11 template <Automaton Aut>
50 return aut_->print_state_name(s, out, fmt);
static bool less(state_t l, state_t r)
stateset(const automaton_t &aut)
auto hash_value(const T &v) -> decltype(std::hash< T >
Following the naming convention of Boost.
std::ostream & print(state_t s, std::ostream &out, format fmt={}) const
state_t_of< Aut > state_t
static constexpr bool is_letterized()
weightset_mixin< detail::r_impl > r
An input/output format for valuesets.
Provide a variadic mul on top of a binary mul(), and one().
typename detail::state_t_of_impl< base_t< ValueSet >>::type state_t_of
auto out(const Aut &aut, state_t_of< Aut > s)
Indexes of visible transitions leaving state s.
static bool equal(state_t l, state_t r)
static size_t hash(state_t s)