template<bool Lazy, Automaton Aut, Automaton... Auts> |
auto | vcsn::make_product_automaton (Aut aut, const Auts &...auts) -> product_automaton< Lazy, Aut, Auts... > |
template<Automaton... Auts> |
auto | vcsn::conjunction (const Auts &...as) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
| Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction. More...
template<Automaton... Auts> |
auto | vcsn::conjunction_lazy (const Auts &...as) -> product_automaton< true, decltype(meet_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
| Build the (accessible part of the) conjunction, on-the-fly. More...
template<std::size_t I, Automaton Aut> |
auto | vcsn::dyn::detail::do_insplit (Aut &aut) -> std::enable_if_t< labelset_t_of< Aut >::has_one()&&I!=0 |
template<std::size_t I, Automaton Aut> |
autodecltype(insplit(aut)) std::enable_if_t<!labelset_t_of< Aut >::has_one()||I==0, Aut & > | vcsn::dyn::detail::do_insplit (Aut &aut) |
template<typename Auts , size_t... I> |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, bool lazy, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >) |
| Bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts , typename Bool > |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction (const std::vector< automaton > &as, bool lazy) |
| Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<Automaton... Auts> |
auto | vcsn::shuffle (const Auts &...as) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(join_automata(as...)), Auts... > |
| The (accessible part of the) shuffle product. More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I> |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >) |
| Variadic bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts > |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle (const std::vector< automaton > &as) |
| Bridge (shuffle). More...
template<typename ValueSet > |
ValueSet::value_t | vcsn::shuffle (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
| Shuffle product of expressions. More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs > |
expression | vcsn::dyn::detail::shuffle_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs) |
| Bridge (shuffle). More...
template<Automaton A1, Automaton A2> |
auto | vcsn::infiltration (const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2) -> tuple_automaton< decltype(join_automata(a1, a2)), A1, A2 > |
| The (accessible part of the) infiltration product. More...
template<Automaton A1, Automaton A2, Automaton A3, Automaton... Auts> |
auto | vcsn::infiltration (const A1 &a1, const A2 &a2, const A3 &a3, const Auts &...as) -> decltype(infiltration(infiltration(a1, a2), a3, as...)) |
| The (accessible part of the) infiltration product. More...
template<typename Auts , size_t... I> |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration_ (const std::vector< automaton > &as, vcsn::detail::index_sequence< I... >) |
| Variadic bridge helper. More...
template<typename Auts > |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration (const std::vector< automaton > &as) |
| Bridge (infiltration). More...
template<typename ValueSet > |
ValueSet::value_t | vcsn::infiltration (const ValueSet &vs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
| Infiltration product of expressions. More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs > |
expression | vcsn::dyn::detail::infiltration_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs) |
| Bridge (infiltration). More...
template<Automaton Aut> |
auto | vcsn::conjunction (const Aut &aut, unsigned n) -> fresh_automaton_t_of< Aut > |
template<Automaton Aut, typename Unsigned > |
automaton | vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_repeated (const automaton &aut, unsigned n) |
| Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename ValueSet > |
ValueSet::value_t | vcsn::conjunction (const ValueSet &rs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &lhs, const typename ValueSet::value_t &rhs) |
| Intersection/Hadamard product of expressions/polynomials. More...
template<typename ExpSetLhs , typename ExpSetRhs > |
expression | vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_expression (const expression &lhs, const expression &rhs) |
| Bridge (conjunction). More...
template<typename PolynomialSetLhs , typename PolynomialSetRhs > |
polynomial | vcsn::dyn::detail::conjunction_polynomial (const polynomial &lhs, const polynomial &rhs) |
| Bridge (conjunction). More...