![]() |
Be Rational
Namespaces | |
dot | |
Implementation details of the dot parser. | |
Classes | |
struct | and_ |
struct | and_< F1 > |
struct | and_< F1, F...> |
struct | and_<> |
class | automaton_decorator |
Aggregate an automaton, and forward calls to it. More... | |
class | b_impl |
class | backslashify_output_filter |
Backslash backslashes. More... | |
class | blind_automaton_impl |
Read-write on an automaton, that hides all tapes but one. More... | |
class | composer |
Build the (accessible part of the) composition. More... | |
struct | concat |
struct | concat< index_sequence< I1...>, index_sequence< I2...> > |
struct | concat_index_sequence |
struct | concat_index_sequence< index_sequence< I1...>, index_sequence< I2...> > |
struct | concat_tupleset |
struct | concat_tupleset< tupleset< T1...>, tupleset< T2...> > |
struct | context_of |
struct | context_of< vcsn::mutable_automaton< Context > > |
struct | context_t_of_impl |
struct | context_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
struct | copier |
Copy an automaton. More... | |
class | cycle_identity_impl |
Whether all the paths between any two states have the same weight (i.e., for all s0, s1, any two paths p0, p1 between s0 and s1 have the same weight w_{s0,s1}). More... | |
struct | derived_termer |
Compute the derived-term automaton from an expression. More... | |
class | determinized_automaton_impl |
The subset construction automaton from another. More... | |
class | detweighted_automaton_impl |
The weighted determinization of weighted automaton. More... | |
class | dotter |
Format an automaton into Dot. More... | |
struct | down_caster |
A functor that captures the current location (to report errors), and provides "cast". More... | |
class | efsmer |
Format automaton to EFSM format, based on FSM format. More... | |
class | enumerater |
struct | epsilon_acyclic |
struct | epsilon_acyclic< Aut, false > |
struct | epsilon_acyclic< Aut, true > |
Detect epsilon-circuits. More... | |
struct | eval_if |
struct | eval_if_c |
class | evaluator |
class | f2_impl |
class | fadoer |
Format an automaton into Fado. More... | |
class | filter_automaton_impl |
Hide some states of an automaton. More... | |
struct | genset_labelset |
This class has no modeling purpose, it only serves to factor code common to letterset, nullableset and wordset. More... | |
class | grailer |
Format an automaton into Fado. More... | |
struct | hidden_label_type |
struct | hidden_label_type< Aut, index_sequence< I...> > |
struct | if_ |
struct | if_c |
struct | if_c< false, T1, T2 > |
struct | index_sequence |
class | insplitter |
struct | int_range |
struct | int_range< off, index_sequence< I...> > |
class | is_valider |
class | is_valider< Aut, false > |
struct | join_impl |
A structure that implements the computation of join(V1, V2). More... | |
struct | join_impl< b, ratexpset< Context > > |
struct | join_impl< context< LS1, WS1 >, context< LS2, WS2 > > |
The join of two contexts. More... | |
struct | join_impl< letterset< GenSet >, letterset< GenSet > > |
struct | join_impl< letterset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > > |
The join with another labelset. More... | |
struct | join_impl< letterset< GenSet1 >, ratexpset< Ctx2 > > |
Join of a letterset and a ratexpset. More... | |
struct | join_impl< LS1, nullableset< LS2 > > |
The join with another labelset. More... | |
struct | join_impl< nullableset< letterset< GenSet > >, wordset< GenSet > > |
struct | join_impl< nullableset< LS1 >, nullableset< LS2 > > |
The join with another labelset. More... | |
struct | join_impl< oneset, oneset > |
struct | join_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1 >, polynomialset< Ctx2 > > |
struct | join_impl< q, ratexpset< Context > > |
struct | join_impl< r, ratexpset< Context > > |
struct | join_impl< rat::identities, rat::identities > |
struct | join_impl< ratexpset< Ctx1 >, ratexpset< Ctx2 > > |
The join of two ratexpsets. More... | |
struct | join_impl< tupleset< VS1...>, tupleset< VS2...> > |
struct | join_impl< wordset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > > |
struct | join_impl< WS1, polynomialset< Ctx2 > > |
struct | join_impl< z, ratexpset< Context > > |
struct | join_impl< zmin, ratexpset< Context > > |
struct | label_t_of_impl |
struct | label_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
struct | labelset_t_of_impl |
struct | labelset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
struct | labelset_types |
A traits so that tupleset may define types that may exist. More... | |
struct | labelset_types< decltype(pass{typename ValueSets::word_t()...}, void()), ValueSets...> |
Specialization for tuples of labelsets. More... | |
struct | law_traits |
The LAW from a LAL. More... | |
struct | law_traits< letterset< GenSet > > |
Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a super wordset. More... | |
struct | law_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > > |
Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a super wordset. More... | |
struct | law_traits< oneset > |
Conversion to a wordset: identity. More... | |
struct | law_traits< ratexpset< Ctx > > |
Conversion to a wordset: identity. More... | |
struct | law_traits< tupleset< LabelSets...> > |
Conversion to wordset. More... | |
struct | law_traits< wordset< GenSet > > |
class | left_reductioner |
struct | make_index_range |
struct | make_index_range< S, 0 > |
struct | make_index_range< S,-1U > |
struct | make_index_sequence |
struct | make_index_sequence< 0 > |
struct | make_index_sequence< 1 > |
class | min_plus_impl |
class | mutable_automaton_impl |
struct | nullable_helper |
Add support for an empty word to a LabelSet that does not provide such special label to this end. More... | |
struct | nullable_helper< letterset< GenSet > > |
Add support for an empty word to a letterset thanks to the one() of its genset. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits |
The smallest nullableset which includes LabelSet. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits< letterset< GenSet > > |
Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a nullableset. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > > |
Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a nullableset: id. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits< oneset > |
Conversion to a nullableset: identity. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits< ratexpset< Ctx > > |
Conversion to a nullableset: identity. More... | |
struct | nullableset_traits< wordset< GenSet > > |
wordset is already a nullableset. More... | |
struct | or_ |
struct | or_< F1 > |
struct | or_< F1, F...> |
struct | or_<> |
class | outputter |
Factor common bits in automaton formatting. More... | |
class | pair_automaton_impl |
The pair automaton is used by several algorithms for synchronizing words. More... | |
class | partition_automaton_impl |
An automaton wrapper whose states form a partition of the state set of another automaton. More... | |
struct | pass |
Ignore its arguments. More... | |
class | permutation_automaton_impl |
An automaton isomorphic to another one. More... | |
class | product_automaton_impl |
Build the (accessible part of the) product. More... | |
class | properer |
This class contains the core of the proper algorithm. More... | |
class | properer< Aut, false > |
class | q_impl |
class | qmp_impl |
class | quotienter |
Apply a quotient onto an automaton: fuse equivalent states. More... | |
class | r_impl |
struct | rank |
Number of tapes. More... | |
struct | rank< tupleset< LabelSet...> > |
class | ratexp_automaton_impl |
An incremental automaton whose states are ratexps. More... | |
struct | real_context_impl |
struct | real_context_impl< blind_automaton< Tape, Aut > > |
struct | real_context_impl< permutation_automaton< Aut > > |
class | reverse_postorder_impl |
Get all vertices in reverse postorder by using depth first search. More... | |
class | rmin_impl |
class | scc_kosaraju_impl |
Use Kosajaju algorithm for finding all of strongly connected components. More... | |
class | scc_tarjan_impl |
Use Tarjan's algorithm to find all strongly connected components. More... | |
struct | select |
struct | select< q > |
struct | select< r > |
struct | select< z > |
struct | sfinae_true |
class | sorter |
A function to sort an automaton. More... | |
struct | standard_operations |
class | star_heighter |
struct | state_eliminator |
struct | state_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_one > |
Eliminate states in an automaton whose labelset is oneset. More... | |
struct | state_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_ratexps > |
Eliminate states in an automaton whose labelset is a ratexpset. More... | |
struct | state_t_of_impl |
struct | state_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
class | synchronizer |
class | tikzer |
Format automaton to TikZ format. More... | |
class | transition_map |
Cache the outgoing transitions of an automaton as efficient maps label -> vector<(weight, dst)>. More... | |
struct | transition_t_of_impl |
struct | transition_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
class | transpose_automaton_impl |
Read-write on an automaton, that transposes everything. More... | |
class | transposer |
class | tuple_automaton_impl |
An automaton whose states are tuples of states of automata. More... | |
struct | tuple_printer |
struct | tuple_printer< Tuple, 1 > |
class | universaler |
Functor for universal. More... | |
struct | weight_t_of_impl |
struct | weight_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
struct | weightset_t_of_impl |
struct | weightset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > |
class | z_impl |
class | zmin_impl |
Typedefs | |
template<typename Context , size_t Tape> | |
using | blind_context_t = decltype(blind_context< Tape >(std::declval< Context >())) |
template<typename ValueSet > | |
using | context_of_t = typename context_of< ValueSet >::type |
template<typename Context > | |
using | lifted_context_t = context< oneset, ratexpset< Context >> |
template<typename Aut > | |
using | lifted_automaton_t = mutable_automaton< lifted_context_t< context_t_of< Aut >>> |
template<typename RatExpSet > | |
using | lifted_ratexpset_t = ratexpset< lifted_context_t< context_t_of< RatExpSet >>> |
template<typename Exp > | |
using | lifted_ratexp_t = typename lifted_context_t< context_t_of< Exp >>::ratexp_t |
template<typename Aut > | |
using | component_t = std::set< state_t_of< Aut >> |
An strongly-connected component: list of states. More... | |
template<typename Aut > | |
using | components_t = std::vector< component_t< Aut >> |
A set of strongly-connected components. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
using | nullableset_t = typename nullableset_traits< LabelSet >::type |
The smallest nullableset that includes LabelSet. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
using | nullableset_context_t = context< nullableset_t< labelset_t_of< Ctx >>, weightset_t_of< Ctx >> |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
using | law_t = typename law_traits< LabelSet >::type |
The smallest wordset that includes LabelSet. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
using | word_context_t = context< law_t< labelset_t_of< Ctx >>, weightset_t_of< Ctx >> |
template<typename Ctx > | |
using | word_polynomialset_t = polynomialset< word_context_t< Ctx >> |
template<class S1 , class S2 > | |
using | Concat = typename concat< S1, S2 >::type |
template<std::size_t N> | |
using | GenSeq = typename make_index_sequence< N >::type |
template<typename S1 , typename S2 > | |
using | concat_sequence = typename concat_index_sequence< S1, S2 >::type |
Functions | |
template<size_t Tape, typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet > | |
auto | blind_context (const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > &ctx) -> context< typename LabelSet::template valueset_t< Tape >, WeightSet > |
template<typename Aut > | |
auto | real_context (const Aut &aut) -> decltype(real_context_impl< Aut >::context(aut)) |
template<typename Aut > | |
std::enable_if< labelset_t_of < Aut >::has_one(), Aut > ::type | insplit (Aut &aut) |
template<typename Aut > | |
std::enable_if<!labelset_t_of < Aut >::has_one(), Aut > ::type | insplit (Aut &aut) |
template<typename Aut > | |
std::enable_if< labelset_t_of < Aut >::has_one(), bool > ::type | is_proper_ (const Aut &aut) |
template<typename Aut > | |
constexpr std::enable_if <!labelset_t_of< Aut > ::has_one(), bool >::type | is_proper_ (const Aut &) |
template<typename Aut > | |
Aut::element_type::automaton_nocv_t | absval (const Aut &aut) |
Copy of aut, with absolute values. More... | |
template<typename Aut > | |
bool | is_properable (Aut &&aut) |
Whether proper_here(aut) succeeds. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet > | |
lifted_context_t< context < LabelSet, WeightSet > > | lift_context (const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > &ctx) |
template<typename Context > | |
lifted_ratexpset_t< ratexpset < Context > > | lift_ratexpset (const ratexpset< Context > &rs) |
template<typename Aut > | |
constexpr bool | can_use_brzozowski () |
static int | debug_level () |
Debug level set in the user's environment. More... | |
template<typename Aut > | |
auto | strip (const Aut &aut, int) -> decltype(aut->strip()) |
template<typename Aut > | |
auto | strip (const Aut &aut, long) -> decltype(aut) |
template<typename Aut > | |
state_eliminator< Aut > | make_state_eliminator (Aut &a) |
template<typename V1 , typename V2 > | |
join_impl< V1, V2 >::type | join_ (V1 v1, V2 v2, int) |
Dealing with commutativity: two implementations of join_: forward and reversed, ordered by preference by the use of "0
prefers int to long" disambiguation rule. More... | |
template<typename V1 , typename V2 > | |
join_impl< V1, V2 >::type | join_ (V2 v2, V1 v1, long) |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
nullableset_t< LabelSet > | make_nullableset (const LabelSet &ls) |
The nullableset of a labelset. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet > | |
nullableset_context_t< context < LabelSet, WeightSet > > | make_nullableset_context (const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > &ctx) |
The nullableset context of a context. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet > | |
law_t< LabelSet > | make_wordset (const LabelSet &ls) |
The wordset of a labelset. More... | |
template<typename LabelSet , typename WeightSet > | |
word_context_t< context < LabelSet, WeightSet > > | make_word_context (const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > &ctx) |
The wordset context of a context. More... | |
template<typename Ctx > | |
auto | make_word_polynomialset (const Ctx &ctx) -> word_polynomialset_t< Ctx > |
The polynomialset of words of a labelset (not necessarily on words itself). More... | |
template<typename Container , typename Compare > | |
bool | is_sorted (const Container &container, Compare comp) |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE unsigned int | gcd (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) |
ATTRIBUTE_PURE unsigned int | lcm (unsigned int a, unsigned int b) |
template<typename T > | |
static auto | test_size (int) -> sfinae_true< decltype(std::declval< T >().size())> |
template<typename > | |
static auto | test_size (long) -> std::false_type |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts> | |
void | for_ (const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts, Fun f) |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts, size_t... I> | |
void | for_ (Fun f, const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts, index_sequence< I...>) |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts> | |
auto | map (const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts, Fun f) -> decltype(map_tuple_(f, ts, make_index_sequence< sizeof...(Ts)>())) |
Map a function on a tuple, return tuple of the results. More... | |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts, size_t... I> | |
auto | map_tuple_ (Fun f, const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts, index_sequence< I...>) -> decltype(map_variadic_(f, std::get< I >(ts)...)) |
template<typename Fun > | |
auto | map_variadic_ (Fun) -> decltype(std::make_tuple()) |
template<typename Fun , typename T , typename... Ts> | |
auto | map_variadic_ (Fun f, T t, Ts &&...ts) -> decltype(std::tuple_cat(std::make_tuple(f(t)), map_variadic_(f, ts...))) |
template<typename... Ts> | |
auto | reverse_tuple (const std::tuple< Ts...> &t) -> decltype(reverse_tuple(t, make_index_sequence< sizeof...(Ts)>())) |
template<typename... Ts, std::size_t... I> | |
auto | reverse_tuple (const std::tuple< Ts...> &t, index_sequence< I...>) -> decltype(std::make_tuple(std::get< sizeof...(Ts)-1-I >(t)...)) |
template<typename... Ts> | |
auto | make_gcc_tuple (Ts &&...ts) -> decltype(reverse_tuple(std::make_tuple(std::forward< Ts >(ts)...))) |
Same as make_tuple, unless the evaluation of arguments if right-to-left, in which case reverse the result. More... | |
template<typename... Args> | |
std::ostream & | print (const std::tuple< Args...> &args, std::ostream &o) |
template<typename Fun > | |
void | cross (Fun f) |
Variadic Cartesian product of vectors. More... | |
template<typename Fun , typename H , typename... Ts> | |
void | cross (Fun f, std::vector< H > const &h, std::vector< Ts > const &...ts) |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts> | |
void | cross_tuple (Fun f, const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts) |
template<typename Fun , typename... Ts, size_t... I> | |
void | cross_tuple_ (Fun f, const std::tuple< Ts...> &ts, index_sequence< I...>) |
template<typename Cont > | |
std::vector< typename Cont::value_type > | to_vector (const Cont &cont) |
Return the content of cont as a vector. More... | |
VCSN_JOIN_SIMPLE (b, rmin) | |
VCSN_JOIN_SIMPLE (rmin, rmin) | |
Variables | |
xalloc< long int > | indentation |
using vcsn::detail::blind_context_t = typedef decltype(blind_context<Tape>(std::declval<Context>())) |
using vcsn::detail::component_t = typedef std::set<state_t_of<Aut>> |
using vcsn::detail::components_t = typedef std::vector<component_t<Aut>> |
using vcsn::detail::Concat = typedef typename concat<S1, S2>::type |
using vcsn::detail::concat_sequence = typedef typename concat_index_sequence<S1, S2>::type |
using vcsn::detail::context_of_t = typedef typename context_of<ValueSet>::type |
using vcsn::detail::GenSeq = typedef typename make_index_sequence<N>::type |
using vcsn::detail::law_t = typedef typename law_traits<LabelSet>::type |
The smallest wordset that includes LabelSet.
Definition at line 67 of file labelset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::lifted_automaton_t = typedef mutable_automaton<lifted_context_t<context_t_of<Aut>>> |
using vcsn::detail::lifted_context_t = typedef context<oneset, ratexpset<Context>> |
using vcsn::detail::lifted_ratexp_t = typedef typename lifted_context_t<context_t_of<Exp>>::ratexp_t |
using vcsn::detail::lifted_ratexpset_t = typedef ratexpset<lifted_context_t<context_t_of<RatExpSet>>> |
using vcsn::detail::nullableset_context_t = typedef context<nullableset_t<labelset_t_of<Ctx>>, weightset_t_of<Ctx>> |
Definition at line 43 of file labelset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::nullableset_t = typedef typename nullableset_traits<LabelSet>::type |
The smallest nullableset that includes LabelSet.
Definition at line 27 of file labelset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::word_context_t = typedef context<law_t<labelset_t_of<Ctx>>, weightset_t_of<Ctx>> |
Definition at line 83 of file labelset.hh.
using vcsn::detail::word_polynomialset_t = typedef polynomialset<word_context_t<Ctx>> |
Definition at line 98 of file labelset.hh.
Aut::element_type::automaton_nocv_t vcsn::detail::absval | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Copy of aut, with absolute values.
Templated to avoid useless instantiations.
Definition at line 31 of file is-valid.hh.
References vcsn::copy().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid_().
constexpr bool vcsn::detail::can_use_brzozowski | ( | ) |
Definition at line 18 of file minimize.hh.
inline |
Variadic Cartesian product of vectors.
Definition at line 21 of file vector.hh.
Referenced by cross(), and cross_tuple_().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 38 of file vector.hh.
References cross_tuple_().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::composer< Lhs, Rhs >::add_compose_transitions(), and vcsn::detail::product_automaton_impl< Aut, Auts >::add_product_transitions().
inline |
Definition at line 46 of file vector.hh.
References cross().
Referenced by cross_tuple().
inlinestatic |
Debug level set in the user's environment.
Definition at line 35 of file proper.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::rat::driver::parse().
inline |
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 14 of file math.hh.
References vcsn::require().
Referenced by lcm(), vcsn::polynomialset< ratexpset_t >::norm_(), and vcsn::detail::q_impl::value_t::reduce().
std::enable_if<labelset_t_of<Aut>::has_one(), Aut>::type vcsn::detail::insplit | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 103 of file insplit.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::compose(), vcsn::dyn::detail::do_insplit(), and vcsn::insplit().
std::enable_if<!labelset_t_of<Aut>::has_one(), Aut>::type vcsn::detail::insplit | ( | Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 111 of file insplit.hh.
std::enable_if<labelset_t_of<Aut>::has_one(), bool>::type vcsn::detail::is_proper_ | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) |
Definition at line 19 of file is-proper.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::is_proper().
constexpr std::enable_if<!labelset_t_of<Aut>::has_one(), bool>::type vcsn::detail::is_proper_ | ( | const Aut & | ) |
Definition at line 31 of file is-proper.hh.
bool vcsn::detail::is_properable | ( | Aut && | aut | ) |
Whether proper_here(aut) succeeds.
Destroys aut.
Definition at line 44 of file is-valid.hh.
References vcsn::in_situ_remover().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::is_valider< Aut, has_one >::is_valid_().
bool vcsn::detail::is_sorted | ( | const Container & | container, |
Compare | comp | ||
) |
Definition at line 11 of file algorithm.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::is_out_sorted().
join_impl<V1, V2>::type vcsn::detail::join_ | ( | V1 | v1, |
V2 | v2, | ||
int | |||
) |
Dealing with commutativity: two implementations of join_: forward and reversed, ordered by preference by the use of "0 prefers int to long" disambiguation rule.
Definition at line 27 of file join.hh.
References vcsn::join().
Referenced by vcsn::join(), and vcsn::tupleset< LabelSets >::join().
join_impl<V1, V2>::type vcsn::detail::join_ | ( | V2 | v2, |
V1 | v1, | ||
long | |||
) |
Definition at line 34 of file join.hh.
References vcsn::join().
inline |
Definition at line 29 of file math.hh.
References gcd().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::q_impl::add(), and vcsn::detail::q_impl::sub().
lifted_context_t<context<LabelSet, WeightSet> > vcsn::detail::lift_context | ( | const context< LabelSet, WeightSet > & | ctx | ) |
Definition at line 52 of file lift.hh.
References vcsn::rat::trivial.
Referenced by vcsn::lift(), and lift_ratexpset().
lifted_ratexpset_t<ratexpset<Context> > vcsn::detail::lift_ratexpset | ( | const ratexpset< Context > & | rs | ) |
Definition at line 63 of file lift.hh.
References lift_context().
Referenced by vcsn::lift(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::lift_ratexp().
inline |
Same as make_tuple, unless the evaluation of arguments if right-to-left, in which case reverse the result.
Definition at line 201 of file tuple.hh.
References reverse_tuple().
Referenced by vcsn::tupleset< LabelSets >::conv_(), and vcsn::tupleset< LabelSets >::make_().
inline |
The nullableset of a labelset.
Definition at line 32 of file labelset.hh.
Referenced by make_nullableset_context().
inline |
The nullableset context of a context.
Definition at line 48 of file labelset.hh.
References vcsn::context< LabelSet, WeightSet >::labelset(), make_nullableset(), and vcsn::context< LabelSet, WeightSet >::weightset().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::thompson().
state_eliminator<Aut> vcsn::detail::make_state_eliminator | ( | Aut & | a | ) |
Definition at line 201 of file to-expression.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::eliminate_state_here(), and vcsn::to_expression().
inline |
The wordset context of a context.
Definition at line 88 of file labelset.hh.
References vcsn::context< LabelSet, WeightSet >::labelset(), make_wordset(), and vcsn::context< LabelSet, WeightSet >::weightset().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::make_word_context(), and make_word_polynomialset().
inline |
The polynomialset of words of a labelset (not necessarily on words itself).
Definition at line 104 of file labelset.hh.
References make_word_context().
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::enumerate(), and vcsn::dyn::detail::shortest().
inline |
The wordset of a labelset.
Definition at line 72 of file labelset.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::dyn::detail::ambiguous_word(), vcsn::is_identity(), vcsn::dyn::make_word(), make_word_context(), vcsn::dyn::detail::synchronizing_word(), and vcsn::detail::law_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > >::value().
inline |
Map a function on a tuple, return tuple of the results.
Definition at line 101 of file tuple.hh.
References map_tuple_().
Referenced by vcsn::aut_of_component(), vcsn::lift(), vcsn::detail_weighted::minimizer< Aut >::signature_hasher::operator()(), and vcsn::detail::detweighted_automaton_impl< Aut >::operator()().
inline |
Definition at line 109 of file tuple.hh.
References map_variadic_().
Referenced by map().
inline |
Definition at line 119 of file tuple.hh.
Referenced by map_tuple_(), and map_variadic_().
inline |
Definition at line 127 of file tuple.hh.
References map_variadic_().
std::ostream& vcsn::detail::print | ( | const std::tuple< Args...> & | args, |
std::ostream & | o | ||
) |
auto vcsn::detail::real_context | ( | const Aut & | aut | ) | -> decltype(real_context_impl<Aut>::context(aut)) |
Definition at line 157 of file copy.hh.
References vcsn::detail::real_context_impl< Aut >::context().
Referenced by vcsn::detail::real_context_impl< permutation_automaton< Aut > >::context(), and vcsn::copy().
inline |
Definition at line 174 of file tuple.hh.
Referenced by make_gcc_tuple().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 17 of file strip.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::universaler< Aut >::operator()(), and vcsn::strip().
inline |
static |
static |
std::vector<typename Cont::value_type> vcsn::detail::to_vector | ( | const Cont & | cont | ) |
Return the content of cont as a vector.
Definition at line 56 of file vector.hh.
Referenced by vcsn::detail::state_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_one >::operator()(), and vcsn::detail::state_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_ratexps >::operator()().
vcsn::detail::VCSN_JOIN_SIMPLE | ( | b | , |
rmin | |||
) |
vcsn::detail::VCSN_JOIN_SIMPLE | ( | rmin | , |
rmin | |||
) |
vcsn::detail::VCSN_JOIN_SIMPLE | ( | b | , |
b | |||
) |
xalloc<long int> vcsn::detail::indentation |
Definition at line 18 of file indent.cc.
Referenced by vcsn::decindent(), vcsn::incindent(), vcsn::indent(), and vcsn::resetindent().