not a pointer type. |
Definition at line 80 of file standard.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_in(), vcsn::detail::all_out(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), and is_standard().
Referenced by standard(), and star_here().
auto vcsn::star | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> decltype(detail::make_join_automaton(tag, aut)) |
Star of an automaton.
Definition at line 108 of file star.hh.
Referenced by info(), and vcsn::dyn::star().
inline |
Star height of an expression.
Definition at line 100 of file star-height.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
Aut& vcsn::star_here | ( | Aut & | res, |
general_tag | = {} |
) |
Aut& vcsn::star_here | ( | Aut & | res, |
standard_tag | |||
) |
In-place star of a standard automaton.
See standard_visitor::visit(star).
Standard algorithm requires standard automaton because there is a problem with "final weight of the initial state" if the automaton has several initial states. Indeed we cannot preserve several initial states since (a+b) is not equal to (a*+b*)
Definition at line 51 of file star.hh.
References vcsn::detail::final_transitions(), vcsn::detail::front(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), is_standard(), vcsn::detail::out(), and require().
Aut& vcsn::star_here | ( | Aut & | res, |
deterministic_tag | |||
) |
In-place star of a deterministic automaton.
Definition at line 94 of file star.hh.
References determinize(), standard_here(), and star_here().
inline |
Star-normal form of an expression.
Definition at line 185 of file star-normal-form.hh.
std::ostream & vcsn::str_escape | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const std::string & | str, | ||
const char * | special = nullptr |
) |
Output a string, escaping special characters.
Definition at line 54 of file escape.cc.
Referenced by vcsn::ast::context_parser::automaton_(), bracketed(), conv(), vcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< unsigned int >::conv(), vcsn::letterset< GenSet >::conv(), vcsn::wordset< GenSet >::conv(), vcsn::detail::dispatch_tags(), eat(), fail_reading(), vcsn::detail::genset_labelset< GenSet >::get_letter(), vcsn::set_alphabet< L >::get_word(), vcsn::ast::context_parser::labelset_(), make_context(), vcsn::dyn::print(), vcsn::detail::print_(), str_escape(), synchronizing_word(), and vcsn::ast::context_parser::weightset_().
std::string vcsn::str_escape | ( | const std::string & | c, |
const char * | special = nullptr |
) |
Likewise, but produces a string.
Definition at line 62 of file escape.cc.
References str_escape().
std::string vcsn::str_escape | ( | const std::vector< T > & | s, |
const char * | special = nullptr |
) |
A container of letters.
Definition at line 22 of file escape.hh.
References str_escape().
std::ostream & vcsn::str_escape | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
int | c, | ||
const char * | special = nullptr |
) |
std::string vcsn::str_escape | ( | int | c, |
const char * | special = nullptr |
) |
Likewise, but produces a string.
Definition at line 46 of file escape.cc.
References str_escape().
inline |
Definition at line 277 of file string.hh.
References vcsn::string_letters::special_letter().
inline |
Definition at line 285 of file string.hh.
References vcsn::string_letters::special_letter().
auto vcsn::strip | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Remove (all) the decorations from a decorated automaton.
Definition at line 34 of file strip.hh.
References vcsn::detail::strip().
Referenced by are_equivalent(), difference(), and vcsn::dyn::strip().
const detail::components_t<Aut> vcsn::strong_components | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
Tag | = {} |
) |
Find all strongly connected components of aut.
Aut | the automaton type. |
Tag | specifies the chosen algorithm. |
Definition at line 540 of file scc.hh.
Referenced by has_twins_property(), is_cycle_ambiguous(), is_cycle_ambiguous_scc(), vcsn::detail::scc_automaton_impl< Aut >::scc_automaton_impl(), and strong_components().
const detail::components_t<Aut> vcsn::strong_components | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
scc_algo_t | algo = scc_algo_t::tarjan_iterative |
) |
Find all strongly connected components of aut.
aut | the input automaton. |
algo | specifies the chosen algorithm. |
Definition at line 551 of file scc.hh.
References auto_, BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, dijkstra, kosaraju, strong_components(), tarjan_iterative, and tarjan_recursive.
bool vcsn::subset | ( | const Container & | set1, |
const Container & | set2 | ||
) |
Whether set1 ⊆ set2.
Definition at line 48 of file set.hxx.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
auto vcsn::subword | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(make_nullable_automaton(aut->context())) |
Apply subword_here() to a copy of aut.
Definition at line 158 of file prefix.hh.
References copy_into(), make_nullable_automaton(), and subword_here().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::subword().
Aut& vcsn::subword_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Add spontaneous transitions for each non spontaneous transition, with same source, destination and weight.
Definition at line 137 of file prefix.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by subword().
auto vcsn::suffix | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(::vcsn::copy(aut)) |
Definition at line 29 of file prefix.hh.
References copy(), and suffix_here().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::synchronizer< Aut >::get_prefix(), and vcsn::dyn::suffix().
Aut& vcsn::suffix_here | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Make all accessible states initial.
Definition at line 17 of file prefix.hh.
References accessible_states().
Referenced by factor_here(), prefix_here(), and suffix().
auto vcsn::sum | ( | const Aut1 & | lhs, |
const Aut2 & | rhs, | ||
Tag | tag = {} |
) | -> decltype(join_automata(lhs, rhs)) |
The sum of two automata.
lhs | the first automaton. |
rhs | the second automaton. |
tag | whether to use constructs for standard automata. |
Definition at line 95 of file sum.hh.
Referenced by info(), multiply(), vcsn::are_isomorphicer< Aut1, Aut2 >::print_class_stats(), vcsn::dyn::sum(), vcsn::dyn::detail::sum_expansion(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::sum_expression().
ValueSet::value_t vcsn::sum | ( | const ValueSet & | vs, |
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | lhs, | ||
const typename ValueSet::value_t & | rhs | ||
) |
Aut1& vcsn::sum_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
deterministic_tag | |||
) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res.
Definition at line 30 of file sum.hh.
References determinize().
Aut1& vcsn::sum_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
standard_tag | |||
) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res.
Definition at line 45 of file sum.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions(), vcsn::detail::front(), vcsn::detail::initial_transitions(), is_standard(), and require().
Aut1& vcsn::sum_here | ( | Aut1 & | res, |
const Aut2 & | b, | ||
general_tag | |||
) |
Merge transitions of b into those of res.
Definition at line 82 of file sum.hh.
References copy_into().
auto vcsn::synchronize | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(detail::synchronize(aut)) |
Synchronize the transducer.
[in] | aut | the transducer |
Definition at line 350 of file synchronize.hh.
References vcsn::dyn::detail::synchronize().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::synchronize().
word_t_of<Aut> vcsn::synchronizing_word | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
const std::string & | algo = "greedy" |
) |
Return a synchronizing word for aut using algo algo.
Definition at line 418 of file synchronizing-word.hh.
References vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::cycle(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::fastsynchro(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::greedy(), str_escape(), vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::synchroP(), and vcsn::detail::word_synchronizer< Aut >::synchroPL().
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), and vcsn::dyn::synchronizing_word().
inline |
Build a Thompson automaton from an expression.
Aut | relative to the generated automaton. |
ExpSet | relative to the expression. |
Definition at line 176 of file thompson.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx().
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and thompson().
inline |
Build a Thompson automaton from an expression.
Aut | relative to the generated automaton. |
ExpSet | relative to the expression. |
Definition at line 190 of file thompson.hh.
References thompson().
std::ostream& vcsn::tikz | ( | const AutPtr & | aut, |
std::ostream & | out | ||
) |
Print automaton to TikZ format.
AutPtr | an automaton type. |
Definition at line 157 of file tikz.hh.
References vcsn::detail::out().
Referenced by print().
rat::expansionset< ExpSet >::value_t vcsn::to_expansion | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | e | ||
) |
First order expansion.
Definition at line 413 of file to-expansion.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and vcsn::rat::to_expansion_visitor< ExpSet >::visit_tuple< bool, Dummy >::work_().
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::to_expression | ( | Aut & | a, |
Profiler & | profiler | ||
) |
Definition at line 496 of file to-expression.hh.
References vcsn::detail::make_state_eliminator().
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions().
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::to_expression | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
vcsn::rat::identities | ids, | ||
to_expression_heuristic_t | algo | ||
) |
Definition at line 550 of file to-expression.hh.
References best, delgado, delgado_label, vcsn::rat::ids(), and naive.
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::to_expression | ( | const Aut & | a, |
vcsn::rat::identities | ids, | ||
const std::string & | algo | ||
) |
Definition at line 580 of file to-expression.hh.
References best, delgado, delgado_label, vcsn::rat::ids(), and naive.
ExpressionSet::value_t vcsn::to_expression | ( | const ExpressionSet & | rs, |
const letter_class_t & | letters, | ||
bool | accept = true |
) |
An expression matching one letter in a letter class.
rs | The expressionset to use. |
letters | The letter class as a set of ranges. |
accept | Whether to accept these characters ([abc]) as opposed to refusing them ([^abc]). |
Definition at line 703 of file to-expression.hh.
References vcsn::detail::letter_class_impl().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::to_expression().
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::to_expression_heuristic | ( | const Aut & | aut, |
vcsn::rat::identities | ids, | ||
to_expression_heuristic_t | algo | ||
) |
Definition at line 514 of file to-expression.hh.
References best, BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, delgado, delgado_label, lift(), and naive.
auto vcsn::to_spontaneous | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> std::enable_if_t<!context_t_of<Aut>::is_lao, decltype(make_mutable_automaton(make_context(oneset(), *aut->weightset())))> |
to_spontaneous specialisation for lao automaton.
Convert to spontaneous automaton: simply change every transition's label to the empty word.
The automaton is already spontaneous: we do not need to convert it.
input state -> output state.
Definition at line 14 of file to-spontaneous.hh.
References vcsn::detail::all_transitions(), make_context(), and make_mutable_automaton().
Referenced by weight_series().
std::string vcsn::to_string | ( | direction | d | ) |
Conversion to string.
Definition at line 7 of file direction.cc.
References backward, BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, and forward.
Referenced by vcsn::oneset::conv(), vcsn::detail::qmp_impl::hash(), vcsn::detail::printer< Aut >::label_(), vcsn::nullableset< LabelSet >::ldiv(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv(), operator<<(), vcsn::detail::dotter< Aut >::print_transitions_(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rdiv(), vcsn::lazy_automaton_editor::result_context(), vcsn::detail::determinized_automaton_impl< Aut, Kind, Lazy >::sname(), vcsn::detail::min_plus_impl< unsigned int >::star(), vcsn::detail::qmp_impl::star(), vcsn::detail::z_impl::star(), vcsn::detail::q_impl::star(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::star(), and vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sub_here().
std::string vcsn::to_string | ( | format | i | ) |
Wrapper around operator<<.
Definition at line 31 of file format.cc.
References BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, vcsn::format::kind(), vcsn::format::latex, vcsn::format::raw, vcsn::format::sname, vcsn::format::text, and vcsn::format::utf8.
inline |
inline |
String version of a wet kind.
Definition at line 210 of file wet.hh.
References bitset, BUILTIN_UNREACHABLE, DEFINE, set, and unordered_map.
ExpSet::value_t vcsn::transpose | ( | const ExpSet & | rs, |
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | v | ||
) |
A expression that denotes the transposition of v.
Works deeply, contrary to transposition() that merely applies the {T}
Definition at line 177 of file transpose.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 227 of file transpose.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::mutable_automaton_impl< Context >::add_transition_copy(), coaccessible_states(), costandard(), is_codeterministic(), is_costandard(), num_coaccessible_states(), num_codeterministic_states(), prefix_here(), proper(), proper_here(), reduce(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), vcsn::detail::trie_builder< Context, Dir >::result(), vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::transpose_(), and vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::work_().
inline |
Definition at line 235 of file transpose.hh.
mutable_automaton<detail::free_context<context_t_of<PolynomialSet> > > vcsn::trie | ( | const PolynomialSet & | ps, |
const typename PolynomialSet::value_t & | p | ||
) |
Make a trie-like mutable_automaton for a finite series given as a polynomial.
ps | the polynomialset |
p | the polynomial that specifies the series. |
Definition at line 213 of file trie.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::trie(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::trie_stream().
mutable_automaton<detail::free_context<context_t_of<PolynomialSet> > > vcsn::trie | ( | const PolynomialSet & | ps, |
std::istream & | is, | ||
const std::string & | format = "default" |
) |
filter_automaton<Aut> vcsn::trim | ( | const Aut & | a | ) |
Useful part of an automaton.
Definition at line 150 of file accessible.hh.
References filter(), and useful_states().
Referenced by has_twins_property(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions(), and vcsn::dyn::trim().
inline |
Definition at line 43 of file tuple.hh.
Referenced by info(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_().
auto vcsn::tuple_context | ( | Ctx &&... | ctx | ) | -> context<tupleset<labelset_t_of<Ctx>...>, join_t<weightset_t_of<Ctx>...>> |
Definition at line 14 of file tuple.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), join(), and vcsn::detail::make_tupleset().
Referenced by tuple_expressionset().
auto vcsn::tuple_expansionset | ( | const ExpansionSets &... | ess | ) | -> rat::expansionset<decltype(tuple_expressionset(ess.expressionset()...))> |
Definition at line 30 of file tuple.hh.
References tuple_expressionset().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_().
auto vcsn::tuple_expressionset | ( | const ExpSets &... | rss | ) | -> expressionset<decltype(tuple_context(rss.context()...))> |
Definition at line 55 of file tuple.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), vcsn::rat::ids(), join(), and tuple_context().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::tuple_(), and tuple_expansionset().
mutable_automaton<Context> vcsn::u | ( | const Context & | ctx, |
unsigned | n | ||
) |
The Brzozowski universal witness.
Definition at line 17 of file u.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and require().
Referenced by vcsn::ctx::detail::register_functions_is_free(), vcsn::ctx::detail::register_kind_functions(), and vcsn::dyn::u().
inline |
Definition at line 136 of file universal.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::universal().
states_t<Aut> vcsn::useful_states | ( | const Aut & | a, |
bool | strict = true |
) |
The set of useful states, including possibly pre() and post().
a | the automaton. |
strict | whether to evaluate lazy states. |
Definition at line 75 of file accessible.hh.
References accessible(), accessible_states(), coaccessible(), coaccessible_states(), and set_intersection().
Referenced by num_useful_states(), and trim().
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::lal_char_q | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::law_char_zr | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::lal_char_zr | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::law_char_br | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::law_char_zrr | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::lal_char_zrr | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::lal_char_br | ) |
vcsn::VCSN_CTX_INSTANTIATE | ( | ctx::lal_char_b | ) |
symbol vcsn::vname | ( | T & | t | ) |
Definition at line 101 of file name.hh.
References vcsn::vnamer< T >::name().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::lift(), vcsn::dyn_vector_vnamer< dyn::automaton >::name(), and vsignature().
inline |
The signature of (Args...).
Definition at line 288 of file name.hh.
References vname().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::Registry< Fun >::call().
auto vcsn::weight_of | ( | const welement< Label, Weight > & | m | ) | -> decltype(m.weight()) |
The weight of a welement.
Definition at line 154 of file wet.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::trie_builder< Context, Dir >::add(), vcsn::edit_automaton< Aut >::add_entry(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::add_here(), vcsn::rat::split_visitor< ExpSet >::conjunction(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conjunction_impl(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::conv(), derivation(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::get_weight(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::hash(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::infiltration(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::ldiv_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::lmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::lmul_label(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::monomial_equal(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::monomial_less(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::mul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::mul_impl(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::normalize_(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< WeightSet, Dummy >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< z, Dummy >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::norm_< polynomialset< Ctx, Knd >, Dummy >::operator()(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::print_with_classes_(), vcsn::rat::split_visitor< ExpSet >::product(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::project(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rdiv_here(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::rmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rmul(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rmul_label(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::scalar_product(), vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::shuffle_(), split_polynomial(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sub_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::to_label(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::transpose(), vcsn::rat::expand_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::rat::derivation_visitor< ExpSet >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::rat::to_expansion_visitor< expressionset_t >::VCSN_RAT_VISIT(), vcsn::detail::wet_bitset::wet_bitset(), and vcsn::detail::wet_set< Key, Compare >::wet_set().
const Weight& vcsn::weight_of | ( | const std::pair< Label, Weight > & | m | ) |
inline |
Definition at line 17 of file weight-series.hh.
References eval(), proper(), and to_spontaneous().
void vcsn::weight_set | ( | welement< Label, Weight > & | m, |
const Weight & | w | ||
) |
Set the weight of a welement.
Definition at line 162 of file wet.hh.
References vcsn::detail::welement_weight< Weight >::weight().
Referenced by vcsn::rat::expansionset< expressionset_t >::ldiv_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::ldiv_here(), vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::rdiv_here(), and vcsn::detail::polynomialset_impl< Context, Kind >::sub_here().
void vcsn::weight_set | ( | std::pair< Label, Weight > & | m, |
const Weight & | w | ||
) |
zip_sequences<Sequences...> vcsn::zip | ( | Sequences &&... | seqs | ) |
Definition at line 439 of file zip.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::letters_of_().
zipped_maps<Dereference, Maps...> vcsn::zip_map_tuple | ( | const std::tuple< Maps... > & | maps | ) |
Definition at line 257 of file zip-maps.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Lazy, Aut, Auts >::add_conjunction_transitions().
zipped_maps<Dereference, Maps...> vcsn::zip_maps | ( | Maps &&... | maps | ) |
zip_sequences<Sequences...> vcsn::zip_tuple | ( | const std::tuple< Sequences... > & | seqs | ) |
zip_sequences_padded<zip_sequences<Sequences...> > vcsn::zip_with_padding | ( | const std::tuple< typename Sequences::value_type... > & | pad, |
const Sequences &... | seq | ||
) |
Definition at line 453 of file zip.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::letters_of_padded_().
Aut vcsn::zpc | ( | const context_t_of< Aut > & | ctx, |
const ExpSet & | rs, | ||
const typename ExpSet::value_t & | r, | ||
const std::string & | algo = "auto" |
) |
Build a ZPC automaton from an expression.
Aut | relative to the generated automaton. |
ExpSet | relative to the expression. |
Definition at line 334 of file zpc.hh.
References vcsn::rat::ctx(), and vcsn::detail::rs.
std::ostream vcsn::cnull {nullptr} |