![]() |
Be Rational
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< boost::dynamic_bitset<> > | |
Chash< boost::flyweight< T, boost::flyweights::no_tracking > > | |
Chash< map< Key, Value, Compare, Alloc > > | |
Chash< pair< T1, T2 > > | |
Chash< set< T, Compare, Alloc > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< Elements...> > | |
Chash< unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc > > | |
Chash< vcsn::empty_t > | |
►Nvcsn | |
►Nast | |
Cast_node | |
Cautomaton | |
Ccontext | |
Ccontext_parser | |
Ccontext_printer | |
Ccontext_visitor | |
Cgenset | Represents the "alphabets", or "generator set" |
Cletterset | Support for letterset<GenSet> |
Cnullableset | |
Coneset | |
Cother | |
Cpolynomialset | |
Cratexpset | |
Csignature_printer | |
Ctupleset | |
Cweightset | |
Cwordset | Support for wordset<GenSet> |
►Nctx | |
►Ndetail | |
►Ndot | Implementation details of the dot parser |
Cdriver | State and public interface for Dot parsing |
►Cparser | A Bison parser |
Cbasic_symbol | A complete symbol |
Cby_state | Type access provider for state based symbols |
Cby_type | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
Cstack_symbol_type | "Internal" symbol: element of the stack |
Csyntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Ctoken | Tokens |
Cunion_type | An auxiliary type to compute the largest semantic type |
Cpaths_t | |
Cslice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Cstack | |
Cvariant | A char[S] buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cand_ | |
Cand_< F1 > | |
Cand_< F1, F...> | |
Cand_<> | |
Cautomaton_decorator | Aggregate an automaton, and forward calls to it |
Cb_impl | |
Cbackslashify_output_filter | Backslash backslashes |
Cblind_automaton_impl | Read-write on an automaton, that hides all tapes but one |
Ccomposer | Build the (accessible part of the) composition |
Cconcat | |
Cconcat< index_sequence< I1...>, index_sequence< I2...> > | |
Cconcat_index_sequence | |
Cconcat_index_sequence< index_sequence< I1...>, index_sequence< I2...> > | |
Cconcat_tupleset | |
Cconcat_tupleset< tupleset< T1...>, tupleset< T2...> > | |
Ccontext_of | |
Ccontext_of< vcsn::mutable_automaton< Context > > | |
Ccontext_t_of_impl | |
Ccontext_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Ccopier | Copy an automaton |
Ccycle_identity_impl | Whether all the paths between any two states have the same weight (i.e., for all s0, s1, any two paths p0, p1 between s0 and s1 have the same weight w_{s0,s1}) |
Cderived_termer | Compute the derived-term automaton from an expression |
Cdeterminized_automaton_impl | The subset construction automaton from another |
►Cdetweighted_automaton_impl | The weighted determinization of weighted automaton |
Cstateset | An output state is a list of weighted input states |
Cdotter | Format an automaton into Dot |
Cdown_caster | A functor that captures the current location (to report errors), and provides "cast" |
Cefsmer | Format automaton to EFSM format, based on FSM format |
Cenumerater | |
Cepsilon_acyclic | |
Cepsilon_acyclic< Aut, false > | |
Cepsilon_acyclic< Aut, true > | Detect epsilon-circuits |
Ceval_if | |
Ceval_if_c | |
Cevaluator | |
Cf2_impl | |
Cfadoer | Format an automaton into Fado |
Cfilter_automaton_impl | Hide some states of an automaton |
Cgenset_labelset | This class has no modeling purpose, it only serves to factor code common to letterset, nullableset and wordset |
Cgrailer | Format an automaton into Fado |
Chidden_label_type | |
Chidden_label_type< Aut, index_sequence< I...> > | |
Cif_ | |
Cif_c | |
Cif_c< false, T1, T2 > | |
Cindex_sequence | |
Cinsplitter | |
Cint_range | |
Cint_range< off, index_sequence< I...> > | |
Cis_valider | |
Cis_valider< Aut, false > | |
Cjoin_impl | A structure that implements the computation of join(V1, V2) |
Cjoin_impl< b, ratexpset< Context > > | |
Cjoin_impl< context< LS1, WS1 >, context< LS2, WS2 > > | The join of two contexts |
Cjoin_impl< letterset< GenSet >, letterset< GenSet > > | |
Cjoin_impl< letterset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > > | The join with another labelset |
Cjoin_impl< letterset< GenSet1 >, ratexpset< Ctx2 > > | Join of a letterset and a ratexpset |
Cjoin_impl< LS1, nullableset< LS2 > > | The join with another labelset |
Cjoin_impl< nullableset< letterset< GenSet > >, wordset< GenSet > > | |
Cjoin_impl< nullableset< LS1 >, nullableset< LS2 > > | The join with another labelset |
Cjoin_impl< oneset, LS, enable_if_t< LS::has_one()> > | Oneset v LS -> LS if LS::has_one |
Cjoin_impl< oneset, LS, enable_if_t<!LS::has_one()> > | Oneset v LS -> nullableset<LS> if !LS::has_one |
Cjoin_impl< oneset, oneset > | |
Cjoin_impl< polynomialset< Ctx1 >, polynomialset< Ctx2 > > | |
Cjoin_impl< q, ratexpset< Context > > | |
Cjoin_impl< r, ratexpset< Context > > | |
Cjoin_impl< rat::identities, rat::identities > | |
Cjoin_impl< ratexpset< Ctx1 >, ratexpset< Ctx2 > > | The join of two ratexpsets |
Cjoin_impl< tupleset< VS1...>, tupleset< VS2...> > | |
Cjoin_impl< wordset< GenSet >, wordset< GenSet > > | |
Cjoin_impl< WS1, polynomialset< Ctx2 > > | |
Cjoin_impl< z, ratexpset< Context > > | |
Cjoin_impl< zmin, ratexpset< Context > > | |
Clabel_t_of_impl | |
Clabel_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Clabelset_t_of_impl | |
Clabelset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Clabelset_types | A traits so that tupleset may define types that may exist |
Clabelset_types< decltype(pass{typename ValueSets::word_t()...}, void()), ValueSets...> | Specialization for tuples of labelsets |
Claw_traits | The LAW from a LAL |
Claw_traits< letterset< GenSet > > | Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a super wordset |
Claw_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > > | Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a super wordset |
Claw_traits< oneset > | Conversion to a wordset: identity |
Claw_traits< ratexpset< Ctx > > | Conversion to a wordset: identity |
Claw_traits< tupleset< LabelSets...> > | Conversion to wordset |
Claw_traits< wordset< GenSet > > | |
Cleft_reductioner | |
Cmake_index_range | |
Cmake_index_range< S, 0 > | |
Cmake_index_range< S,-1U > | |
Cmake_index_sequence | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 0 > | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 1 > | |
Cmin_plus_impl | |
►Cmutable_automaton_impl | |
Cstored_state_t | Data stored for each state |
Cnullable_helper | Add support for an empty word to a LabelSet that does not provide such special label to this end |
Cnullable_helper< letterset< GenSet > > | Add support for an empty word to a letterset thanks to the one() of its genset |
Cnullableset_traits | The smallest nullableset which includes LabelSet |
Cnullableset_traits< letterset< GenSet > > | Conversion for letterset<GenSet> to a nullableset |
Cnullableset_traits< nullableset< LabelSet > > | Conversion for nullable<LabelSet> to a nullableset: id |
Cnullableset_traits< oneset > | Conversion to a nullableset: identity |
Cnullableset_traits< ratexpset< Ctx > > | Conversion to a nullableset: identity |
Cnullableset_traits< tupleset< LabelSets...>, enable_if_t< tupleset< LabelSets...>::has_one()> > | Conversion to a nullableset: all the labelsets support one |
Cnullableset_traits< tupleset< LabelSets...>, enable_if_t<!tupleset< LabelSets...>::has_one()> > | Conversion to a nullableset: not all the labelsets support one |
Cnullableset_traits< wordset< GenSet > > | Wordset is already a nullableset |
Cor_ | |
Cor_< F1 > | |
Cor_< F1, F...> | |
Cor_<> | |
Coutputter | Factor common bits in automaton formatting |
Cpair_automaton_impl | The pair automaton is used by several algorithms for synchronizing words |
Cpartition_automaton_impl | An automaton wrapper whose states form a partition of the state set of another automaton |
Cpass | Ignore its arguments |
Cpermutation_automaton_impl | An automaton isomorphic to another one |
Cproduct_automaton_impl | Build the (accessible part of the) product |
►Cproperer | This class contains the core of the proper algorithm |
Cstate_profile | Data needed to compare the elimination order between states |
Cproperer< Aut, false > | |
►Cq_impl | |
Cvalue_t | |
Cqmp_impl | |
Cquotienter | Apply a quotient onto an automaton: fuse equivalent states |
Cr_impl | |
Crank | Number of tapes |
Crank< tupleset< LabelSet...> > | |
Cratexp_automaton_impl | An incremental automaton whose states are ratexps |
Creal_context_impl | |
Creal_context_impl< blind_automaton< Tape, Aut > > | |
Creal_context_impl< permutation_automaton< Aut > > | |
Creverse_postorder_impl | Get all vertices in reverse postorder by using depth first search |
Crmin_impl | |
Cscc_kosaraju_impl | Use Kosajaju algorithm for finding all of strongly connected components |
Cscc_tarjan_impl | Use Tarjan's algorithm to find all strongly connected components |
Cselect | |
Cselect< q > | |
Cselect< r > | |
Cselect< z > | |
Csfinae_true | |
Csorter | A function to sort an automaton |
Cstandard_operations | |
Cstar_heighter | |
Cstate_eliminator | |
Cstate_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_one > | Eliminate states in an automaton whose labelset is oneset |
Cstate_eliminator< Aut, labels_are_ratexps > | Eliminate states in an automaton whose labelset is a ratexpset |
Cstate_t_of_impl | |
Cstate_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Csynchronizer | |
Ctikzer | Format automaton to TikZ format |
►Ctransition_map | Cache the outgoing transitions of an automaton as efficient maps label -> vector<(weight, dst)> |
Ctransition_ | Outgoing signature: weight, destination |
Ctransition_< true, Dummy > | Outgoing signature: weight, destination, transition identifier |
Ctransition_t_of_impl | |
Ctransition_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Ctranspose_automaton_impl | Read-write on an automaton, that transposes everything |
Ctransposer | |
Ctuple_automaton_impl | An automaton whose states are tuples of states of automata |
Ctuple_printer | |
Ctuple_printer< Tuple, 1 > | |
Cuniversaler | Functor for universal |
Cweight_t_of_impl | |
Cweight_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Cweightset_t_of_impl | |
Cweightset_t_of_impl< std::shared_ptr< ValueSet > > | |
Cz_impl | |
Czmin_impl | |
►Ndetail_moore | |
Cminimizer | |
►Ndetail_signature | |
►Cminimizer | |
Csignature_equal_to | |
Csignature_hasher | |
Csignature_multimap | |
Cstate_output_for_label_t | |
►Ndetail_weighted | |
►Cminimizer | |
Clabel_less | |
Clabel_to_weights_and_states_t | |
Csignature_equal_to | |
Csignature_hasher | |
Csignature_multimap | |
Cstate_output_for_label_t | |
►Ndyn | FIXME: duplicate code with determinize |
►Ndetail | |
Cautomaton_base | Base class for automata |
Cautomaton_wrapper | A wrapped typed automaton |
Ccontext_base | Template-less root for contexts |
Ccontext_wrapper | A wrapped typed context |
Cexpansion_base | An abstract expansion |
Cexpansion_wrapper | Aggregate a expansion and its expansionset |
Clabel_base | An abstract label |
Clabel_wrapper | Aggregate a label and its labelset |
Cpolynomial_base | An abstract polynomial |
Cpolynomial_wrapper | Aggregate a polynomial and its polynomialset |
Cratexp_base | An abstract ratexp |
Cratexp_wrapper | Aggregate a ratexp and its ratexpset |
Cratexpset_base | Abstract wrapper around a (typeful) ratexpset |
Cratexpset_wrapper | Wrapper around a ratexpset |
CRegistry | |
Cweight_base | An abstract weight |
Cweight_wrapper | Aggregate a weight and its weightset |
Cjit_error | An exception suited for our compilation errors |
►Nrat | |
Catom | |
Cbraced_ratexp | |
Cconst_visitor | |
Cconstant | |
Cconstant_term_visitor | |
Ccopier | |
Cderivation_visitor | |
Cdriver | State and public interface for rational expression parsing |
Cexp | The abstract, non-parameterized, root for all rational expression node types |
Cexpand_visitor | |
►Cexpansionset | |
Cvalue_t | An expansion |
Chash | |
Cinfo | |
Cinner | An inner node |
Cleaf | The root from which to derive the final node types |
Cless_than | |
Clocation | Abstract a location |
Cnode | The abstract parameterized, root for all rational expression types |
►Cparser | A Bison parser |
Cbasic_symbol | A complete symbol |
Cby_state | Type access provider for state based symbols |
Cby_type | Type access provider for token (enum) based symbols |
Cstack_symbol_type | "Internal" symbol: element of the stack |
Csyntax_error | Syntax errors thrown from user actions |
Ctoken | Tokens |
Cunion_type | An auxiliary type to compute the largest semantic type |
Cposition | Abstract a position |
Cprinter | |
Cratexpset_impl | A typed ratexp set |
Csize | |
Cslice | Present a slice of the top of a stack |
Csplit_visitor | Break a rational expression into a polynomial |
Cstack | |
Cstandard_visitor | Build a standard automaton from a ratexp |
Cstar_normal_form_visitor | |
Cthompson_visitor | Build a Thompson automaton from a ratexp |
Cto_expansion_visitor | |
Cunary | |
Cvariadic | An inner node with multiple children |
Cvariant | A char[S] buffer to store and retrieve objects |
Cweight_node | An inner node implementing a weight |
►Care_isomorphicer | |
Cfull_response | A datum specifying if two given automata are isomorphic, and why if they are not |
Cas_pair | |
Cas_tuple | |
Cautomaton_editor | Abstract Builder (the design pattern) for automata |
Cautomatonset | |
Cchar_letters | |
Ccontainer_filter_range | |
Ccontainer_range | Restrict the interface of a container to begin/end |
Ccontext | |
►Ccross_sequences | |
Ccross_iterator | Composite iterator |
Cedit_automaton | Concrete Builder (the design pattern) for automata |
Cempty_t | Empty labels, for LAO |
Cequal_to | This is useful to make hashes with labels or weights as keys without using non-default constructors; to be used along with vcsn::hash |
►Cfile_library | Manage search paths |
Cnot_found | Exception thrown when a file cannot be located |
Chas_size_member_function | Whether T features a size() function |
Chash | This is useful to make hashes with labels or weights as keys without using non-default constructors; to be used along with vcsn::equal_to |
Cintegral_constant | A simple placeholder for integral constants |
Ciomanipulator | Defines the operator() for the classes get_type, set_type and swap_type |
Cis_lal | |
Cis_lan | |
Cis_lao | |
Cis_lar | |
Cis_lat | |
Cis_law | |
Clabels_are_letters | |
Clabels_are_nullable | |
Clabels_are_one | |
Clabels_are_ratexps | |
Clabels_are_tuples | |
Clabels_are_words | |
Clazy_automaton_editor | Build an automaton with unknown context |
Cless | |
Cletterset | Implementation of labels are letters |
CMilitaryOrder | Military strict order predicate |
Cnullableset | Implementation of labels are nullables (letter or empty) |
Coneset | Implementation of labels are ones: there is a single instance of label |
►Cpath | Paths in filesystems, i.e., file names |
Cinvalid_path | Exception thrown on invalid path |
Cpolynomialset | Linear combination of labels: map labels to weights |
Cpossibly_labeled_transition_tuple | |
Cpossibly_labeled_transition_tuple< State, empty_t > | |
Cproper_labelset | From a labelset, its non-nullable labelset |
Cproper_labelset< nullableset< LabelSet > > | |
Crandom_selector | |
Cset_alphabet | |
Csignature | Signature of a function call |
Csnamer | |
Csnamer< bool > | |
Csnamer< const std::string > | |
Csnamer< const std::vector< unsigned > > | |
Csnamer< float > | |
Csnamer< int > | |
Csnamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > > | |
Csnamer< std::istream > | |
Csnamer< std::ostream > | |
Csnamer< std::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Csnamer< unsigned > | |
Csnamer< vcsn::direction > | |
Csnamer< vcsn::rat::identities > | |
Cstring_letters | Represent alphabets whose "letters" are strings |
Ctransition_tuple | |
Ctransition_tuple< State, Label, bool > | |
Ctupleset | A ValueSet which is a Cartesian product of ValueSets |
Cvariadic_mul_mixin | Provide a variadic mul on top of a binary mul(), and one() |
Cvnamer | |
Cvnamer< bool > | |
Cvnamer< const std::string > | |
Cvnamer< const std::vector< unsigned > > | |
Cvnamer< float > | |
Cvnamer< int > | |
Cvnamer< integral_constant > | |
Cvnamer< std::integral_constant< T, Value > > | |
Cvnamer< std::istream > | |
Cvnamer< std::ostream > | |
Cvnamer< unsigned > | |
Cvnamer< vcsn::direction > | |
Cvnamer< vcsn::rat::identities > | |
Cwordset | Implementation of labels are words |
►Cxalloc | Allocate slots in std::ostreams |
Cget_type | Handle the data to get from the xalloced place |
Cset_type | Handle the data to put in the xalloced place |
Cswap_type | Swap the data stored in the stream for a given one |
►Czip_sequences | |
Czip_iterator | Composite iterator |
►Czipped_maps | |
Citerator | Composite iterator |
CConcat | |
CFlexLexer | |
CL | |
Ctype | |
Ctype | |
CyyFlexLexer |