![]() |
Be Rational
A ValueSet which is a Cartesian product of ValueSets. More...
#include <fwd.hh>
Public Types | |
using | valuesets_t = std::tuple< ValueSets... > |
using | indices_t = make_index_sequence< sizeof...(ValueSets)> |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
using | seq = index_sequence< I... > |
template<std::size_t I> | |
using | valueset_t = tuple_element_t< I, valuesets_t > |
The Ith valueset type. More... | |
using | self_t = tupleset< ValueSets... > |
using | value_t = std::tuple< typename ValueSets::value_t... > |
A tuple of values. More... | |
using | letter_t = typename labelset_types< ValueSets... >::letter_t |
A tuple of base letters if meaningful, void otherwise. More... | |
using | letters_t = typename labelset_types< ValueSets... >::letters_t |
A set of letters if meaningful, void otherwise. More... | |
using | genset_t = typename labelset_types< ValueSets... >::genset_t |
A tuple of generators if meaningful, void otherwise. More... | |
using | genset_ptr = typename labelset_types< ValueSets... >::genset_ptr |
using | word_t = typename labelset_types< ValueSets... >::word_t |
A tuple of words if meaningful, void otherwise. More... | |
using | value_type = letter_t |
To be iterable. More... | |
using | kind_t = labels_are_tuples |
template<size_t I> | |
using | project_t = valueset_t< I > |
The type of the I-th tape valueset. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
tupleset_impl (valuesets_t vs) | |
tupleset_impl (ValueSets...ls) | |
const valuesets_t & | sets () const |
The componants valuesets, as a tuple. More... | |
template<size_t I> | |
const valueset_t< I > & | set () const |
The Ith component valueset. More... | |
template<size_t I> | |
const valueset_t< I > & | project () const |
The Ith component valueset. More... | |
template<size_t I> | |
auto | project (const value_t &v) const |
The I-th component of the value. More... | |
bool | open (bool o) const |
Whether unknown letters should be added, or rejected. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
value_t | value (const std::tuple< Args... > &args) const |
Construct a value. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
value_t | tuple (Args &&...args) const |
Construct a value. More... | |
genset_ptr | genset () const |
genset_t | generators () const |
The generators. Meaningful for labelsets only. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
auto | word (const std::tuple< Args... > &v) const -> word_t |
Convert to a word. More... | |
value_t | zero () const |
bool | is_zero (const value_t &l) const |
bool | is_letter (const value_t &) const |
value_t | add (const value_t &l, const value_t &r) const |
Pointwise addition. More... | |
template<typename LhsValue , typename RhsValue > | |
auto | mul (const LhsValue &l, const RhsValue &r) const -> word_t |
The product (possibly concatenation) of l and r. More... | |
value_t | lgcd (const value_t &l, const value_t &r) const |
Pointwise left GCD. More... | |
value_t | rdivide (const value_t &l, const value_t &r) const |
Pointwise right division (l / r). More... | |
value_t | ldivide (const value_t &l, const value_t &r) const |
Pointwise left division (l \ r). More... | |
valueset_t< 0 >::value_t | lnormalize_here (value_t &v) const |
Eliminate the LGCD between all the tapes. More... | |
value_t | star (const value_t &v) const |
Pointwise star. More... | |
template<typename Value > | |
Value | delimit (const Value &l) const |
Add the special character first and last. More... | |
template<typename Value > | |
Value | undelimit (const Value &l) const |
Remove first and last characters, that must be "special". More... | |
template<typename Value > | |
Value | transpose (const Value &l) const |
Transpose a word_t or a value_t. More... | |
value_t | conv (b, b::value_t v) const |
template<typename... VS> | |
value_t | conv (const tupleset< VS... > &vs, const typename tupleset< VS... >::value_t &v) const |
Convert a value from tupleset<...> to value_t. More... | |
template<typename... VS> | |
value_t | conv (const nullableset< tupleset< VS... >> &vs, const typename nullableset< tupleset< VS... >>::value_t &v) const |
Convert a value from nullableset<tupleset<...>> to value_t. More... | |
value_t | conv (std::istream &i, bool quoted=true) const |
Read one label from i, return the corresponding value. More... | |
template<typename Fun > | |
void | convs (std::istream &i, Fun &&fun) const |
Fun: (label_t) -> void. More... | |
std::ostream & | print_set (std::ostream &o, format fmt={}) const |
std::ostream & | print (const value_t &l, std::ostream &o=std::cout, format fmt={}) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
auto | get_letter (std::istream &i, bool quoted=true) const -> decltype(this->get_letter_(i, quoted, indices)) |
template<typename Value , typename... Defaults> | |
auto | letters_of_padded (const Value &v, const std::tuple< Defaults... > &def) const -> decltype(this->letters_of_padded_(v, def, indices)) |
Iterate over the letters of v. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static symbol | sname () |
static constexpr std::size_t | size () |
Number of tapes. More... | |
template<typename Value > | |
static size_t | size (const Value &v) |
Get the max of the sizes of the tapes. More... | |
static constexpr bool | is_commutative () |
static constexpr bool | is_idempotent () |
static self_t | make (std::istream &is) |
Build from the description in is. More... | |
static constexpr bool | is_free () |
static bool | equal (const value_t &l, const value_t &r) |
Whether l equals r. More... | |
template<typename LhsValue , typename RhsValue > | |
static auto | less (const LhsValue &l, const RhsValue &r) -> bool |
Whether l < r. More... | |
static value_t | special () |
static bool | is_special (const value_t &l) |
static constexpr bool | has_lightening_weights () |
static constexpr bool | has_one () |
static constexpr bool | is_expressionset () |
static constexpr bool | is_letterized () |
template<typename Indices = indices_t> | |
static auto | one () -> decltype(one_(Indices |
A tuple of ones. More... | |
static bool | is_one (const value_t &l) |
static bool | show_one () |
static constexpr star_status_t | star_status () |
static size_t | hash (const value_t &v) |
static value_t | conv (self_t, value_t v) |
template<typename Value > | |
static auto | letters_of (const Value &v) -> decltype(letters_of_(v, indices)) |
Iterate over the letters of v. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static constexpr indices_t | indices {} |
Private Member Functions | |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
bool | open_ (bool o, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename... Args, std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | value_ (const std::tuple< Args... > &args, seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
genset_ptr | genset_ (seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
genset_t | generators_ (seq< I... >) const |
template<typename... Args, std::size_t... I> | |
word_t | word_ (const std::tuple< Args... > &l, seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | zero_ (seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
bool | is_zero_ (const value_t &l, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename Fun > | |
value_t | map_ (const value_t &v, Fun &&fun) const |
Apply a unary function pointwise, and return the tuple of results. More... | |
template<typename Fun , std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | map_impl_ (const value_t &v, Fun &&fun, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename Fun > | |
value_t | map_ (const value_t &l, const value_t &r, Fun &&fun) const |
Apply a binary function pointwise, and return the tuple of results. More... | |
template<typename Fun , std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | map_impl_ (const value_t &l, const value_t &r, Fun &&fun, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename LhsValue , typename RhsValue , std::size_t... I> | |
auto | mul_ (const LhsValue &l, const RhsValue &r, seq< I... >) const -> word_t |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
valueset_t< 0 >::value_t | lnormalize_here_ (value_t &vs, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename Value , std::size_t... I> | |
Value | delimit_ (const Value &l, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename Value , std::size_t... I> | |
Value | undelimit_ (const Value &l, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename... VS, std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | conv_ (const tupleset< VS... > &vs, const typename tupleset< VS... >::value_t &v, seq< I... >) const |
value_t | conv_ (std::istream &i, bool quoted, std::true_type) const |
When the valuesets are labelsets and support one, accept the empty string to denote one. More... | |
value_t | conv_ (std::istream &i, bool quoted, std::false_type) const |
Read a tuple in the stream, possibly parenthesized. More... | |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
value_t | conv_ (std::istream &i, bool quoted, seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
std::ostream & | print_ (const value_t &l, std::ostream &o, format fmt, const char *pre, const char *sep, const char *post, seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
std::ostream & | print_set_ (std::ostream &o, format fmt, seq< I... >) const |
template<typename Value , std::size_t... I> | |
Value | transpose_ (const Value &l, seq< I... >) const |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
self_t | meet_ (const self_t &rhs, seq< I... >) const |
The intersection with another tupleset. More... | |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
auto | get_letter_ (std::istream &i, bool quoted, seq< I... >) const -> letter_t |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype. More... | |
template<typename Value , typename... Defaults, std::size_t... I> | |
auto | letters_of_padded_ (const Value &v, const std::tuple< Defaults... > &def, seq< I... >) const -> decltype(zip_with_padding(def, this->set< I >().letters_of_padded(std::get< I >(v), std::get< I >(def))...)) |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype. More... | |
Static Private Member Functions | |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static auto | one_ (seq< I... >) -> decltype(value_t |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static std::string | sname_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | is_commutative_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | is_idempotent_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static self_t | make_ (std::istream &i, seq< I... >) |
template<typename Value , std::size_t I> | |
static auto | size_ (const Value &v, int) -> decltype(valueset_t< I >::size(std::get< I >(v))) |
The size of the Ith element, if its valueset features a size() function. More... | |
template<typename Value , std::size_t I> | |
static constexpr auto | size_ (const Value &,...) -> size_t |
The size of the Ith element, if its valueset does not feature a size() function. More... | |
template<typename Value , std::size_t... I> | |
static size_t | size_ (const Value &v, seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | is_free_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static bool | equal_ (const value_t &l, const value_t &r, seq< I... >) |
template<typename LhsValue , typename RhsValue , std::size_t... I> | |
static auto | less_ (const LhsValue &l, const RhsValue &r, seq< I... >) -> bool |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static std::size_t | hash_ (const value_t &v, seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static value_t | special_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static bool | is_special_ (const value_t &l, seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | has_lightening_weights_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | has_one_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | is_expressionset_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static constexpr bool | is_letterized_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static bool | is_one_ (const value_t &l, seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t... I> | |
static bool | show_one_ (seq< I... >) |
template<std::size_t I> | |
static void | eat_separator_ (std::istream &i) |
Read the separator from the input stream i if I is not 0. More... | |
template<typename Value , std::size_t... I> | |
static auto | letters_of_ (const Value &v, seq< I... >) -> decltype(zip(valueset_t< I >::letters_of(std::get< I >(v))...)) |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
valuesets_t | sets_ |
The tupled valuesets. More... | |
bool | open__ = false |
Whether this valueset is open. More... | |
Friends | |
self_t | meet (const self_t &lhs, const self_t &rhs) |
The meet with another tupleset. More... | |
self_t | meet (const self_t &lhs, const b &) |
The meet with the B weightset. More... | |
self_t | meet (const b &, const self_t &rhs) |
The meet with the B weightset. More... | |
A ValueSet which is a Cartesian product of ValueSets.
Exposes a LabelSet interface for products of LabelSets, and similarly for WeightSets.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::genset_ptr = typename labelset_types<ValueSets...>::genset_ptr |
Definition at line 88 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::genset_t = typename labelset_types<ValueSets...>::genset_t |
A tuple of generators if meaningful, void otherwise.
Definition at line 87 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::indices_t = make_index_sequence<sizeof...(ValueSets)> |
Definition at line 67 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::kind_t = labels_are_tuples |
Definition at line 95 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::letter_t = typename labelset_types<ValueSets...>::letter_t |
A tuple of base letters if meaningful, void otherwise.
Definition at line 83 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::letters_t = typename labelset_types<ValueSets...>::letters_t |
A set of letters if meaningful, void otherwise.
Definition at line 85 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::project_t = valueset_t<I> |
The type of the I-th tape valueset.
Definition at line 162 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::self_t = tupleset<ValueSets...> |
Definition at line 77 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::seq = index_sequence<I...> |
Definition at line 70 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::value_t = std::tuple<typename ValueSets::value_t...> |
A tuple of values.
Definition at line 80 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::value_type = letter_t |
To be iterable.
Definition at line 93 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::valueset_t = tuple_element_t<I, valuesets_t> |
The Ith valueset type.
Definition at line 74 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::valuesets_t = std::tuple<ValueSets...> |
Definition at line 66 of file tupleset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::tupleset_impl< ValueSets >::word_t = typename labelset_types<ValueSets...>::word_t |
A tuple of words if meaningful, void otherwise.
Definition at line 90 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 97 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 101 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Pointwise addition.
Definition at line 340 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 456 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::v.
inline |
Definition at line 462 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Convert a value from tupleset<...> to value_t.
Definition at line 470 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Convert a value from nullableset<tupleset<...>> to value_t.
Definition at line 479 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::conv().
inline |
Read one label from i, return the corresponding value.
Definition at line 487 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 821 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::conv(), and vcsn::v.
inlineprivate |
When the valuesets are labelsets and support one, accept the empty string to denote one.
Definition at line 831 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Read a tuple in the stream, possibly parenthesized.
Definition at line 842 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::eat(), and vcsn::res.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 855 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::conv(), and vcsn::detail::make_gcc_tuple().
inline |
Fun: (label_t) -> void.
Definition at line 498 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::conv_label_class_(), and vcsn::eat().
inline |
Add the special character first and last.
Templated by Value so that we work for both word_t and label_t. Besides, avoids the problem of instantiation with weightsets that do not provide a word_t type.
Definition at line 422 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 807 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Read the separator from the input stream i if I is not 0.
The separator is '|' (for labels), but ',' is accepted too (for weights).
Definition at line 874 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::eat().
inlinestatic |
Whether l equals r.
Definition at line 231 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 638 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
The generators. Meaningful for labelsets only.
Definition at line 210 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 617 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::cross().
inline |
Definition at line 203 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 610 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 1032 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::eat(), and vcsn::res.
inlineprivate |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype.
Definition at line 992 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::make_gcc_tuple().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 277 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 709 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 283 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 716 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 450 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 665 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::hash_combine(), and vcsn::res.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 125 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 544 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 289 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 723 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 215 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 624 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 131 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 551 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 332 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 295 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 730 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_letterized().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 320 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 737 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 259 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 682 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_special().
inline |
Definition at line 271 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 699 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Pointwise left division (l \ r).
Definition at line 385 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Whether l < r.
Definition at line 239 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::rat::size().
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 649 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Iterate over the letters of v.
Templated by Value so that we work for both word_t and label_t. Besides, avoids the problem of instantiation with weightsets that do not provide a word_t type.
Definition at line 1051 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype.
Definition at line 1009 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::zip().
inline |
Iterate over the letters of v.
When the tapes are not the same length, instead of stopping when the shortest tape is consumed, continue until the end of every tape, padding with the default values provided.
Definition at line 1064 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Must be declared before, as we use its result in decltype.
Definition at line 1018 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::zip_with_padding().
inline |
Pointwise left GCD.
Definition at line 363 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Eliminate the LGCD between all the tapes.
E.g., (abc, abd) =>
(c, d)`.
This tupleset must be homegeneous.
Definition at line 399 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 795 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::lgcd(), vcsn::res, and vcsn::detail::void.
inlinestatic |
Build from the description in is.
Definition at line 137 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::eat(), and vcsn::res.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 557 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::make_gcc_tuple().
inlineprivate |
Apply a unary function pointwise, and return the tuple of results.
Definition at line 758 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::map_impl_().
inlineprivate |
Apply a binary function pointwise, and return the tuple of results.
Definition at line 773 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::map_impl_().
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 765 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 780 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
The intersection with another tupleset.
Definition at line 954 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::meet().
inline |
The product (possibly concatenation) of l and r.
Templated in order to work with tuples of letters and/or words in the case of labelsets.
Definition at line 355 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 787 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
A tuple of ones.
Template + decltype so that this is not defined when not all the valuesets support one().
Definition at line 314 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 302 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Whether unknown letters should be added, or rejected.
o | whether to accept |
Definition at line 183 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 570 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::void.
inline |
Definition at line 513 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 885 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::detail::is_special(), and vcsn::detail::void.
inline |
Definition at line 507 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 908 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::format::kind(), vcsn::format::latex, vcsn::format::raw, vcsn::format::sname, vcsn::format::text, vcsn::format::utf8, and vcsn::detail::void.
inline |
inline |
inline |
Pointwise right division (l / r).
Definition at line 374 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
The Ith component valueset.
Definition at line 155 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
The componants valuesets, as a tuple.
Definition at line 148 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 326 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 747 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Number of tapes.
Definition at line 112 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Get the max of the sizes of the tapes.
Definition at line 119 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
The size of the Ith element, if its valueset features a size() function.
Definition at line 581 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::rat::size(), and vcsn::v.
inlinestaticprivate |
The size of the Ith element, if its valueset does not feature a size() function.
Definition at line 590 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 597 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::v.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 105 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::res.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 528 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::res, and vcsn::sname().
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 253 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestaticprivate |
Definition at line 675 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Pointwise star.
Definition at line 406 of file tupleset.hh.
inlinestatic |
Definition at line 436 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::STARRABLE.
inline |
Transpose a word_t or a value_t.
Definition at line 444 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 946 of file tupleset.hh.
References vcsn::transpose().
inline |
Construct a value.
Definition at line 197 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Remove first and last characters, that must be "special".
Definition at line 430 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 814 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Construct a value.
Definition at line 190 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 603 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 631 of file tupleset.hh.
inline |
Definition at line 265 of file tupleset.hh.
inlineprivate |
Definition at line 692 of file tupleset.hh.
The meet with another tupleset.
Definition at line 962 of file tupleset.hh.
The meet with the B weightset.
Definition at line 970 of file tupleset.hh.
The meet with the B weightset.
Definition at line 978 of file tupleset.hh.
static |
Definition at line 68 of file tupleset.hh.
mutableprivate |
Whether this valueset is open.
Definition at line 986 of file tupleset.hh.
private |
The tupled valuesets.
Definition at line 984 of file tupleset.hh.